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Shhhh... The White House loves the GOP lawsuit

Liberals cannot even bring themselves to acknowledge any crime and he has committed over 20 documented violations of the constitution. Now, that may be something the liberals like (we all know they do), but violating the constitution is violation of the law.

Since you piles of shit do not know about any of them, since it is not reported by our great press, I will list them again for you.

I know I will not get anywhere with this, but I encourage the rational thinkers (the conservatives on the board) to copy and paste and use it every time some scumbag, ignorant asshole claims this muslim traitor in chief has not committed any crimes.

These are all violations.

Obama Administration uses IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations, donors, and citizens.

Operation Fast & Furious.

"Operation Fast & Furious" was the Obama Administration's gun-running scheme that put thousands of American-made semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and resulted in the death of at least one U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress and the public, claiming he didn't know about his Justice Department's Fast & Furious operation.

"Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Imposed Cross-State Air Pollution Rules on the state of Texas at the last minute and without an opportunity for Texas to respond to the proposed regulation. EPA overreach was based on a dubious claim that air pollution from Texas affected a single air-quality monitor in Granite City, Illinois more than 500 miles and three states away from Texas." (SOURCE: Report from Nine State Attorneys General)

Obama knowingly lied to Congress and the American people about the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. The President and his representatives repeatedly said an anti-Islamic video sparked a spontaneous uprising in Libya that resulted in the killings even though Obama knew that the attack was a well-planned military-style assault by al Qaeda on the anniversary of September 11.

Obama Administration officials twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in October of 2012 so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election — even though federal law (the "WARN Act") requires such notices. ; Not only is this a violation of the WARN Act, it's also an unlawful use of federal officials for campaign purposes.

Recess appointments. Last year, President Obama appointed three members of the National Labor Relations Board, as well as the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, during what he considered to be a Senate recess. But the Senate was still holding “pro forma” sessions every three days—a technique developed by Sen. Harry Reid to thwart Bush recess appointments. (Meanwhile, the Dodd-Frank Act, which created the CFPB, provides that authority remains with the Treasury Secretary until a director is “confirmed by the Senate.”) In January, the D.C. Circuit held the NLRB appointments to be unconstitutional, which ruling White House spokesman Jay Carney said only applied to “one court, one case, one company.”

Welcome to Forbes

You stupid fucking morons. Also, spending without congressional approval is also a blatant violation. You may not care, but there it is. It is just too bad isn't it? How the fucking biggest disaster of a president (it is not close either) is also a blatant criminal.

The pathetic thing about all of you is how you all think you are all so smart, when in actuality you are fucking ignorant morons.

Too bad that the Republicans in the House have investigated all of the above and haven't found a single instance of any "crimes" that meet the definition of impeachable offenses.
Sorry bout that,

1. Sooner or later Obama will get his due.
2. And people like me will bemoan his fall, because he will have wasted his chance to really be something worthy of the office, and everything he tried to fuck up will get corrected in the end, he will be blotted out entirely.
2. (a) Also we bemoan he will never be able to go back to his beloved homeland, Kenya.
3. America will finally wake up from this nightmare one day and that *JACKASS* will be gone.
4. And when he is gone *ALL* America will sigh in relief, when an honest American takes over the office.
5. He is a *TOTAL FUCK UP* never doubt me I am an expert of Presidential Matters.
6. If he doesn't make it out of office alive I pray its natural causes that lays this hunk of shit to rest, God Rest his Soul.


That you Ted Nugent?

LOL... and I love it! :lol:
gawd I hope you're not old enough vote, but really your dear leader acts just like you, thuggish, arragont, dismissing, and uncaring what the people he represents thinks or care about
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Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Say what? In a nutshell, House Republicans see it as a way to go home to their red districts and promise they are standing up to the president, while the White House and fellow Democrats see a huge opening to question GOP priorities and gin up Democratic fund-raising in the process.

“They are going to be hammering this point: that there is one week left in this congressional session and this is what Republicans are focused on,” said Pace. “Also look for Democrats and the White House to start talking about the possibility of impeachment. If they think the lawsuit is good politics for them, they think the impeachment narrative is even better.”

Only people talking about impeachment is Democrats.

Same as with the shutdown.

They want one.


