SHOCK POLL - Lyin Paul Ryan is losin to Tea Party opponent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is Winnin Paul Nehlen!

Cantor happened to Eric Cantor a couple years back in VA elections. He simply wasn't doing his job. Put millions into his reelection to the House and lost to a Tea Party person who put less than $400,000 into his run (little to none of it from Tea Party coffers).
What do you expect? He showed his true colors and they had nothing in common with the Tea Party/
Pat Buchanan spells it out. Trump needs to kick Ryan's ass and the say "Your Fired!!!"

Ryan is a congressman from Wisconsin. He has never won a statewide election. As No. 2 on Mitt Romney’s ticket, he got waxed by Joe Biden. He was compromise choice as speaker, only after John Boehner went into in his Brer Rabbit “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah” routine.

Who made Ryan the conscience of conservatism?

Who made Ryan keeper of the keys of true Republicanism?

Trump “inherits something … that’s very special to a lot of us,” said Ryan, “the party of Lincoln and Reagan and Jack Kemp.”

But Trump did not “inherit” anything. He won the nomination of the Republican Party in an epic battle in the most wide-open race ever, in which Trump generated the largest turnout and greatest vote totals in the history of Republican primaries.

What is Ryan up to?

He is pandering to the Trump-hating Beltway media and claiming the leadership of a Republican establishment routed and repudiated in the primaries, not only by that half of the party that voted for Trump, but also by that huge slice of the party that voted for Ted Cruz.

Read more at Who promoted Private Ryan?
Who promoted Private Ryan?

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