Zone1 Shia Labeouf embraces Catholic faith after preparing for movie Padre Pio

why is his story disturbing?
Dan Schneider and his childhood. He wrote about it in his movie he made called honeyboy. He experienced a lot of predatory behaviors from adults as a child star. He turned Catholic and stated it saved him. The Hollywood people made fun f him for that.
Dan Schneider and his childhood. He wrote about it in his movie he made called honeyboy. He experienced a lot of predatory behaviors from adults as a child star. He turned Catholic and stated it saved him. The Hollywood people made fun f him for that.
I haven't gone to a movie in so many years. And I don't plan to, because of this kind of thing.. not supporting follywood..
Well, I get my history out of books written by historians and not "History Channels" that do shows about ancient aliens.

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Hey, I think this guy might be a Centauri! (If you were a fan of Babylon 5, you'd get the joke).

There are no "new discoveries". What we have is some Bible Fan Fic that Joseph Smith plagarized from 19th century racists who couldn't believe Native Americans created the Mound Builder civilization. When archeologists proved those sites were built by Native Americans, Mormons thrashed around trying to put the Nephites in other placed that the y couldn't have gotten, either.

Actually very few people were "carried away" by the Babylonians or Assyrians. Some were sold into slavery, to be sure, but the majority were left where they were. The problem with the bible (or one of it's many problems) is that is propaganda. The Hebrews were never as monotheistic as their descendants claimed they were.

Quite the contrary, there's no evidence at all.

I learn new stuff every day... but that doesn't make the book of Mormon true.

Yawn, I've read all this nonsense before... but to recap.

Joseph Smith was convicted of Fraud in 1825, that's why he fled New York.

The Kirtland Safety Society (they went out of their way to not call themselves a bank) engaged in outright fraud, which is why it collapsed when the Panic of 1837 hit.

What the Mormons did in Missouri in 1838 was basically political terrorism, which is why Governor Boggs drove them out of the state.

And, no, destroying someone's newspaper because they exposed your bigamy and pedophilia is not justified. Ever. Which is why Smith was arrested, and then shot by an angry mob that had quite enough of his nonsense.

If you get driven out of four states in less than 20 years, you are probably doing something wrong.
I've answered these and you are completely wrong with your accusations. And, you call yourself a Christian? Yes, there have been lots of new discovered cities, roads, walls and much more in Mexico and South America with Lidar.
I've answered these and you are completely wrong with your accusations. And, you call yourself a Christian?

No, I never call myself a Christian.

You are obviously new here...

But to the point, Joseph Smith was involved in one legal problem after another, because the guy at his heart was a con man who discovered the biggest con of them all, religion.

Yes, there have been lots of new discovered cities, roads, walls and much more in Mexico and South America with Lidar.
ooh, Lie-Dar? Really? Me, I'm a bit more old school, you send in an archeologist to dig stuff up..


We know that there were pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico - the Aztecs, the Toltecs, the Mayans and the Olmecs, among others.
What we don't have are the Nephites and Lamanites... you know, the delightsome white people who came from Canaan.
No, I never call myself a Christian.

You are obviously new here...

But to the point, Joseph Smith was involved in one legal problem after another, because the guy at his heart was a con man who discovered the biggest con of them all, religion.

ooh, Lie-Dar? Really? Me, I'm a bit more old school, you send in an archeologist to dig stuff up..


We know that there were pre-Columbian civilizations in Mexico - the Aztecs, the Toltecs, the Mayans and the Olmecs, among others.
What we don't have are the Nephites and Lamanites... you know, the delightsome white people who came from Canaan.
And, when the archeologists uncover all the new Lidar findings and find names such as Nephites and Lamanites, then what? And, if you bothered reading the articles, you would find out that most of the problems Joseph Smith had came from anti-Mormons. People simply didn't like the idea that the Godhead was opening up the veil so that they could reveal the true Gospel instead of the apostacy brand. Still goes on today. For instance, yourself...
And, when the archeologists uncover all the new Lidar findings and find names such as Nephites and Lamanites, then what?
Right. Never going to happen.

