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Shhhh... The White House loves the GOP lawsuit

Sorry bout that,

1. Sooner or later Obama will get his due.
2. And people like me will bemoan his fall, because he will have wasted his chance to really be something worthy of the office, and everything he tried to fuck up will get corrected in the end, he will be blotted out entirely.
2. (a) Also we bemoan he will never be able to go back to his beloved homeland, Kenya.
3. America will finally wake up from this nightmare one day and that *JACKASS* will be gone.
4. And when he is gone *ALL* America will sigh in relief, when an honest American takes over the office.
5. He is a *TOTAL FUCK UP* never doubt me I am an expert of Presidential Matters.
6. If he doesn't make it out of office alive I pray its natural causes that lays this hunk of shit to rest, God Rest his Soul.

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Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

It isn't an impeachment proceeding. It's a law suit alleging President Obama has overstepped his authority with many of his Executive Orders. If you're going to start strings...try not to start them with falsehoods...
Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

Only time will tell, but I see this backfiring on Republicans. Everything Republicans seem to do anymore is for the thrill of their core constituents, but the vast majority of Americans see it as nothing more than Obama bashing.
You almost gotta laugh...or gasp. Remember the 2008 optimism of the Hussein administration which would create a new form of government and would be the most open administration in history? Fast forward to the Obama administration today and their minions are welcoming impeachment lawsuits. What a sad ending.

Of course Dems are welcoming all the impeachment talk, because every sensible American understands there are no grounds for impeachment, and the more Republicans talk about it, the dumber they look in the eyes of the electorate. At this rate, not only are the Dems going to hold on to the Senate in November, but Republicans are setting the table for a Democratic sweep in 2016. Obama realizes that he is not going to get any significant legislation passed for the rest of his term, so now it's all about setting the table for the future, and so far he is playing Republicans like a fiddle.
Don't make me laugh...the talk of "impeachment" is coming from the Democrats...not the Republicans. It's obvious that you can't impeach a President if you can't even get House bills onto the floor of the Senate. This is nothing more than a campaign fund raising issue for the Left. Send us money or Barry's going to get impeached by the big bad GOP!!! It's a non issue being made into an issue because that's all the Democrats really have to run on. God knows they don't want to make this about the economy or foreign policy!
A 3rd rate burglary by black bag operatives which were systemic in the federal government from FDR through JFK brought down the Nixon administration because the entire US media was nothing but an arm of the democrat administration. Today we have ten times more serious affronts to the Constitution and what remains of the dominant media still thinks it is no big deal even though the great revolution of the 1st Obama term has degenerated into a defense of impeachment suits. The radical left has apparently been encouraged to "welcome" the inevitable impeachment suit" as a strategy to make it seem as if it benefits the administration. This is a sad end to the liberal revolution.

Obama Derangement Syndrome is really REALLY strong in you today. Did you talk with goforit earlier. He's feeling the Obama Syndrome really bad today as well.

Must be something you all drank. Did you drink any Republican cool aid today?
Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

Give us a name of a republican calling for impeachment.
Most lawless, criminal Administration in history is begging for impeachment... er, because, um it will make Republicans look lawless...um, yeah. Makes perfect sense

Of all administrations, the lawless Obama deserves impeachment and removal from office, but it's not going to happen while Dems control the Senate.
Thank God for the U.S. media! They are the last of the half-breeds to take a stand against r-wing fascism!

Should the media really take a stand "against r-wing fascism" even when liberals control 2/3 of the government and the administratiom is plagued with scandal after scandal?

The "U.S. media" actually represents America as a whole. It's the face of America.

Liberalism will always be preferred by Americans over r-wing conservatism. In fact, the whole freaking world is more comfortable with liberalism than r-wing extremism. Hitler was not a nice r-wing extremist. Neither was Benito Mussolini.

Jesus Christ was a flaming liberal you know!
Hitler was a left-wing extremist,
Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

Only people talking about impeachment is Democrats.

Same as with the shutdown.

They want one.
You almost gotta laugh...or gasp. Remember the 2008 optimism of the Hussein administration which would create a new form of government and would be the most open administration in history? Fast forward to the Obama administration today and their minions are welcoming impeachment lawsuits. What a sad ending.

Of course Dems are welcoming all the impeachment talk, because every sensible American understands there are no grounds for impeachment, and the more Republicans talk about it, the dumber they look in the eyes of the electorate. At this rate, not only are the Dems going to hold on to the Senate in November, but Republicans are setting the table for a Democratic sweep in 2016. Obama realizes that he is not going to get any significant legislation passed for the rest of his term, so now it's all about setting the table for the future, and so far he is playing Republicans like a fiddle.
Name one republican. you can't.
You almost gotta laugh...or gasp. Remember the 2008 optimism of the Hussein administration which would create a new form of government and would be the most open administration in history? Fast forward to the Obama administration today and their minions are welcoming impeachment lawsuits. What a sad ending.

Yes...and I remember Obama getting re-elected in 2012 too. :D

Yup, winning makes you in the right?

