Shock and awe


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
A state of mind- numbed by improper education <<<<<< my opinion!

That the United States likes to use expressions like “shock and awe” or “maximum pressure” would rather suggest that there is a psychopath working in the White House basement whose full-time job is to come up with pithy one-liners to somehow euphemize government bad behavior. The expressions hardly mean anything in and of themselves apart from “tough talk” but they do serve as an alternative to having to admit in plain language to the killing of millions of people since the Global War on Terror began in 2001. “Millions?” one might skeptically ask. Yes, millions if one includes all those killed directly or indirectly as a result of the wars. Direct victims of the violence number at least 157,000 in Afghanistan, 182,000 in Iraq, 400,000 in Syria and 25,000 in Libya. And if you want to go back a few years three million Vietnamese died in 1964-1975 while 2.5 million civilians were killed in Korea. And even in the “Good War” World War 2 there were unnecessary incidents to include the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that killed 105,000, the firebombing of Tokyo adding another 97,000, and the firebombing of Hamburg and Dresden that together killed 45,000.
An estimated ten million more civilians have been displaced from their homes since 2001, creating refugee crises in both Europe and the Americas, while trillions of dollars have also been wasted or “misplaced” by the geniuses at the Pentagon and in Congress. And some might reasonably argue that the violence taking place all around the world has also been internalized in the U.S., with mass murders surfacing in the news media every few days. Some argue that the United States has nearly always been at war since its founding, which would be true, but it is also correct to note that the nature of America’s lethal engagement with the rest of the world has changed in the past twenty years. Old wars were fought to expand territory and trade or to acquire colonies for the same purpose, meaning they were intended to increase one’s power and wealth. Since 9/11, however, the wars are being fought seemingly without any real identifiable objective while also inflicting significant losses in relative wealth and power on the United States.
Wars are fought to benefit a small elite. This continues to be true with the USA. The MIC has enormous power in the USA. It controls much of the msm and Congress. It’s desire for profits far outweighs the killing it’s products produce.

Notice how Biden raised the War budget by billions, yet few in the media reported it. Our enormous war budget is far more important than any other.
Biden Wants to Spend Even More on Defense than Trump
Biden Wants to Spend Even More on Defense than Trump
We have enough problems in the United States, but then again, the hubris which has created a pointless foreign policy would likely be channeled to drive still more of the destructive impulses that are turning the country into a collective of hostile enclaves.

reminds me of>>>
We have enough problems in the United States, but then again, the hubris which has created a pointless foreign policy would likely be channeled to drive still more of the destructive impulses that are turning the country into a collective of hostile enclaves.

reminds me of>>>
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in other words: you reap what you sow.
That's a strange OP. I can't disagree with all of it, but perhaps one kitchen sink would have been adequate to make the point, whatever the point was supposed to be.

Vlad the Impaler was somewhat creative in illustrating his dislike of invading enemies. The commanche were also creative, but they probably had more fun with riding and hunting and f9cking. The catholic church seemed fixated on women's anatomy, and using men's anatomy to simulate women's anatomy, while enforcing its orthodoxy, and time possibly hasn't changed the church that much. LOL Human beings are the cruelist and most gluttonist of all species.

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