Shocking New Data on the Tea Party

We were warned that once the Obama and his comrade in arms start falling in the polls, the calls of everyone and everything being a RACIST would be ratcheted up.

and walla

I think you mean Voila.

and you've done nothing to discount article's claims.

yes she has.. oh yes she has.. read all the comments beneath article's claims, even those people question his bs.. :lol:
Absolutely correct.

Even the followers of the blog that posted the original "poll" were dismayed over the overt bent taken on by the blogger - rightfully calling him out as pure hackery. The questions were oddly phrased, the sample group very limited - all indicative of a poll intended to create results prior to the actual polling.

The polls originator is Chris Parker, an assistant professor at the UW's Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality. Yeah, sounds like a real middle of the road department, eh? :lol: Here is their own description:

The University of Washington's Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race and Sexuality, is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to bringing the tools of contemporary social science inquiry to the careful examination of issues of social, economic, and political exclusion and disadvantage of marginalized minority populations in the United States, and their potential solutions.

The "Institute" is just five years old and appears basically set up to do the race card shakedown that is so pervasive in the education system.

As for Chris Parker himself, he is a product of the University of Chicago who has only published one book to date - that being about Black veterans fighting against White Supremacy in the Postwar South. Yup - that was in his title. Johnson also indicated earlier that the reason Obama was not more popular with Whites during the presidential election was because of racism. Yup - he believes Obama should have had MORE votes from whites. Apparently the fact Obama did not secure 95% of the White vote like he did the Black vote is because of racism in America. -Sigh-

In essence, Parker must create racism where none exists as it is his bread and butter. He cannot afford a post-racist America, but rather must work hard to ensure racism remains front and center as an issue that must be dealt with - send your money NOW.

This little poll/study was taken from about 1000 respondents from 7 states - with slightly more than half being "non-white". A very narrow study group, with even more narrow questions such as if they viewed an entire race as very intelligent or intelligent. (that is just absurd polling folks and in a more demanding academic review would never have been allowed)

What is most striking from this data, is the relatively strong support the Tea Party shows from the "non-white" group, giving further proof that it is indeed a political movement that is far greater in scope and diversity than is being reported by the mainstream media, a media that continues in its vain attempts to marginalize the Tea Party activists themselves.

The headlines for this poll could just as easily have blared the headline: Tea Party attracts support across racial lines

Ah, but that would not have garnered Chris Parker the intended reaction now would it?


Last week, the ongoing debate over what we know about the tea partiers took a new turn, with scores of conservative commentators like The LA Times' Andrew Malcolm and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds assuring us that a new Gallup poll proves the TPers are not a "fringe" or "racist" group.

But the Gallup results only confirm that tea partiers are "mainstream" in their demographics, when what really matters are their attitudes. Results released Friday of a new multi-state poll of white voters conducted by the University of Washington's Christopher Parker paint a more complicated picture. The survey asked white respondents about their attitudes toward the tea party movement--and their attitudes toward non-whites, immigrants and homosexuals.





FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

RETARD ALERT. Since these "whites" were not identified as Tea Party members in anyway. IT is meaningless as a comparison. Notice carefully no one has conducted similar questions or polls amongst other ethnic or racial groups. JUST white people.

Further one must assume that the Tea Party is a single race group when that is patently false.

Statistics can be easily used to lie about just about anything, this is not even a clever attempt.
Last week, the ongoing debate over what we know about the tea partiers took a new turn, with scores of conservative commentators like The LA Times' Andrew Malcolm and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds assuring us that a new Gallup poll proves the TPers are not a "fringe" or "racist" group.

But the Gallup results only confirm that tea partiers are "mainstream" in their demographics, when what really matters are their attitudes. Results released Friday of a new multi-state poll of white voters conducted by the University of Washington's Christopher Parker paint a more complicated picture. The survey asked white respondents about their attitudes toward the tea party movement--and their attitudes toward non-whites, immigrants and homosexuals.





FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

RETARD ALERT. Since these "whites" were not identified as Tea Party members in anyway. IT is meaningless as a comparison. Notice carefully no one has conducted similar questions or polls amongst other ethnic or racial groups. JUST white people.

Further one must assume that the Tea Party is a single race group when that is patently false.