Republican Allen West was talking about impeachment, so was Michelle Bachmann and Senator Lindsey Graham, Rush Limbaugh, Jon Kyle, James Inhofe, Darrell Isa, Maj. Whip Steve Scalise, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Allen Unruh, Dr. Ben Carson, Judge Jeanine Pirro, The American Spectator, The South Dakota Republican Party, teaparty.org, and the National Black Republicans.

Not to mention their leader and yours... Sarah Palin!

So you see... the above Republicans hatched the plot to impeach president Obama a long, long time ago. How's that working out?

Shhhh... The White House loves the GOP lawsuit

I'm sure Obama will love it even more when he's forced to answer for his repeated disregard for the law. Who gave him the right to seize power from congress, and overstep the constitutional boundaries of his authority?

He even incriminated himself when he stated to Congress that he would go it alone, without their approval. Did he think that magically somehow all would be forgiven when he released five dangerous Taliban terrorists without approval from congress? Not to mention obamacare, and lying about being allowed to keep our health plans, and related transfer of half a billion dollars without approval from congress? There's also enforcement, or lack thereof of existing immigration laws.

I'm sure Obama is looking forward to this lawsuit ... as much as he looks forward to going to the dentist for a root canal.
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Shhhh... The White House loves the GOP lawsuit

I'm sure Obama will love it even more when he's forced to answer for his repeated disregard for the law. Who gave him the right to seize power from congress, and overstep the constitutional boundaries of his authority?

He even incriminated himself when he stated to Congress that he would go it alone, without their approval. Did he think that magically somehow all would be forgiven when he released five dangerous Taliban terrorists without approval from congress? Not to mention obamacare, and lying being allowed to keep our health plans, and related transfer of half a billion dollars without approval from congress? There's also enforcement, or lack thereof of existing immigration laws.

I'm sure Obama is looking forward to this lawsuit ... as much as he looks forward to going to the dentist for a root canal.

Lawsuit? Isn't that what drove Sarah Palin out of office? To Quit?

LOL... and loving it! :lol::lol::lol:
yet democrats in congress and their whiny ass sheep with Obama leading the charge can call us every damn name in the book, like Taliban, domestic terrorist, blackmailers, lets forget TEABAGGERS

You Nugent hating freaks should go soak your in the toilet and bob for turds as you are no damn better

You forgot... commie-lovers.
The Senate cannot refuse to try articles of impeachment passed by the House so you are merely exposing your ignorance. It is Boehner who is obstructing the TP impeachment bill from coming to the floor of the House.

My point wasn't that the Senate wouldn't try articles of impeachment...it was that if the Senate Republicans don't have the votes to bring House bills to the floor they OBVIOUSLY wouldn't come close to the additional votes needed to impeach. You need a 2/3's majority in the Senate to impeach. The truth is...even if the GOP won 7 additional Senate seats in the upcoming mid-terms in order to hold a majority in the Senate...they STILL wouldn't have the votes to impeach Barack Obama.

Thank you for admitting that this isn't about Obama actually committing any "high crimes or misdemeanors" because he hasn't.

Instead this is a purely partisan attempt by the GOP to smear Obama's legacy.

I actually don't know if Obama has committed impeachable felonies. It's hard to come to any real conclusions unless you know the facts and if there's one thing that the Obama Administration HAS been good at...it's stonewalling investigations so we don't know the truth. At the moment I simply find him to be incompetent.

As for "smearing Obama's legacy"? I hate to break this to you but he's been doing a pretty fair job of THAT all by himself.

My point (which you can't seem to grasp) is that talking about impeachment at this moment is basically a waste of time and effort. Conservatives should concentrate on winning control of the Senate. If Barack Obama was aware of what was going on at the IRS then he'll answer to that at a later date.
Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Give us a name of a republican calling for impeachment.

2011: Michael C. Burgess[edit]
In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama "needs to happen" in order to prevent Obama from "pushing his agenda". Burgess did not mention any grounds for impeachment.[7]

2012: Jon Kyl[edit]
In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl said on the Bill Bennett radio show that "impeachment is always a possibility" when discussing the Obama Administration policy on immigration.[8]

May 2013: James Inhofe, Benghazi attack[edit]
In May 2013, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that President Obama "could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya".[2] Inhofe said that "of all the great cover-ups in history—the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them—this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history".[2] Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah also stated in an interview that impeachment was "within the realm of possibilities" with regard to the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, later clarifying that "it's not something I'm seeking" and that "I'm not willing to take that off the table. But that's certainly not what we're striving for."[9]

