Sheriff Joe Should Head the Department of Immigration and Naturalization Service

This would be a great pick for that post. DJT needs to stop the liberal witch hunt first.
Arpaio's legal battle could disappear thanks to Trump

Yeah, since he lost his reelection bid, he's available.
Old Cracker Sheriff Joe Arpaio Loses Re-Election, Still Faces Jail Time (Lock Him Up!)
Build that wall...and Mr. Joe will secure that baby. Free ride is over for illegal aliens who sponge of America with their anchor babies. Cutting those drugs off too!
Fenton Lum wants more illegals in the US so they can vote Dem and help Fenton steal ever more from the taxpayer...
Pardon him and put him to work immediately. The Border Patrol will rejoice. Finally someone who cares about them. No more Brian Terry's. Never again.
And if we really are still a nation of laws, they should arrest Eric Holder and Barack Obama, and finally bring justice to Brian Terry's family. They supplied the drug cartels with the weapons used to murder him.

I know that's not gonna happen though. Sadly, that ship has sailed. But pardoning the Sheriff and putting him to work, would be doing some real good. I hope Trump considers it.
I like the idea. He knows what's going on at the border and has the moxie to take care of business regardless of the foaming liberal hysteria.

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