Shiva-Satan: Merchandising Marx


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-philosophy mock-chat between Shiva (Hindu deity and master of destruction) and Satan (adversary of God and humanity described in the Holy Bible).

This dialogue was inspired by the fortune-parable film Oh, God! You Devil.

Does such a dialogue come off as naturally 'cynical' regarding the objective philosophical debates about capitalism-communism contours (e.g., Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx)?

It seems that consumerism makes us naturally 'suspicious' about intellectual rigor (e.g., Napster)!

Signing off,


SHIVA: Capitalism is a form of enterprise.
SATAN: Capitalism is a gamble and hence a form of 'rational suicide.'
SHIVA: I disagree; capitalism is a conscious 'decision,' not self-destruction?
SATAN: Really? Why then do Americans romanticize Bonnie and Clyde?
SHIVA: Escapism is natural, but Wall Street is still considered 'professional.'
SATAN: Mankind has made many mistakes --- e.g., Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism.
SHIVA: We've learned from these mistakes, and we've improved our merchandise.
SATAN: Really? What about pornography? That is popular, and it is very 'modern.'
SHIVA: Imagine if three stockbrokers make a disastrous decision which results in bankruptcy.
SATAN: Alright, so the three stockbrokers made the decision as a 'team,' so each is culpable.
SHIVA: Correct; so, we should discuss how consequences of risk inspire teamwork!
SATAN: Religious tolerance is a hallmark of multiculturalism, but Satanists still face ostracism.
SHIVA: Pluralism hostility can be addressed with merchandising...
SATAN: That's just consumerism and cholesterol; maybe you're referring to Black Barbies!
SHIVA: I'm not opposed to African-American Barbie doll sales, but I'm talking about art.
SATAN: There's a difference between art/artisanship and 'toys.'
SHIVA: Really? What about Star Wars (George Lucas)?
SATAN: I suppose Star Wars speaks to a general media fascination with 'kingdoms'...



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