August 2013: Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold, Kerry Bentivolio[edit]
In August 2013, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma responded to a questioner in a town hall meeting, who had asserted that President Obama was failing to carry out his constitutional responsibilities, by saying that "you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president... and that's called impeachment".[10][11] Coburn added, "I don't have the legal background to know if that rises to 'high crimes and misdemeanors', but I think you're getting perilously close".[10] Coburn did not specify what grounds he felt would support impeachment, but NBC News noted that Coburn "mentioned that he believes Department of Homeland Security officials have told career USCIS employees to 'ignore' background checks for immigrants". Coburn mentioned no evidence that substantiated his belief.[10]

At a town hall meeting with constituents, Congressman Blake Farenthold said that Obama should be impeached due to issues with Obama's birth certificate. Farenthold said that he thinks that "the House is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue."[12]

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, "it would be a dream come true". To help in achieving that goal, he retained experts and historians.[13][14]

December 2013[edit]
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing on the President that was formally titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws", which has been viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings.[15]

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there there is Sarah Palin!

oh brother,now you all are keeping count? wow....
how many times did the dems call for having Bush impeached? But I'd doubt you could find that on WIKIPEDIA..

and millions of us AGREE with Mrs.Palin, I want him IMPEACHED so bad I would celebrate with champagne....
with Bush you same people whining over Obama were calling for him to be Impeached every week
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It's unbelievable what CNN will push now days

that's National Enquire crap...and they are called a new station. they should be called Pravda for the DNC and Obama lapdog
Give us a name of a republican calling for impeachment.

2011: Michael C. Burgess[edit]
In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama "needs to happen" in order to prevent Obama from "pushing his agenda". Burgess did not mention any grounds for impeachment.[7]

2012: Jon Kyl[edit]
In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl said on the Bill Bennett radio show that "impeachment is always a possibility" when discussing the Obama Administration policy on immigration.[8]

May 2013: James Inhofe, Benghazi attack[edit]
In May 2013, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that President Obama "could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya".[2] Inhofe said that "of all the great cover-ups in history—the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them—this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history".[2] Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah also stated in an interview that impeachment was "within the realm of possibilities" with regard to the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, later clarifying that "it's not something I'm seeking" and that "I'm not willing to take that off the table. But that's certainly not what we're striving for."[9]

August 2013: Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold, Kerry Bentivolio[edit]
In August 2013, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma responded to a questioner in a town hall meeting, who had asserted that President Obama was failing to carry out his constitutional responsibilities, by saying that "you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president... and that's called impeachment".[10][11] Coburn added, "I don't have the legal background to know if that rises to 'high crimes and misdemeanors', but I think you're getting perilously close".[10] Coburn did not specify what grounds he felt would support impeachment, but NBC News noted that Coburn "mentioned that he believes Department of Homeland Security officials have told career USCIS employees to 'ignore' background checks for immigrants". Coburn mentioned no evidence that substantiated his belief.[10]

At a town hall meeting with constituents, Congressman Blake Farenthold said that Obama should be impeached due to issues with Obama's birth certificate. Farenthold said that he thinks that "the House is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue."[12]

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, "it would be a dream come true". To help in achieving that goal, he retained experts and historians.[13][14]

December 2013[edit]
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing on the President that was formally titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws", which has been viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings.[15]

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there there is Sarah Palin!

oh brother,now you all are keeping count? wow....
how many times did the dems call for having Bush impeached? But I'd doubt you could find that on WIKIPEDIA..

and millions of us AGREE with Mrs.Palin, I want him IMPEACHED so bad I would celebrate with champagne....
with Bush you same people whining over Obama were calling for him to be Impeached every week

You asked for the count, you got it, and now you still bitch and moan. Will Kool-Aid suffice?
My point wasn't that the Senate wouldn't try articles of impeachment...it was that if the Senate Republicans don't have the votes to bring House bills to the floor they OBVIOUSLY wouldn't come close to the additional votes needed to impeach. You need a 2/3's majority in the Senate to impeach. The truth is...even if the GOP won 7 additional Senate seats in the upcoming mid-terms in order to hold a majority in the Senate...they STILL wouldn't have the votes to impeach Barack Obama.

Thank you for admitting that this isn't about Obama actually committing any "high crimes or misdemeanors" because he hasn't.

Instead this is a purely partisan attempt by the GOP to smear Obama's legacy.