Statistics can be easily used to lie about just about anything, this is not even a clever attempt.

Actually, RETARD, this is a specific poll comparing the views of whites who are strongly for the tea party and whites who are strongly against the Tea Party.

But please, bluster away ...
The media has marginalized itself through its efforts to form public opinion. If Fox News accomplishes nothing else. The wake up call to the nation on biased reporting by main stream media has been sounded.

These militia nuts are definitely out there, but before you write off Michigan, the Republican party was born 35 miles from where those militia members were captured. Any political group hoping to achieve a national footing accepts jsut about anyone at first, Your growing a base. Often it is a new concept and is going to be viewed as extreme. Later as the organization matures. A more main stream leadership forms and the fringe disperses.

For a spirit of cooperation in government to succeed you really need a solid third party to force alliances. Hopefully both sides on this message board can see that and help the Tea Party grow. Perhaps you can influence them and foster some of that cooperation early on.
Note to A-15:

When you resort to using the race card, you concede that you hold a losing hand.

It must suck for you guys when information like this comes to light ...
It must suck for you guys when information like this comes to light ...

I personally enjoy how some of them are trying to accept only half of the results. Either they accept the results in full, or not at all. :lol:
It must suck for you guys when information like this comes to light ...

I'll have to get back to you on that if and when you ever post any Real Information.
I disagree with that poll and your views of what the tea party is all about. Yes the majority of the people are white but there are other races of people. I don't look at the color of the person's skin whom I marched next to in Washington DC last September and won't be looking when I march there again in August. Most of the tea party movement is NOT what was portrayed in that poll. We are fighting for and standing up for the same things that our founding fathers fought for. We don't want big government and entitlement programs. We don't want the government to continue spending while the deficit skyrockets. We don't want a socialist, progressive, liberal, demorat led anything in our country. Less taxes and more budgets cuts.

There was a sign at the tea party march last September in Washington that said it best for me: It is NOT the color of his skin, it is the color of his policies.
A lot of people don't even know where this fellow, birth announced in two Honolulu newspapers in 1961: Is from!

Hawaii officials confirm Obama’s original birth certificate still exists | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's Newspaper

What does the Tea Party think of him?

If they don't even know where he's from: Just what can they possibly know about him, and can they proove it?!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's Secret Service has been on to this, since Kenya began to suffer from the plague. . . of UN Aid Workers. . . .Searching for orphans!)
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I wish people would not respond to these simply because it gives them power. You guys don't realize that we don't need them. The next time they do an anti tparty rant just turn out the lights and shut the door until the tentrum tantrum ends and just like a three year old they will come out of the room a little more civilized.
It must suck for you guys when information like this comes to light ...

why?? you believed it before you went looking for anti white propaganda,, now your little shit streaked undies are in a wad cause we don't believe it?? sucks to be you donut?
It must suck for you guys when information like this comes to light ...
Why do you think nonsense propaganda sucks for us?

Its Barry and friends that pay the price for these rediculous attacks on the movement.

absolutely correct, the librals could not just put obie messiah in the white house and let him take his criticism like everybody else did.. they had to turn it into an anti white race war..
Are two birth announcements in the Hawaii local papers, a visual of the birth certificate at FactCheck.Org, and confirmation from a medical staffer of the State of Hawaii: Enough?!

If not, maybe on Venice Beach, in CA, then maybe someone could put copies on the t-shirts?! These people do know about. . . .beads, and trinkets, and other truths of Adam Smith. . . .And Moses!

What would they say about this, even in some states, even on Confederate Memorial Day?!

Wait until they find out that Der Fueher was Austrian, like some Governor's that anyone can think of, just like his dad, of the faith! The Holy Father knows about the Faith! They don't seem to know much about homosexuals, who are generally not pedophiles: But anyone can guess how the confusion might originate!

The Tea Party GOP probably knowa about religious stuff! "If Paul wanted to refer to homosexual behavior, he would have used the word "paiderasste." That was the standard Greek term at the time for sexual behavior between males." But Paul was at the dawn of Christianity, and Greek was not Aramaic, which is more likely the language Jesus spoke--which is not in the Bible(?)! HIgh-German, maybe?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The royals like to think of their own orginations as being extra special, for their peoples, in fact!)
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