Let's be honest about what happened here. Back in the 1800's, people were uncovering the artifacts of the mound building civilizations of North America. Because 19th Century White people were even more awful and racist than 21st century white people, they just couldn't imagine that native Americans could build such things. So they invented all these fantasies about Vikings, Romans, and even Hebrews building them, because they just couldn't imagine non-white people doing anything great. Of course, then they did the real archeology and said, nope, these were Native Americans, whose civilization had fallen because of diseases introduced by Europeans in the 16th century, because again, White people are kind of awful.

Anyway, one of these fantasies was "A View of the Hebrews" written by a pastor Ethan Smith (No relation to Joseph) which created these fantasies that Joseph Smith stole wholesale.

I could talk about the Kinderhook Tablets (proven to be a fake, even though J. Smith attested to their authenticity) or the Abraham Papyri (later found in the Chicago Historical Society Archives and determined to be Ptolemaic era funerary scrolls.) as proof that Smith just made stuff up. But simple logic should suffice.

We should have Native America languages that are derived from Hebrew. We don't.
We should have archeological evidence that includes coins, chariots, animals or grains that were mentioned in the text that were not introduced to the Americas until Europeans came. We do not.
We should have written records other than the Book of Mormon recounting these events, like we do with the bible. Again, we do not.

And, if you bothered reading the articles, you would find out that most of the problems Joseph Smith had came from anti-Mormons.

Yes, people don't like it when creepy cults pop up in their regions.

People simply didn't like the idea that the Godhead was opening up the veil so that they could reveal the true Gospel instead of the apostacy brand. Still goes on today. For instance, yourself...
Oh, my dislike for Mormon comes from meeting some of you. It really has nothing to do with religion or the gospel, as I reject all religion as a little silly.
I do not think the way you do in your human mind. I pray and let God move me. I remember Jesus and the good Samaritan experience he shared and I go by what God puts in my heart. If evil penetrates the church I still follow God's guidance. I don't know enough about what you asked to answer.

I only became Catholic recently and I am brand new at religion.
I do not think the way you do in your human mind. I pray and let God move me. I remember Jesus and the good Samaritan experience he shared and I go by what God puts in my heart. If evil penetrates the church I still follow God's guidance. I don't know enough about what you asked to answer.

I only became Catholic recently and I am brand new at religion.
I didn't know you are Catholic! They seem like a rare species around here.

I hope you don't belong to.. or stay in.. the Vatican sect as I call it.. the Francis sect.. THAT is NOT the Catholic Faith

The Vatican was highjacked in the 60s. The Traditionalists are the true Catholics. They only possess a few Church buildings but oh well.. Jesus did say that FEW find the Narrow way to Heaven...
I didn't know you are Catholic! They seem like a rare species around here.

I hope you don't belong.. or stay in.. the Vatican sect as I call it.. the Francis sect.. THAT is NOT the Catholic Faith

The Vatican was highjacked in the 60s. The Traditionalists are the true Catholics. They only possess a few Church buildings but oh well.. Jesus did say that FEW find the Narrow way...
God is in control, believing God is in control, and not fearing because that is not faith. Focus on God and believe in God's power. God knows much more than you or I do.

I do what God wants Me to do. You do what God wants you to do.
God is in control, believing God is in control, and not fearing because that is not faith. Focus on God and believe in God's power. God knows much more than you or I do.

I do what God wants Me to do. You do what God wants you to do.
well, for one thing, no human does all God wants him or her to do.. We are sinners who often just do what the heck we want.. and then say it was "God's will" :oops:

But anyhow, God is not absolutely in control. If you were to be tempted today to commit adultery.. and somehow you couldn't resist or thought/felt you couldn't and did the dirty deed... obviously God did not stop you so God is not absolutely in control and frankly, I'm tired of hearing tht He is... just an excuse to sin, IMO
well, for one thing, no human does all God wants him or her to do.. We are sinners who often just do what the heck we want.. and then say it was "God's will" :oops:

But anyhow, God is not absolutely in control. If you were to be tempted today to commit adultery.. and somehow you couldn't resist or thought/felt you couldn't and did the dirty deed... obviously God did not stop you so God is not absolutely in control and frankly, I'm tired of hearing tht He is... just an excuse to sin, IMO
I'm not tempted by that.

But I don't need guidance from you on my spirituality. I do like a lot of your posts though.

Take care.

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