I actually don't know if Obama has committed impeachable felonies. It's hard to come to any real conclusions unless you know the facts and if there's one thing that the Obama Administration HAS been good at...it's stonewalling investigations so we don't know the truth. At the moment I simply find him to be incompetent.

As for "smearing Obama's legacy"? I hate to break this to you but he's been doing a pretty fair job of THAT all by himself.

My point (which you can't seem to grasp) is that talking about impeachment at this moment is basically a waste of time and effort. Conservatives should concentrate on winning control of the Senate. If Barack Obama was aware of what was going on at the IRS then he'll answer to that at a later date.

All the Republican talk about impeachment and this frivolous lawsuit has altered the outlook from taking the Senate was a slam dunk to now barely scraping by. Keep it up and it will be a repeat of 2012!
Give us a name of a republican calling for impeachment.

2011: Michael C. Burgess[edit]
In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama "needs to happen" in order to prevent Obama from "pushing his agenda". Burgess did not mention any grounds for impeachment.[7]

2012: Jon Kyl[edit]
In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl said on the Bill Bennett radio show that "impeachment is always a possibility" when discussing the Obama Administration policy on immigration.[8]

May 2013: James Inhofe, Benghazi attack[edit]
In May 2013, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that President Obama "could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya".[2] Inhofe said that "of all the great cover-ups in history—the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them—this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history".[2] Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah also stated in an interview that impeachment was "within the realm of possibilities" with regard to the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, later clarifying that "it's not something I'm seeking" and that "I'm not willing to take that off the table. But that's certainly not what we're striving for."[9]

August 2013: Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold, Kerry Bentivolio[edit]
In August 2013, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma responded to a questioner in a town hall meeting, who had asserted that President Obama was failing to carry out his constitutional responsibilities, by saying that "you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president... and that's called impeachment".[10][11] Coburn added, "I don't have the legal background to know if that rises to 'high crimes and misdemeanors', but I think you're getting perilously close".[10] Coburn did not specify what grounds he felt would support impeachment, but NBC News noted that Coburn "mentioned that he believes Department of Homeland Security officials have told career USCIS employees to 'ignore' background checks for immigrants". Coburn mentioned no evidence that substantiated his belief.[10]

At a town hall meeting with constituents, Congressman Blake Farenthold said that Obama should be impeached due to issues with Obama's birth certificate. Farenthold said that he thinks that "the House is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue."[12]

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, "it would be a dream come true". To help in achieving that goal, he retained experts and historians.[13][14]

December 2013[edit]
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing on the President that was formally titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws", which has been viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings.[15]

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there there is Sarah Palin!

oh brother,now you all are keeping count? wow....
how many times did the dems call for having Bush impeached? But I'd doubt you could find that on WIKIPEDIA..

and millions of us AGREE with Mrs.Palin, I want him IMPEACHED so bad I would celebrate with champagne....
with Bush you same people whining over Obama were calling for him to be Impeached every week

You were blaming the Dems only to have the FACTS prove that the impeachment is all coming from the extreme right.

Deal with your own problems instead of trying to deflect the blame. That would reflect honesty and integrity.
Thank you for admitting that this isn't about Obama actually committing any "high crimes or misdemeanors" because he hasn't.

Instead this is a purely partisan attempt by the GOP to smear Obama's legacy.

I actually don't know if Obama has committed impeachable felonies. It's hard to come to any real conclusions unless you know the facts and if there's one thing that the Obama Administration HAS been good at...it's stonewalling investigations so we don't know the truth. At the moment I simply find him to be incompetent.

As for "smearing Obama's legacy"? I hate to break this to you but he's been doing a pretty fair job of THAT all by himself.

My point (which you can't seem to grasp) is that talking about impeachment at this moment is basically a waste of time and effort. Conservatives should concentrate on winning control of the Senate. If Barack Obama was aware of what was going on at the IRS then he'll answer to that at a later date.

All the Republican talk about impeachment and this frivolous lawsuit has altered the outlook from taking the Senate was a slam dunk to now barely scraping by. Keep it up and it will be a repeat of 2012!

yeah sure in maybe in your wet dreams
if all that true was his APPROVALS would be inching back up, but nope..so that tells me not only are they angry and he is looking like a failure... I think he has a great chance of taking the Democrats down with him
man I'm hoping and a praying the people have HAD ENOUGH of these awful people in the progressive party who are nothing more but government growing, raise taxes, now fining us with the irs if we don't PURCHASE their pos insurance and spending monies out the ying yang TRILLION on Oscamcare alone, calling us people just horrible names , like teabaggers, racist etc while they sneer at us....
but you think otherwise if it helps
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Impeachment proceedings against president Obama would be the icing on the cake for Democrats. Go for it tea-baggers!

