Shocker: Business Owners Hate Obama.

Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

How many small businesses do you think are listed on the New York Stock Exchange?
I run a business which is not hampered by the status quo you say exists. I am sure that in some businesses that maybe the case, which is why I chose to do what I do.

You're saying people are responsible for their own businesses? Who would have known???????

Not TOTALLY responsible, brainwashed shyttehead- other wise for example they wouln't have gone out of business, say, when greedy corrupt Pubs started this depression, or obstructed the recovery, all to persuade morons that Obama's policies weren't working. Of course, he hasn't been able to put in any policies in 3 1/2 years...
Meanwhile, our global competitiveness is collapsing in tandem with our infrastucture, college and health costs, middle class, thanks to Voodoo- and you morons believe a bunch of myopic con men/liars.

Small business also does better under Dems, and all those Obama regulations are just anothe BS Pub con/myth. Change the gd channel, chumps.
I am new to political discussion, so please be easy. ( my 1st post ever )
I am a new e-commerce merchant, and Obama makes me nervous.
I tried to give him a chance but he seems pre-occupied with his agenda and helping those in need ( which I like ), but putting the economy/unemployment/deficit as less important. I know other people who own businesses that are nervous too.

given that you claim to be a work at home salesman on the internet, have you even checked into how the law effects small businesses that have few to no other employees aside from owners? As a person who has owned and operated a few businesses beyond what I can sell on fucking ebaym i found it important to know what my responsibilities were according to the law. I certainly did not listen to fix noise talking heads screaming the sky is falling, because had I done that I would have most certainly been in violation of the law because they have no responsibility for your business and have no legal requirement to give you truthful information.

Oh, and just for fucks sake, tell us you sell shit online from home. e-commerce merchant sounds so much more involved than schmuck who resells shit from his house. I mean seriously, all you need is a fucking DBA and a bank account, and you don't even pay sales tax. As a matter of fact it is far more likely your business is a fucking tax dodge for deductions. Some of us have owned real businesses with storefronts and employees to worry about, and it is a bit insulting when some moron thinks their ebay business is an actual real business. Do you even have a commercial link to the internet at your home, or are you working off residential? You do know it is against the terms of service to operate a business off of a residential HS internet link?
I run a business which is not hampered by the status quo you say exists. I am sure that in some businesses that maybe the case, which is why I chose to do what I do.

You're saying people are responsible for their own businesses? Who would have known???????

Not TOTALLY responsible, brainwashed shyttehead- other wise for example they wouln't have gone out of business, say, when greedy corrupt Pubs started this depression, or obstructed the recovery, all to persuade morons that Obama's policies weren't working. Of course, he hasn't been able to put in any policies in 3 1/2 years...

Huh?! :eek: The guy had both Houses of Congress his first two years.... AND a bullet-proof majority in the Senate for a small period of time in which Democrats could have passed literally ANYTHING they wanted. Republicans couldn't have done squat to stop them. Hell, he managed to get the largest tax increase in the history of mankind passed, didn't he? Of course, it still took political bribes and every sort of procedural chicanery, but he did it. :eusa_sick:
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It was much tougher running a business during the Reagan years, then black monday under Bush sr.
Building stopped, just like it did during Bush jr. and the crash of 2008, people left houses and businesses unfinshed. Until the last two years the industry has relly picked up in my area.
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

Yes, Wall Street is smart, they know a Democrat is going to grow the FED GOV, the easiest contracts in the world come right out of DC...

Not much to be proud of with this, but then again, you're easily impressed...
Stocks do 9 times better with a Democrat in the White House....

While Republicans promote themselves as the friendliest party for Wall Street, stock investors do better when Democrats occupy the White House. From a dollars- and-cents standpoint, it’s not even close.

The BGOV Barometer shows that, over the five decades since John F. Kennedy was inaugurated, $1,000 invested in a hypothetical fund that tracks the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) only when Democrats are in the White House would have been worth $10,920 at the close of trading yesterday.

That’s more than nine times the dollar return an investor would have realized from following a similar strategy during Republican administrations. A $1,000 stake invested in a fund that followed the S&P 500 under Republican presidents, starting with Richard Nixon, would have grown to $2,087 on the day George W. Bush left office.

Stocks Return More With Democrat in White House: BGOV Barometer - Bloomberg

Yes, Wall Street is smart, they know a Democrat is going to grow the FED GOV, the easiest contracts in the world come right out of DC...

Not much to be proud of with this, but then again, you're easily impressed...