Just winning does not excuse what follows.

Ask every president in our history.

You can't pound your chest for four years about the win and expect everything to fall into place automatically.

You have to deal with reality eventually.
Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

Only people talking about impeachment is Democrats.

Same as with the shutdown.

They want one.

None of these things matter to these brainwashed morons. They will believe whatever lies the praetorian left wing media tells them. They cannot name one republican calling for an impeachment.

The same goes for the fact that they do not know or more importantly they do not care that Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds, or that democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Bush took office, or that Clinton awarded Halliburton at least 4 no-bid contracts in the 90s.

It is that simple. They follow the traitor in chief to the ends of the earth. Hell, they have no idea nor care that the president needs congress approval for spending. If he does not get approval of congress for spending, then he is committing an impeachable offense.

He has violated at least 20 or more laws of the constitution. All to the loud cheers of these American hating scumbags.

These are all violations.

Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.

Operation Fast & Furious.

"Operation Fast & Furious" was the Obama Administration's gun-running scheme that put thousands of American-made semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the death of at least one U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress and the public, claiming he didn't know about his Justice Department's Fast & Furious operation.

"Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Imposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rules on the state of Texas at the last minute and without an opportunity for Texas to respond to the proposed regulation. EPA overreach was based on a dubious claim that air pollution from Texas affected a single air-quality monitor in Granite City, Illinois more than 500 miles and three states away from Texas." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General)

Obama knowingly lied to Congress and the American people about the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The President and his representatives repeatedly said an anti-Islamic video sparked a spontaneous uprising in Libya that resulted in the killings even though Obama knew that the attack was a well-planned military-style assault by al Qaeda on the anniversary of September 11.

Obama Administration officials twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in October of 2012 so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election — even though federal law (the "WARN Act") requires such notices. ; Not only is this a violation of the WARN Act, it's also an unlawful use of federal officials for campaign purposes.

Recess appointments. Last year, President Obama appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board, as well as the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, during what he considered to be a Senate recess. But the Senate was still holding “pro forma” sessions every three days—a technique developed by Sen. Harry Reid to thwart Bush recess appointments. (Meanwhile, the Dodd-Frank Act, which created the CFPB, provides that authority remains with the Treasury Secretary until a director is “confirmed by the Senate.”) In January, the D.C. Circuit held the NLRB appointments to be unconstitutional, which ruling White House spokesman Jay Carney said only applied to “one court, one case, one company.”

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013 - Forbes

The left wing are a bunch of ignorant morons who wants a king to have absolute power. They are losers. They deserve no respect.
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Them diabolical Democrats.

Talking about impeaching their own President and blaming it on the Republicans.

Face it Repubs, with diabolical plotting like this, you Republicans are way out brained and out gunned.

You haven't got a chance against the Democrats. Way to smart for you idiots.
Them diabolical Democrats.

Talking about impeaching their own President and blaming it on the Republicans.

Face it Repubs, with diabolical plotting like this, you Republicans are way out brained and out gunned.

You haven't got a chance against the Democrats. Way to smart for you idiots.

Democrats are the only ones talking about it because historically, as with the shutdown, people rally around the president. The Dems are hoping to convince everyone that the evil GOP House is planning to impeach Obama. This is why every mention of it originates from the White House. Reporters ask Boehner if he's planning on it and he says no. Then they report he has considered it. It's all a scam in hopes of drawing in the troops to give to the cause, perhaps draw out the base to vote when they have obviously lost trust in this president and this party.
You can't impeach a President for being bad at his job! Sorry, but simple incompetence isn't an impeachable offense. Yes, Barry is clueless...and yes, we're stuck with him for another two years.

Now the only question is do we want to spend those two years stacking House bills up on Harry Reid's desk...or do we want to put six more Republicans into the Senate so we can get some work done in Congress? That's your choice, Kiddies...
Already Boehner is repeating the lie that Obama has ended the welfare work requirement mandate. All the GOP have are lies, oh, and an ignorant base.

Conservatives are so ignorant that the think Obama wasn't born in America.

Seems they believe anything. I bet if I told them the earth was only 6,000 years old and "trickle down" is a real economic policy, they would believe that.
Already Boehner is repeating the lie that Obama has ended the welfare work requirement mandate. All the GOP have are lies, oh, and an ignorant base.

Conservatives are so ignorant that the think Obama wasn't born in America.

Seems they believe anything. I bet if I told them the earth was only 6,000 years old and "trickle down" is a real economic policy, they would believe that.

This from the same guy that believes in man-made climate change.

Trickle down is a real economic policy, btw.
Don't make me laugh...the talk of "impeachment" is coming from the Democrats...not the Republicans. It's obvious that you can't impeach a President if you can't even get House bills onto the floor of the Senate. This is nothing more than a campaign fund raising issue for the Left. Send us money or Barry's going to get impeached by the big bad GOP!!! It's a non issue being made into an issue because that's all the Democrats really have to run on. God knows they don't want to make this about the economy or foreign policy!

Obviously you're not paying any attention.

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