The ?Inside Politics? Forecast: The White House loves the GOP lawsuit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Only people talking about impeachment is Democrats.

Same as with the shutdown.

They want one.


Republican Allen West was talking about impeachment, so was Michelle Bachmann and Senator Lindsey Graham, Rush Limbaugh, Jon Kyle, James Inhofe, Darrell Isa, Maj. Whip Steve Scalise, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Allen Unruh, Dr. Ben Carson, Judge Jeanine Pirro, The American Spectator, The South Dakota Republican Party, teaparty.org, and the National Black Republicans.

Not to mention their leader and yours... Sarah Palin!

So you see... the above Republicans hatched the plot to impeach president Obama a long, long time ago. How's that working out?


Most people are able to provide quotes supporting their assumptions.

Please provide quotes from members of congress who are in a position to do it and show any intention of drawing up impeachment papers.

The point of this issue is these accusations originated from the White House. It's like when Obama won the nomination and immediately started accusing Republicans of using race in the election, yet it was Obama who started doing it, not Republicans.
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oh brother,now you all are keeping count? wow....
how many times did the dems call for having Bush impeached? But I'd doubt you could find that on WIKIPEDIA..

and millions of us AGREE with Mrs.Palin, I want him IMPEACHED so bad I would celebrate with champagne....
with Bush you same people whining over Obama were calling for him to be Impeached every week

You were blaming the Dems only to have the FACTS prove that the impeachment is all coming from the extreme right.

Deal with your own problems instead of trying to deflect the blame. That would reflect honesty and integrity.

Nope, it's not just the EXTREME right...I work at an American legion and they are far from what you all love to label people, extreme right...many of these men who fought in wars from Korea to the gulf war and they by a wide margin want him impeached...So try the real world instead of this made up one where everyone is level headed like you and buds.... and couldn't be calling for his impeachment
In order to file suit the House needs to have standing to prove that it was "harmed" in some way by the EO.

They can't even meet that basic hurdle.

Yeah, how on earth do you sue someone for doing exactly what you want?

GOP: Delay the Employer Mandate!!!!!
Obama: Sure, okay.
GOP: Sue Obama!!

What judge wouldn't laugh that the fuck out of court?
Only people talking about impeachment is Democrats.

Same as with the shutdown.

They want one.


Republican Allen West was talking about impeachment, so was Michelle Bachmann and Senator Lindsey Graham, Rush Limbaugh, Jon Kyle, James Inhofe, Darrell Isa, Maj. Whip Steve Scalise, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Allen Unruh, Dr. Ben Carson, Judge Jeanine Pirro, The American Spectator, The South Dakota Republican Party, teaparty.org, and the National Black Republicans.

Not to mention their leader and yours... Sarah Palin!

So you see... the above Republicans hatched the plot to impeach president Obama a long, long time ago. How's that working out?


Most people are able to provide quotes supporting their assumptions.

Please provide quotes from members of congress who are in a position to do it and show any intention of drawing up impeachment papers.

The point of this issue is these accusations originated from the White House. It's like when Obama won the nomination and immediately started accusing Republicans of using race in the election, yet it was Obama who started doing it, not Republicans.

See post #45;


Not only quotes from Members of Congress but the House Judiciary Committee even held a hearing to find grounds for impeachment!

2011: Michael C. Burgess[edit]
In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama "needs to happen" in order to prevent Obama from "pushing his agenda". Burgess did not mention any grounds for impeachment.[7]

2012: Jon Kyl[edit]
In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl said on the Bill Bennett radio show that "impeachment is always a possibility" when discussing the Obama Administration policy on immigration.[8]

May 2013: James Inhofe, Benghazi attack[edit]
In May 2013, Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that President Obama "could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya".[2] Inhofe said that "of all the great cover-ups in history—the Pentagon papers, Iran-Contra, Watergate, all the rest of them—this ... is going to go down as most egregious cover-up in American history".[2] Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah also stated in an interview that impeachment was "within the realm of possibilities" with regard to the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, later clarifying that "it's not something I'm seeking" and that "I'm not willing to take that off the table. But that's certainly not what we're striving for."[9]