WAit that mean big business loves big government.....Oh wait THEY DO!
I am new to political discussion, so please be easy. ( my 1st post ever )
I am a new e-commerce merchant, and Obama makes me nervous.
I tried to give him a chance but he seems pre-occupied with his agenda and helping those in need ( which I like ), but putting the economy/unemployment/deficit as less important. I know other people who own businesses that are nervous too.

given that you claim to be a work at home salesman on the internet, have you even checked into how the law effects small businesses that have few to no other employees aside from owners? As a person who has owned and operated a few businesses beyond what I can sell on fucking ebaym i found it important to know what my responsibilities were according to the law. I certainly did not listen to fix noise talking heads screaming the sky is falling, because had I done that I would have most certainly been in violation of the law because they have no responsibility for your business and have no legal requirement to give you truthful information.

Oh, and just for fucks sake, tell us you sell shit online from home. e-commerce merchant sounds so much more involved than schmuck who resells shit from his house. I mean seriously, all you need is a fucking DBA and a bank account, and you don't even pay sales tax. As a matter of fact it is far more likely your business is a fucking tax dodge for deductions. Some of us have owned real businesses with storefronts and employees to worry about, and it is a bit insulting when some moron thinks their ebay business is an actual real business. Do you even have a commercial link to the internet at your home, or are you working off residential? You do know it is against the terms of service to operate a business off of a residential HS internet link?

Off topic... but... do you really think you do your side any good by being such a heinous witch to a brand new poster? You know nothing about this person yet choose to denigrate them after they were completely respectful and just seemed to be attempting to add to the conversation. Nasty and low class rerun.
You're saying people are responsible for their own businesses? Who would have known???????

Not TOTALLY responsible, brainwashed shyttehead- other wise for example they wouln't have gone out of business, say, when greedy corrupt Pubs started this depression, or obstructed the recovery, all to persuade morons that Obama's policies weren't working. Of course, he hasn't been able to put in any policies in 3 1/2 years...

Huh?! :eek: The guy had both Houses of Congress his first two years.... AND a bullet-proof majority in the Senate for a small period of time in which Democrats could have passed literally ANYTHING they wanted. Republicans couldn't have done squat to stop them. Hell, he managed to get the largest tax increase in the history of mankind passed, didn't he? Of course, it still took political bribes and every sort of procedural chicanery, but he did it. :eusa_sick:
Actually, he had control for 24 working days, and that tax increase stuff is TOTAL BS. Romneycare for ALL!! Already a great success, with NONE of the BS Pub horror stories true, saving a helluva lot of money.

You are a brainwashed tool, change the channel, dupe.
Actually, the stock market and small business do better under Dems because Dems don't allow corrupt bubbles and BUSTS. jfc And grow the nonrich class, where the DEMAND comes from. Pub dupes!!

If you think big business loves the Dems, you're a GD idiot. Or if you believe Pubs aren't big gov't- just corrupt, incompetent big gov't.. Pub dupes!!
Not TOTALLY responsible, brainwashed shyttehead- other wise for example they wouln't have gone out of business, say, when greedy corrupt Pubs started this depression, or obstructed the recovery, all to persuade morons that Obama's policies weren't working. Of course, he hasn't been able to put in any policies in 3 1/2 years...

Huh?! :eek: The guy had both Houses of Congress his first two years.... AND a bullet-proof majority in the Senate for a small period of time in which Democrats could have passed literally ANYTHING they wanted. Republicans couldn't have done squat to stop them. Hell, he managed to get the largest tax increase in the history of mankind passed, didn't he? Of course, it still took political bribes and every sort of procedural chicanery, but he did it. :eusa_sick:
Actually, he had control for 24 working days, and that tax increase stuff is TOTAL BS. Romneycare for ALL!! Already a great success, with NONE of the BS Pub horror stories true, saving a helluva lot of money.

You are a brainwashed tool, change the channel, dupe.

A "brainwashed tool" or a "dupe" would be a guy who believes that Obama was "obstructed" when it's completely obvious that he couldn't even get his own Democrats on board with his moronic and amateurish agenda. A "brainwashed tool" or a "dupe" wouldn't recognize that his whole "eat-the-rich" gimmick is entirely political... because he didn't do it when he had the chance and it wouldn't add but 28 billion to his over a TRILLION dollar annual deficit.

Clearly, since I do recognize those things... I'm not the "brainwashed tool/dupe".
Hmmm.... I wonder who it could be? :eusa_whistle:
Guess again.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

The GOP said back before Obama was inaugarated job#1 was beating him- they weren't lying! Only time! Dupe. See sig.

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