SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote – Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide

:rofl:The Rug will be LUCKY to get 4% of the Black vote, let alone 25%, whoever believes Blacks will vote for some blowhard Asshole that represents a pro white movement has got his head buried so deep up his ass, he's delusional maybe that's why he's running for President and DOSEN'T know the difference between the HAMAS AND HEZBOLLAH??

Romney got 7% of the Black vote, and was a more intelligent speaker, had better hair, and didn't talk shit behind everybody's back just because they asked him a question, he was to dumb to answer..
Got a feeling this clown will end up on ignore soon but anyways. What supposed pro white movement does Trump represent and even if he did why does that matter? Democrats pander to everyone BUT straight white people.
He's a favorite among the Tea Maggots, who are basically the same sewer rats as YOU, and did i say it mattered?? , LOL, cmon read i know it's hard for your uneducated rednecks down in the hills to understand shit now, read boy..

The Democrats DON'T pander to your inbred neck of the woods, your Southern Hillbilly dumb ass people have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and are still poor, so you all must be pretty fucking stupid, for voting for the same assholes that are keeping you destitute..
Yeah. You are a first class retard. No need to read more than that garbage. Enjoy ignore. I really do look forward to the cleansing of America.
The Retards are the ones like you folks down there in Whitetrashville, you keep voting for the same assholes that keep you poor, but i guess as long as we have them urr ummm Bibles and guns we be ok, your see, we marry are umm cousins too, your see..

More hate and racism. I'd be willing to bet you're a liberal.
UMM OK, so Cons are not Racist?? i have never heard of a Black man blowing up a Federal building killing 168 people..

I don't hear of any Latino men walking into a Church wasting 9 innocent people because "they are taking over"

Unabomber was a ??

Ever hear of any Chinese , Natives, OR Blacks, Mexicans blowing up abortion clinics?? naaaa OF COURSE NOT!!

When was the last time you saw a Brother setting off a bomb at the Olymics??
Got a feeling this clown will end up on ignore soon but anyways. What supposed pro white movement does Trump represent and even if he did why does that matter? Democrats pander to everyone BUT straight white people.
He's a favorite among the Tea Maggots, who are basically the same sewer rats as YOU, and did i say it mattered?? , LOL, cmon read i know it's hard for your uneducated rednecks down in the hills to understand shit now, read boy..

The Democrats DON'T pander to your inbred neck of the woods, your Southern Hillbilly dumb ass people have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and are still poor, so you all must be pretty fucking stupid, for voting for the same assholes that are keeping you destitute..
Yeah. You are a first class retard. No need to read more than that garbage. Enjoy ignore. I really do look forward to the cleansing of America.
The Retards are the ones like you folks down there in Whitetrashville, you keep voting for the same assholes that keep you poor, but i guess as long as we have them urr ummm Bibles and guns we be ok, your see, we marry are umm cousins too, your see..

More hate and racism. I'd be willing to bet you're a liberal.
UMM OK, so Cons are not Racist?? i have never heard of a Black man blowing up a Federal building killing 168 people..

I don't hear of any Latino men walking into a Church wasting 9 innocent people because "they are taking over"

Unabomber was a ??

Ever hear of any Chinese , Natives, OR Blacks, Mexicans blowing up abortion clinics?? naaaa OF COURSE NOT!!

When was the last time you saw a Brother setting off a bomb at the Olymics??
Darkies are too stupid to deal with bombs, although Sand ******* do okay eh? Odium will explain it to you. It's all part of the coming World-Wide Race War, in which Whitey resumes his rightful place over all other races eh Little Hitler?
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little known fact and prediction- tons of blacks like Trump because hes the only one on either side that will help blacks get jobs by stopping illegals.
SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote - Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide - The Gateway Pundit

Statistikhengst can you make some sense out of this? True or not? I am tired and I just can't buy it.If its true I am shocked.Maybe bringing American jobs and cutting the invasion off is something blacks are in favor of as well...less invaders less competition for welfare!
Don't you find it suspicious that the only polls showing Trump ahead is from one source?
Its why I asked Stat to look into it. He seems to be our resident poll person
"Gateway Pundit" possibly the most untrusted source on the planet.
No that's ANYTHING from CNN,FOX,MSNBC,etc etc.

You are entitled to believe whatever you want, but the fact that poll is being reported nowhere on the internet is significant as is the fact for Trump to win the presidency he has to have 45% of the Latino vote which he clearly will not.

Hmmmm, wrong. That's bullshit. That assumes his percentage of the other voting blocks won't change.

You need women, Gays, Millennials, single women, Hispanics, Blacks, and you cannot win without a sizable percentage of each. Now please tell me how you, Trump and the Republican Party, are going to pick up votes from them when you have run off Planned Parenthood, put in place harsh abortion law, tried to keep the gay marriage situation unequal, do nothing about jobs, do nothing about the cost of an education, plan to deport all illegals and separate families, and make fun of "black Lives Matter?

too bad none of that is true lib. Nice spin though- were you watching Jon Stewart? I mean the self hating jew Jon Leibowitz?
little known fact and prediction- tons of blacks like Trump because hes the only one on either side that will help blacks get jobs by stopping illegals.
At least the ones who actually WANT to work.
little known fact and prediction- tons of blacks like Trump because hes the only one on either side that will help blacks get jobs by stopping illegals.
At least the ones who actually WANT to work.
Well we all know those ******* are just lazy violent criminal welfare drug-addicted baby-daddies so that ain't worth shit eh, cracker?
SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote - Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide - The Gateway Pundit

Statistikhengst can you make some sense out of this? True or not? I am tired and I just can't buy it.If its true I am shocked.Maybe bringing American jobs and cutting the invasion off is something blacks are in favor of as well...less invaders less competition for welfare!

