She's 81!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And says she started Botox but left half-way through.

And this is even more amazing:

Read the article for yourself @ Joan Collins under the microscope | Mail Online
Genetics determine more than lifestyle. She has good genes AND she has worked to stay lovely.

Fucking tragic these days, actresses will scarcely allow the natural aging process anymore. Relatively young-ish women (in their 40's) injecting that shit into their faces. Bee stings is all it looks like. Courtney Cox looks terrible, IMO. No reason for her to fuck with nature if you ask me. A gracefully aged woman is hot stuff.
While she looks great and all.....

It must suck to be worried about the outside beauty so much. I would think that would be quite an empty task. Considering that we all will die someday

Vanity....vanity...all is vanity
I don't trust her picture

Without the makeup and wig I say she looks every bit of 81
My mother in law is 65 and she still looks great. Believe it or not her 62 year old sister looks even better!

Never thought I'd be sayin' something like that! :lol:
My mother in law is 65 and she still looks great. Believe it or not her 62 year old sister looks even better!

Never thought I'd be sayin' something like that! :lol:

I know what you mean.

I'm now, unbelievably, starting to look at "Lovey" Howell and Helen Roper as attractive...each in her own way.

Until the other day I'd just thought of Mrs. Howell as an old lady but check her out here.

And anyone who wouldn't look twice at sexy Mrs. Roper MUST be Gay!

Of course that's not Audra Lindley.
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There is nothing more pathetic sad and ridiculous than an aging man or woman trying to stop the tide of time.

Guys who are desperate to create the false illusion that they are NOT bald.

Women like this broad who think that they fool anyone.

Ass hats of either gender who fool themselves by thinking that their extravagant but foolish expense for something to appease their vanity fooled anyone.

Sad that people don't have the dignity and the wisdom that their years of life should have earned them if they had been just a bit smarter, keep wasting their money chasing an elusive dream they will never find.

Sad that they consider the marks of time on their faces as ravages rather than marks of honor and dignity.
Theres quite a noticeable difference between the appearance of her face and her neck. TONS of make-up and botox, no doubt. Still, genetics probably dos have a hand in this as well.
Ever notice how older public figures develop cheekbones? Implanting them takes up a lot of sagging facial tissue.
Genetics determine more than lifestyle. She has good genes AND she has worked to stay lovely.

And I can identify. You have to take care of those genes. :thup:

All that matters is she likes the way she looks. There is no age to the spirit.

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