Shiva/Pinhead: Dystopia (Tech)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism exchange between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Pinhead (fictional demonic warlock from horror-film series Hellraiser).



Shiva (master of destruction) and Pinhead (warlock of pain) wanted to contend with each other in the modern age over the complexities and values of commerce and technology. People all over the world were staring at TV screens and smartphones, surfing on the Web and streaming movies off was a 'zombie world.' Shiva believed there was a touch of obsession, while Pinhead thought there were intimations of pure sloth. The two rival 'gods' decided to compete on a World Wide Web forum over the issue of intellectual property (e.g., Napster) in modern times and what it had to do with fear/pain.

SHIVA: Intellectual property considerations could drown in the Internet.
PINHEAD: There is little supervision and regulation; convenience rules.
SHIVA: Imagine someone loses all their credit card securities while shopping online!
PINHEAD: It would be as 'normal' as the American government losing confidential emails.
SHIVA: In days of past, men carried mail across on horses and didn't mind the labor.
PINHEAD: Yes, today, people are worried about being electrocuted plugging in laptops.
SHIVA: Perhaps is the 'new yoga.'
PINHEAD: Well, I think Facebook is at least the new 'spa.'
SHIVA: People still go to gyms to work out, but then they zone out to television...
PINHEAD: A man can't find his batteries for his remote-control and screams at his wife!
SHIVA: Video-Man (Marvel Comics) is a computer-freak with electrical powers.
PINHEAD: Doctor Octopus (Marvel Comics) is a mechanical-tentacle wielding multi-tasker.
SHIVA: Energizer is the new law...
PINHEAD: Pirate-radio is the new crime...

After Shiva and Pinhead completed their discussion (satisfied), they parted ways, content they had fully hashed out all the nooks-and-crannies about modern age 'Internet-yoga.' Shiva still believed that obsession over computers/TV made humanity somewhat 'robotic' (or stiff!), while Pinhead still believed that mindless surfing on the Web introduced the mind to the 'reality' of isolationism (paradoxically!). However, the two rival gods agreed that tech-services such as Netflix signified a modern era access to lifestyle-conveniences and concluded that technology does not have to necessarily spell deformity.



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