Shepherd Smith's office romance

hmmmm...I'm interested in how women can pleasure themselves using a loofah.

Don't ask Betty Boob Job.... she uses one of these...


My, aren't you the perfect little projector today? :D
Calm done, Warbler. The gay person she referred to was not you. You have no best friends.

You make your hobby at bashing gays. Quite obvious. Homophobe bitch.

Who's bashing? Did I say anything negative about gay people? Kindly point out where I did so. Your gayness is your one redeeming quality. The rest of you......not so much.
Who's bashing? Did I say anything negative about gay people?

You're constantly insulting gay people, asshole. You go find your own posts, I'm not your fucking secretary.
And when you want to insult someone - you allege they're gay.
You're one twisted, fucked-up individual.

Homophobe beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch
This is a recurring theme, but why do people who are supposedly against bullying and related activities, especially where gender or sexual identity are concerned ... why do they give someone like Shep Smith such a hard time?

If he hasn't answered the Advocate, it's his business why. They had no business calling him gay if he doesn't present as gay. Sometimes it's good just to ignore the bullies.

If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?
This is a recurring theme, but why do people who are supposedly against bullying and related activities, especially where gender or sexual identity are concerned ... why do they give someone like Shep Smith such a hard time?

If he hasn't answered the Advocate, it's his business why. They had no business calling him gay if he doesn't present as gay. Sometimes it's good just to ignore the bullies.

If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?

When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.
This is a recurring theme, but why do people who are supposedly against bullying and related activities, especially where gender or sexual identity are concerned ... why do they give someone like Shep Smith such a hard time?

If he hasn't answered the Advocate, it's his business why. They had no business calling him gay if he doesn't present as gay. Sometimes it's good just to ignore the bullies.

If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?

When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.

Are you sure vulnerable bystanders will appreciate that distinction?

Do you think it's okay to call people retarded?
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If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?

When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.

Are you sure vulnerable bystanders will appreciate that distinction?

Do you it's okay to call people retarded?

"Vulnerable bystanders" are posting here? Shit! They'll go blind at Warrior's posts!

No. I don't - so on that note, I'm rather quzzified that not one person on the right or center has registered an objection to 'libtard.'
When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.

Are you sure vulnerable bystanders will appreciate that distinction?

Do you it's okay to call people retarded?

"Vulnerable bystanders" are posting here? Shit! They'll go blind at Warrior's posts!

No. I don't - so on that note, I'm rather quzzified that not one person on the right or center has registered an objection to 'libtard.'

I'm quizzified that you're so certain this hasn't happened, since I know it has.
This is a recurring theme, but why do people who are supposedly against bullying and related activities, especially where gender or sexual identity are concerned ... why do they give someone like Shep Smith such a hard time?

If he hasn't answered the Advocate, it's his business why. They had no business calling him gay if he doesn't present as gay. Sometimes it's good just to ignore the bullies.

If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?

When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.
Do your gay friends know you use their lifestyle as an insult?
If you'll notice, the same people who are so supporting of homosexuality often use homosexuality as an insult.

When called on it, the common response is "Some of my best friends are gay!" Yeah. Do they know you just threw them under the bus?

When I use it as an insult, it's because I know there is nothing that will upset that person more. And that is my common response. There is no shame in being gay.
Do your gay friends know you use their lifestyle as an insult?

You mean my sister? Yes. Of course. Where do you think I learned to fight fire with fire.
Are you sure vulnerable bystanders will appreciate that distinction?

Do you it's okay to call people retarded?

"Vulnerable bystanders" are posting here? Shit! They'll go blind at Warrior's posts!

No. I don't - so on that note, I'm rather quzzified that not one person on the right or center has registered an objection to 'libtard.'

I'm quizzified that you're so certain this hasn't happened, since I know it has.

Excellent! I shall await proof.
"Vulnerable bystanders" are posting here? Shit! They'll go blind at Warrior's posts!

No. I don't - so on that note, I'm rather quzzified that not one person on the right or center has registered an objection to 'libtard.'

I'm quizzified that you're so certain this hasn't happened, since I know it has.

Excellent! I shall await proof.

How about you prove that not one person right or center ever registered an objection? You're the one who made the more improbable claim.

Note that I am not refusing to look for proof. I am merely observing that you accompanied your justification of the use of one objectionable insult with a wild claim about others never objecting to another objectionable insult.

In my opinion, two things should happen here: People should acknowledge that it's uncool to use "gay" as an insult and you should acknowledge that perhaps you were mistaken in making such an absolute claim about reactions from the right and center to the use of the term "libtard".
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"Vulnerable bystanders" are posting here? Shit! They'll go blind at Warrior's posts!

No. I don't - so on that note, I'm rather quzzified that not one person on the right or center has registered an objection to 'libtard.'

I'm quizzified that you're so certain this hasn't happened, since I know it has.

Excellent! I shall await proof.

At a certain forum bearing the name of a famous rightwinger it is explicitly against the rules to call posters "libtard".

That is the easiest example I can find. You will understand why I cannot provide a link.
Shepard Smith's Office Romance: A 26-Year-Old Fox Staffer

So what if the object of his affections is half his age? Love is where you find it!

“Yes, that’s Shepard’s boyfriend,” Katya Minskova, the Bathtub Gin waitress Smith berated in March, confirmed to Gawker when shown a photo of Graziano. Another source who had seen them together at the Chelsea speakeasy confirmed Graziano’s identity as well. Both sources say they saw Graziano and Smith together at the bar on multiple occasions, and that they appeared to be romantically involved.

While Smith and Graziano’s boss Roger Ailes, a notorious homophobe *citation?*, was apparently kept in the dark about the relationship—“higher ups had no idea,” a source close to Graziano said—the pair doesn’t appear to have gone to great lengths to keep the workplace romance from their co-workers.

“The people who know the most are [Graziano’s] former coworkers from Fox,” one source told Gawker. “One of the production assistants even saw him getting into Shep’s limo one night earlier this year around 8 p.m. outside Fox, after Shep’s show was over,” the source added.

Indeed, away from Fox, Smith and Graziano appeared together throughout Manhattan, showing up at fratty bars like the Ainsworth in Chelsea and the Village Pourhouse on 3rd Avenue, to watch football when Penn State or Ole Miss (Smith’s alma mater) were playing.

Who cares? I'm sure everybody is fine with that. Most people. ... okay, well it shouldn't affect his fans.

But this?

Shepard Smith Tells Waitress: "Get My Fucking Drink!"

“There was no reason for you to scream at me,” Minskova told Smith.

“Yes, there was. You’re fucking slow. I told you I wanted a second round.”

Smith continued: “Why don’t you take my order right now?”

Minskova tried explaining that the bartender was still mixing the second round, but Smith, visibly angry, told her to cancel it and asked for the check, a duty she passed to another waitress before telling the speakeasy’s manager what had happened.

“I’ve dealt with assholes and drunks before,” said Minskova, who has worked in the service industry for several years. “But nothing like this.”

Smith and his entourage left without leaving a tip, and without apologizing. Minskova wound up quitting a few months later.

I'm fine with gays. Not so much with bullies.

how fucking pathetic.

this is really really really sad.

The tyrant in charge is doing such a horrible job hiding his inhumanity that his bots have to dig up garbage like this.

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