SHOCKING data from Washington Post on 2015 police shootings!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Investigation: Police shootings
900,000-1,000,000 cops in America at any given time.
14,000,000 arrests made per year
815 people shot and killed by police
608 were in the act of a violent crime by offender
642 were armed with a deadly weapon

390 were white
208 were black


So...looks like roughly 160 were NOT armed with a deadly weapon or in the act of a violent crime.

28 were black and unarmed. Um....wait....only 28 out of 42,000,000 black people and 1,000,000 cops??? Not that 28 is ok...or...that unarmed doesn't mean not a threat..just context of relative numbers. But we hear "systematic extermination" and "alarming levels" and "common regularity". is so rare you can barely measure it.

So anyway....EVEN IF you are armed and aggressive...or not....the grand total...alarmingly races...armed or 815 so far.

So....the % of American cops who will shoot and kill someone this year is about 0.1%. Let's be pessimistic....and say 50% aren't justified (most clearly are...but for argument sake). That would mean 0.05% of cops will unjustly kill someone.

Now....figure black folks make up 1/4 of that 812 number. That's 0.01%.

Folks....the left had created national outrage and made up a narrative that our cops are just happily and regularly gunning down innocent black men. The stats show that it is not only untrue....but shockingly rare. They say cops "shoot first ask questions later"....but the stats show 1,000,000 cops make 14,000,000 arrests out of 330,000,000 citizens....and 812 are fatally shot. A ridiculously tiny %. Another liberal lie completely disproven.

Cold hard facts lefties. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Investigation: Police shootings

Baltimore surges past Detroit in number of homicides in 2015 | Baltimore Brew
Even if EVERY killing by police was unjust....every single one (most are ok)....the "murder rate" would be an 8.0/per 100,000 people
New Orleans is a 27.
Detroit is a 24.
Newark 19
Camden 19
Milwaukee 18
Chicago is a 9.
Dallas a 7.

So liberal logic would be like saying every single person in Dallas is going around murdering people on a regular basis. we know...3/4 of police shooting suspects were armed with a deadly weapon and in the act of a violent crime.

So....the remaining 200 (still mostly justified) would drop the rate to a 2!!! Or....roughly that of Belgium....which the left glorifies as a peaceful country.

LIBERALS.....Cops have a murder rate that is at worst that of Belgium, the peaceful wonderland you all celebrate.

Dumb motherfuckers.
And of course...libs will either downplay the raw statistical truth...or...just not respond.

Just like Hands Up Dont Shoot....the truth isn't nearly as important as the cause.
Those numbers are the murders negroes commit on their 'bros' on any weekend in the inner city shitholes Obama has done nothing to improve in seven plus years.
76 unarmed is way too many

Ideally no one unarmed would be killed. Most probably shouldn't be....UNLESS they are trying to take the cops gun...or...are beating him unconcious. Brock Lesnar...unarmed...can kill 99.9% of humans.

But you agree the liberal hype on this topic FAR exaggerates what the actual numbers show. Right?
Those numbers are the murders negroes commit on their 'bros' on any weekend in the inner city shitholes Obama has done nothing to improve in seven plus years.

Yep. If EVERY killing of an unarmed person by police was ruled a murder (many are still justified)....then US police would have a murder rate equal to Belgium....the same fantasy land nation the left uses as an example of peaceful gunless utopia.
Liberals.....surely my dumb southern cracker math is wrong.

Watching the news and listening to libs...I'd assume at least 30% of cops have killed someone, especially a black person.

But...these stats show that a cop shooting and killing a person is about as likely the Browns winning 5 Super Bowls in a row.
76 unarmed people being killed by the police is 76 too many

Of course. We would all prefer 0.

But with 330 million people policed by 1 million's inevitably gonna happen a few times. About 0.005% of cops will encounter the 1 criminal trying to wrestle his/her gun away....or be getting his/her skull bashed in by a large strong man. THOSE cops may shoot. Do you understand the inevitability of that??
A massive number of police crime interventions and a relative handful of problems.

That doesn't matter to those whose priority is clearly excusing/deflecting for/enabling certain criminals.

Libs LOVE math and stats and relativity when global warming is concerned.

But police stats?? Well....they forget math and relativity then.
A massive number of police crime interventions and a relative handful of problems.

That doesn't matter to those whose priority is clearly excusing/deflecting for/enabling certain criminals.

Libs LOVE math and stats and relativity when global warming is concerned.

But police stats?? Well....they forget math and relativity then.
Next time you're in a thread railing against black people, I'll remind you about the math.
A massive number of police crime interventions and a relative handful of problems.

That doesn't matter to those whose priority is clearly excusing/deflecting for/enabling certain criminals.

Libs LOVE math and stats and relativity when global warming is concerned.

But police stats?? Well....they forget math and relativity then.
Next time you're in a thread railing against black people, I'll remind you about the math.

You mean black crime rates?
A massive number of police crime interventions and a relative handful of problems.

That doesn't matter to those whose priority is clearly excusing/deflecting for/enabling certain criminals.

Libs LOVE math and stats and relativity when global warming is concerned.

But police stats?? Well....they forget math and relativity then.
Next time you're in a thread railing against black people, I'll remind you about the math.

You mean black crime rates?

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