Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Investigator Updates On Obama Document Fraud Investigation

Strange, politically correct mavens denigrating those with speech impediments through their corruption of "birther". But I guess hypocrisy is not something they can see in their own.
Let me guess: You think Teh Ebil Muslim Communist Socialist Dictator Anti-Christ Messiah is going to declare Martial law, right? :cuckoo:


Good possibility that with all the damage already done nobody will volunteer to be president and one or two may commit suicide rather than run if "drafted" by their party. That'll leave the current regime in place indefinitely.

At least temporarily.
Oh goody, goody ... The right continues their long spiral downward to suicide. Exciting stuff. Bring it on.

Oh, btw, does Trump know he's being one-up'd by the prince of self-aggrandizing fiction? (Trump being the king ...)

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The Don has gone strangely silent on this.
Does he still have people down there turning up unbelievable stuff?
So, Hillary's birther movement might be vindicated after all.
Another No-Information voter mindlessly parroting the GOSSIP from GOP hate radio.

The Birther rumors started on, as you well know.

No. Hillary's campaign started it. I don't even have to consult a link. I actually remember it. It hasn't been that long.
Obviously too long for a typical left winger. Confront them with facts, reality, reason and logic and they implode.
So, Hillary's birther movement might be vindicated after all.
Another No-Information voter mindlessly parroting the GOSSIP from GOP hate radio.

The Birther rumors started on, as you well know.

No. Hillary's campaign started it. I don't even have to consult a link. I actually remember it. It hasn't been that long.
Obviously too long for a typical left winger. Confront them with facts, reality, reason and logic and they implode.
You won't post a link because you know the freepers started the rumor.
Another No-Information voter mindlessly parroting the GOSSIP from GOP hate radio.

The Birther rumors started on, as you well know.

No. Hillary's campaign started it. I don't even have to consult a link. I actually remember it. It hasn't been that long.
Obviously too long for a typical left winger. Confront them with facts, reality, reason and logic and they implode.
You won't post a link because you know the freepers started the rumor.

Hilary started it. Look it up for yourself.
She also was the loudest democrat proponent of invading Iraq and removing Saddam. She was also against homo marriage. Hillary supporters have lots of discrepancies to reconcile. But they don't really need to because democrats aren't held to standards involving honesty or consistency. The just move on dot org.
No. Hillary's campaign started it. I don't even have to consult a link. I actually remember it. It hasn't been that long.
Obviously too long for a typical left winger. Confront them with facts, reality, reason and logic and they implode.
You won't post a link because you know the freepers started the rumor.
Hilary started it. Look it up for yourself.
No she didn't.

The Right always blame others for what they do, see my sig.
Obama is a lying phony who was not qualified to be elected in the first place, but was thanks to his lies, cover by the MSM, and low information/biased dumbass voters!
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, who found Obama's birth document released on April 27, 2011 and his selective service registration to be a forgeries, gave an update on what is going on with their investigation into Obama. It is apparent they are being precise and serious and the ball is fixing to drop on Obama that will shake the nation to its core. They have been working around the clock diligently but what will be revealing is what the seperate new criminal investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office will produce. Here is the update by patriot Mike Zullo.

Sheriff Joe's Lead Investigator: Other Agencies Contacted; Announcement In Near Future - YouTube

Oh, where is my little tin hat, little tin hat, little tin hat............................

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