SHOCK POLL - Lyin Paul Ryan is losin to Tea Party opponent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this poll is true. Do we have a direct link to it? I don't believe I've heard of AMP and can't find an unbiased source.
It's always good when Tea Partiers turn a safe (R) seat into a possible (D) pickup.
great news. I assume even though cruz was trying to get Ryan the nomination at a contested convention most cruz voters despise ryan.
I can at least respect a RINO who is open about it, but I have no tolerance for a RINO who pretends to be a conservative.
If Ryan does not get on board to make america great again, he needs run out of washington. No trust in the weasel
you know who else was a 17% minority?!


now we have a negro president.
Nationally, the Tea Party's support has now dropped to 17%!
Tea Party Movement
The Tea Party just keeps on getting more and more irrelevant. :laugh:


The main stream media...which the Bolsheviks control...did an able job in portraying the Tea Party as little more than the Ku Klux Klan...which is a lie, but what is a lie to the Media?

The Establishment Republicans...more commonly known now as Pussy Republicans...are absolutely terrified of the Media, and so they play by the Political Correctness Rules which have been set out by the Bolsheviks.

That's why Republicans voted by huge majorities for Anti-Establishment people...and why Trump is the nominee.

The Tea Party name has been maliciously and calculatedly destroyed, but its spirit is telling Pussy Republicans that their time in office will be brief it they don't gut up and support Trump.
Paul Ryan getting knocked off by a Tea Partier (they're still around?) would put that seat in play for the Democrats.
A poll from Oct 2015?
Nationally, the Tea Party's support has now dropped to 17%!
Tea Party Movement
The Tea Party just keeps on getting more and more irrelevant. :laugh:

Well, I guess because the Tea Party has become so ho-hum and the interest in the Tea Party has waned to much, Gallup probably decided to stop polling the obvious.
Sorry for the reality bit, but just because political forums attract the extremes, which explains why USMB's demographics don't come close to the national demographics and it isn't even close.

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