August 2013: Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold, Kerry Bentivolio[edit]
In August 2013, Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma responded to a questioner in a town hall meeting, who had asserted that President Obama was failing to carry out his constitutional responsibilities, by saying that "you have to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president... and that's called impeachment".[10][11] Coburn added, "I don't have the legal background to know if that rises to 'high crimes and misdemeanors', but I think you're getting perilously close".[10] Coburn did not specify what grounds he felt would support impeachment, but NBC News noted that Coburn "mentioned that he believes Department of Homeland Security officials have told career USCIS employees to 'ignore' background checks for immigrants". Coburn mentioned no evidence that substantiated his belief.[10]

At a town hall meeting with constituents, Congressman Blake Farenthold said that Obama should be impeached due to issues with Obama's birth certificate. Farenthold said that he thinks that "the House is already out of the barn on this, on the whole birth certificate issue."[12]

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, "it would be a dream come true". To help in achieving that goal, he retained experts and historians.[13][14]

December 2013[edit]
On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary committee held a hearing on the President that was formally titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws", which has been viewed as an attempt to begin justifying impeachment proceedings.[15]
I actually don't know if Obama has committed impeachable felonies. It's hard to come to any real conclusions unless you know the facts and if there's one thing that the Obama Administration HAS been good at...it's stonewalling investigations so we don't know the truth. At the moment I simply find him to be incompetent.

As for "smearing Obama's legacy"? I hate to break this to you but he's been doing a pretty fair job of THAT all by himself.

My point (which you can't seem to grasp) is that talking about impeachment at this moment is basically a waste of time and effort. Conservatives should concentrate on winning control of the Senate. If Barack Obama was aware of what was going on at the IRS then he'll answer to that at a later date.

All the Republican talk about impeachment and this frivolous lawsuit has altered the outlook from taking the Senate was a slam dunk to now barely scraping by. Keep it up and it will be a repeat of 2012!

yeah sure in maybe in your wet dreams
if all that true was his APPROVALS would be inching back up, but nope..so that tells me not only are they angry and he is looking like a failure... I think he has a great chance of taking the Democrats down with him
man I'm hoping and a praying the people have HAD ENOUGH of these awful people in the progressive party who are nothing more but government growing, raise taxes, now fining us with the irs if we don't PURCHASE their pos insurance and spending monies out the ying yang TRILLION on Oscamcare alone, calling us people just horrible names , like teabaggers, racist etc while they sneer at us....
but you think otherwise if it helps


This is a MIDTERM election. Obama isn't running so his approval ratings don't matter.

What matters is the GOP message to the voters. By now they know that "repeal Obamacare" is a failure because a majority now see it as a good thing.

Instead Boehner decides he wants to sue Obama but that blows up in his face. Now he is going for the gold (orange :D) in the backpedalling Olympics and trying to blame the Dems instead.

The polling results that do matter are showing the GOP barely managing to win 6 seats in the Senate. Do you believe that failing to offer the voters a realistic alternative vision for the nation is going to be enough to ensure a GOP victory?
oh brother,now you all are keeping count? wow....
how many times did the dems call for having Bush impeached? But I'd doubt you could find that on WIKIPEDIA..

and millions of us AGREE with Mrs.Palin, I want him IMPEACHED so bad I would celebrate with champagne....
with Bush you same people whining over Obama were calling for him to be Impeached every week

You were blaming the Dems only to have the FACTS prove that the impeachment is all coming from the extreme right.

Deal with your own problems instead of trying to deflect the blame. That would reflect honesty and integrity.

Nope, it's not just the EXTREME right...I work at an American legion and they are far from what you all love to label people, extreme right...many of these men who fought in wars from Korea to the gulf war and they by a wide margin want him impeached...So try the real world instead of this made up one where everyone is level headed like you and buds.... and couldn't be calling for his impeachment

I was referring to the TP members of Congress. Certainly there are voters out there who feel this way but when it comes to impeachment that is up to Congress and not the voters.

Interesting that you used the term "by a wide margin". That tells me that there are those who don't want that to happen. Perhaps saner, cooler heads who recall what happened the last time. They might be a minority where you are but they are a majority nationwide.

And that is the real world where the majority are level headed and know that impeachment is a surefire way to lose the midterm elections for the GOP.

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