Shell to close 1,000 gas stations to focus on EV charging deployment

This may be another Hertz (We fucked up boarding the EV band wagon" moment in less than five years.
I dont get why a petroleum giant would set that much money on fire to do that.
Where do they plan to get the power.....Diesel generators?
It's really a good sign of the changing future when an oil giant decides to lead the way towards electric vehicles.

Deployment and timing are critical, Hertz got a new CEO who decided he was going to go big or go home, and he went home in about 2 years, leaving his former company in serious financial distress, which was already the case and he only exacerbated that.

His gamble was too reckless, he had barely been there 6 months when he rolled the dice on EV's. For starters, rental car EV's should have been limited to warm, southern states.
I've been using the same Shell gas station for years.

I like their V-Power NiTRO+

They just modernized the station and installed new tanks and pumps last year as well.

There were no EV charging stations included in the modernization of the station.

I like that they charge a few quarters for their air pumps, too, as it keeps the riff raff away. I don't use em, but I like the perk of not having the riff raff camping out.
at least we don't have riff raff hanging out at the air pump here, yet. is that common in your area? don't these people have their own compressors?
at least we don't have riff raff hanging out at the air pump here, yet. is that common in your area? don't these people have their own compressors?
Well this is an interesting phenomenon. What happens is you get all of the baby daddys driving the baby mommas' cars and they hang out at the free air pumps, putting air in their tires, while they polish their rims (or hub caps in many cases) and blast their bass. And they'll hang out there for like an hour, clogging the lot up. The free air pumps are kind of like a meeting spot of sorts to show off their rims and their sound system? I think so anyway.

Of course, the free air pumps are constantly left broken and the parking lots left littered with trash.

Always happens at those Wawa type convenient stores that sell crappy, watered down gas and bad food but also have those free air pumps.

Bad element all the way around. Especially when they walk over to the fuel pumps and start hitting everybody up for ''two or three dollars.'' It's also a haven for petty (and sometimes serious) crime.

So with Shell stations, they charge around 50 to 75 cents if you want to use their air compressor. Which, amazingly, that one little thing keeps all of the above scenario away and you can pump your fuel in a nice, leisurely, quiet, way and in a clean environment and wthout a traffic jam in the parking lot where the riff raff are jockeying for a position around an air pump to hang out and do their thing or to figure out ways to get into your pockets, either by hook or by crook.

Of course, all of that is off-topic, but since you asked...
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Well this is an interesting phenomenon. What happens is you get all of the baby daddys driving the baby mommas' cars and they hang out at the free air pumps, putting air in their tires, while they polish their rims (or hub caps in many cases) and blast their bass. And they'll hang out there for like an hour, clogging the lot up. The free air pumps are kind of like a meeting spot of sorts to show off their rims and their sound system? I think so anyway.

Of course, the free air pumps are constantly left broken and the parking lots left littered with trash.

Always happens at those Wawa type convenient stores that sell crappy, watered down gas and bad food but also have those free air pumps.

Bad element all the way around. Especially when they walk over to the fuel pumps and start hitting everybody up for ''two or three dollars.'' It's also a haven for petty (and sometimes serious) crime.

So with Shell stations, they charge around 50 to 75 cents if you want to use their air compressor. Which, amazingly, that one little thing keeps all of the above scenario away and you can pump your fuel in a nice, leisurely, quiet, way and in a clean environment and wthout a traffic jam in the parking lot where the riff raff are jockeying for a position around an air pump to hang out and do their thing or to figure out ways to get into your pockets, either by hook or by crook.

Of course, all of that is off-topic, but since you asked...
Huh, I never heard tell of free air pump lot goblins. :laughing0301:
You will be fine, most of the closures are overseas.....Hopefully.

Thing is all the giants will close down a station if they are not getting the profit margin desired.

Or they will run and cut bait at Stations in poor neighborhoods that have crime issues.
Well, they're going to get woke and go broke. Bad decision, IMHO.

Time to research investing in their competitors that aren't doing that.

I find it humorous that that's a big diesel generator behind that charging station.

It's like those false fronts in the old west. :auiqs.jpg:


1000 stations is 2% of their total. Somehow I think they will be ok.