And what does it mean?

Possibly that many poor people see the Republican stuff but not much of the Democrat stuff. By the primaries with whoever is nominated and in the public eye this will probably change quite a bit.
little known fact and prediction- tons of blacks like Trump because hes the only one on either side that will help blacks get jobs by stopping illegals.
At least the ones who actually WANT to work.
Well we all know those ******* are just lazy violent criminal welfare drug-addicted baby-daddies so that ain't worth shit eh, cracker?
No, YOU'RE the one who ain't worth shit, homo.
You just wrote off most of those shit-eatin' *******, whitey, and I'm the one you bitch about? Shit, cracker, I'm more whitey than you are! I'm just tellin' it like it is, bitch. Don't be all up in my grill, Adolf. A nigga gotta do what a nigga gotta do...
Trump-hater Brit Hume is starting to see the light!!!!!


mofo ^ | Sep. 3, 2015
Unlike any [candidate] I’ve ever seen. … I was up in Maine for the month of August, and I swore off television, and I had it on for a couple nights where Trump was giving news conferences or making a speech– and I thought, ‘well, I’ll watch a little of this’– I was transfixed! You can’t take your eyes off the guy! He is the most entertaining political candidate, by far, I’ve ever seen!
SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote - Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide - The Gateway Pundit

Statistikhengst can you make some sense out of this? True or not? I am tired and I just can't buy it.If its true I am shocked.Maybe bringing American jobs and cutting the invasion off is something blacks are in favor of as well...less invaders less competition for welfare!

And what does it mean?

Possibly that many poor people see the Republican stuff but not much of the Democrat stuff. By the primaries with whoever is nominated and in the public eye this will probably change quite a bit.
The best thing about Trump is that he's exposing, the media, the GOP and its base for the depraved slime they are.
SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote - Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide - The Gateway Pundit

Statistikhengst can you make some sense out of this? True or not? I am tired and I just can't buy it.If its true I am shocked.Maybe bringing American jobs and cutting the invasion off is something blacks are in favor of as well...less invaders less competition for welfare!
Don't you find it suspicious that the only polls showing Trump ahead is from one source?
Its why I asked Stat to look into it. He seems to be our resident poll person
"Gateway Pundit" possibly the most untrusted source on the planet.
No that's ANYTHING from CNN,FOX,MSNBC,etc etc.

With you on Stat as to a go to guy. I trust him. He works the polls and I think at the end of the day he is honest.
When Saginaw and Flint black chicks are into the Donald. somethings going on baby.
Trump-hater Brit Hume is starting to see the light!!!!!


mofo ^ | Sep. 3, 2015
Unlike any [candidate] I’ve ever seen. … I was up in Maine for the month of August, and I swore off television, and I had it on for a couple nights where Trump was giving news conferences or making a speech– and I thought, ‘well, I’ll watch a little of this’– I was transfixed! You can’t take your eyes off the guy! He is the most entertaining political candidate, by far, I’ve ever seen!

Fox News will be whoring up to Trump because he's costing them viewer loyalty.
Blacks tend to not vote unless there's a black socialist running who hates white people.
You are weird. ALL you talk about is race. Blacks this and blacks that! Something is wrong with you... mentally...really!

The readers here noticed it too...just look at your present post.... a complete fib with no visible ties to reality. You completely disregard that Blacks have been voting for WHITE presidents for decades...and when a rare black man makes the cut... you swoop down Cawing incessantly about FOWL(foul) play.
Blacks tend to not vote unless there's a black socialist running who hates white people.
You are weird. ALL you talk about is race. Blacks this and blacks that! Something is wrong with you... mentally...really!

The readers here noticed it too...just look at your present post.... a complete fib with no visible ties to reality. You completely disregard that Blacks have been voting for WHITE presidents for decades...and when a rare black man makes the cut... you swoop down Cawing incessantly about FOWL(foul) play.
Nice try, but I post on a variety of topics. No one ever sees you anywhere but race threads.
SHOCK POLL: Trump Receives 25% of Black Vote - Enough to Ensure a GOP Landslide - The Gateway Pundit

Statistikhengst can you make some sense out of this? True or not? I am tired and I just can't buy it.If its true I am shocked.Maybe bringing American jobs and cutting the invasion off is something blacks are in favor of as well...less invaders less competition for welfare!

And what does it mean?

Possibly that many poor people see the Republican stuff but not much of the Democrat stuff. By the primaries with whoever is nominated and in the public eye this will probably change quite a bit.
Trump-hater Brit Hume is starting to see the light!!!!!


mofo ^ | Sep. 3, 2015
Unlike any [candidate] I’ve ever seen. … I was up in Maine for the month of August, and I swore off television, and I had it on for a couple nights where Trump was giving news conferences or making a speech– and I thought, ‘well, I’ll watch a little of this’– I was transfixed! You can’t take your eyes off the guy! He is the most entertaining political candidate, by far, I’ve ever seen!

Fox News will be whoring up to Trump because he's costing them viewer loyalty.

Trump is news.

News is money.

That's all she wrote.

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