"Gas and oil giant Shell is looking to close as many as 1,000 retail gas stations in the coming years, as it pivots toward deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.

In its latest Energy Transition Strategy report, England-based Shell says it plans to close 500 retail sites per year in 2024 and 2025. The company plans to instead focus on scaling its public EV charging network, and in hopes to bring total charging points up to 200,000 by 2030, up from around 54,000 today.

“In total, we plan to divest around 500 Shell-owned sites (including joint ventures) a year in 2024 and 2025,” the company writes on page 28 of the document, as initially spotted by Bloomberg.

The company has also said it plans to focus on public charging stations, rather than on home charging, due to its competitive advantages in the sector."

This may be another Hertz (We fucked up boarding the EV band wagon" moment in less than five years.
I dont get why a petroleum giant would set that much money on fire to do that.
Where do they plan to get the power.....Diesel generators?


The federal government is handing out cash hand over fist to states who are then handing it out to businesses to build EV charging stations in specific areas.

In KY the Governor has given out $15.4 million dollars to have 24 charging stations built with a minimum of 4 charging ports.

Turn off the gas pumps, renovate the building, and put in EV charges at the taxpayer's expense. Then turn the gas pumps back on after the checks have cleared.
They've already figured it out.
Believe it or not they can make money in two ways off of this move. Not only will they sell the electricity at a profit They will also make money selling hydrocarbon fuel to the new power plants that will have to be built to burn hydrocarbon fuel in order to supply the charging stations. This will increase the amount of CO2 being chased out of power plant stacks not decrease it but it will also vastly increase shell's profit.
This is Biden's state I'm talking about. It's a demographics thing. I doubt you'd hear tell of this specific phenomenon out in the sticks.
Come to think of it I don't know of any free air pumps left in my AO....Then again I have my own compressor.
Come to think of it I don't know of any free air pumps left in my AO....Then again I have my own compressor.

Yeah, most of us who spend a lot of time in the garage have our own. I couldn't live without one.

This one cat over on the car forum has his own in-ground fuel tank and vintage fuel pump even. It's pretty cool.
Article in this weekend's WSJ about how Shell is actually rolling back it's 2016 plan to cut its emissions by 30% by 2035; they now will shoot for 15%-20%. So much for the giddy halfwits and their fantasies of Big Oil joining up with their idiot agendas.
Most of the pay for air pumps are worthless. They never fix them. I carry a tank with me on the road, and a small compressor that will air up a tire; I can usually find some place that will let me plug it in for a while.
Feel free to continue pretending that ICE vehicles aren't coming to an end but don't be assinine enough to think reality experiences any effect from your childish fantasies.
Allowing the market to dictate when that happens is a lot smarter than forcing it on an infrastructure unable to handle it. Has anyone figured out if the electrical grid can handle that many new charging stations?
Allowing the market to dictate when that happens is a lot smarter than forcing it on an infrastructure unable to handle it. Has anyone figured out if the electrical grid can handle that many new charging stations?

Another fantasy; there is no 'free market' in fuel or anything else. This propaganda is as silly as left wingers claiming they and their right wing fellow travelers belief in technocrats running everything. Anybody who wants to promote freer and broader markets would be advocating FDR's anti-trust and banking regulations be brought back. They don't, so we all know they're just lying when they claim they support free markets; they support exactly the opposite.
Another fantasy; there is no 'free market' in fuel or anything else. This propaganda is as silly as left wingers claiming they and their right wing fellow travelers belief in technocrats running everything. Anybody who wants to promote freer and broader markets would be advocating FDR's anti-trust and banking regulations be brought back. They don't, so we all know they're just lying when they claim they support free markets; they support exactly the opposite.
Which does not have anything to do with this discussion. The bottom line remains, forcing something on an infrastructure that can't handle the increased demand is foolhardy in the extreme. Now, if we start building small nuclear power plants for individual cities and upgrading power distribution systems, we might be able to do it without plunging the country into darkness on a regular basis as the grid breaks down under the strain of millions of cars being charged simultaneously. Left alone, the market will reward the innovators that create more efficient, more usable products.
People talking about free air pumps, those hangouts have been replaced by free vacuums.

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