Shocking New Data on the Tea Party


As a Teapartier and someone who is mainstream, that should come as no surprise.

Now what?

Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.

As a Teapartier and someone who is mainstream, that should come as no surprise.

Now what?

Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.
You were just recently an idiot about the topic to whom you are calling another an idiot. Goes to your cred in doing so.

Now, onto the actual topic. Teapartiers are mainstream and the left is shocked, apparently.
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As a Teapartier and someone who is mainstream, that should come as no surprise.

Now what?

Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.

Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:
You were just recently an idiot about the topic to whom you are calling another an idiot. Goes to your cred in doing so.

Now, onto the actual topic. Teapartiers are mainstream.

There is a difference between making a slight error in wordage and being ignorant on a subject. But you want to equate the two to try and take a potshot at me. Kerry on. :thup:

As a Teapartier and someone who is mainstream, that should come as no surprise.

Now what?

Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.
You were just recently an idiot about the topic to whom you are calling another an idiot. Goes to your cred in doing so.

Now, onto the actual topic. Teapartiers are mainstream and the left is shocked, apparently.[/QUOTE]



As a Teapartier and someone who is mainstream, that should come as no surprise.

Now what?

Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.

Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:
Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:

I've posted enough on here to prove my knowledge on the subject. Goldwater and Reagan opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and started off the Southern Strategy which provided the shift for the south to go from (D) to (R). Those same racists you always harp on being against civil rights that were Democrats in the 50's joined the Republicans by the 70's. But you don't like to include such details in your history.

I hope whoever is paying your checks know that you do a piss poor job of trying to make people believe your bullshit. Maybe you can go scramble to your boss and tell him/her why USMB isn't "deserving" of another increase.

And with that, you can have the last word to your heart's content. Some of us have things to do.
Poor Dogbert - proven to be an empty nest yet again...:eusa_angel:


Was just wondering is all.

It's quite clear I know what I'm talking about. If you want to harp on what is clearly a mistake on my part by typing out voted against instead of opposed, so be it. However, I do not see you criticizing Sinatra for her clear ignorance on the subject, and I doubt you will.

Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:
Poor Dogbert - proven to be an empty nest yet again...:eusa_angel:



Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:

YOu have the wierdest system when posting.:cuckoo:
You were just recently an idiot about the topic to whom you are calling another an idiot. Goes to your cred in doing so.

Now, onto the actual topic. Teapartiers are mainstream.

There is a difference between making a slight error in wordage and being ignorant on a subject. But you want to equate the two to try and take a potshot at me. Kerry on. :thup:
"Slight error"? LMAO! Yeah, I often tell others that a governor, who wasn't even a governor at the time a bill was in Congress, voted a certain way on that bill. :lol::lol::lol: 'Slight' error. Of course.

Or, would you like to sell it as a typo, now?

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whoever the governor was, he was the one who beat Nixon in 1962.
You were just recently an idiot about the topic to whom you are calling another an idiot. Goes to your cred in doing so.

Now, onto the actual topic. Teapartiers are mainstream.

There is a difference between making a slight error in wordage and being ignorant on a subject. But you want to equate the two to try and take a potshot at me. Kerry on. :thup:
"Slight error"? LMAO! Yeah, I often tell others that governor who wasn't even a governor at the time a bill was in Congress voted a certain way on that bill. :lol::lol::lol: Common error. Of course.

Or, would you like to sell it as a typo, now?


Within Dogbert's world of errors, perhaps the one you speak of is indeed more "minor" in nature! :eusa_angel:
Ignorance, you say??? Oh, if only you knew....

Now tell me little Dogbert - what do you know of LBJ and his opposition to Civil Rights?

And what too do you know of Goldwater and Reagan's support of Civil Rights?

Hurry now - post quickly to prove your knowledge...:eusa_angel:

I've posted enough on here to prove my knowledge on the subject. Goldwater and Reagan opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and started off the Southern Strategy which provided the shift for the south to go from (D) to (R). Those same racists you always harp on being against civil rights that were Democrats in the 50's joined the Republicans by the 70's. But you don't like to include such details in your history.

I hope whoever is paying your checks know that you do a piss poor job of trying to make people believe your bullshit. Maybe you can go scramble to your boss and tell him/her why USMB isn't "deserving" of another increase.

And with that, you can have the last word to your heart's content. Some of us have things to do.

Ah - you have proven it then!!

You know so very little on the very subject you speak of!!

Kinda sad actually...:eusa_eh:
Ah, now you resort to cursing and crying - a sure sign of being caught in the act of stupid.

Yes, Reagan ran for president more than once. Now please explain what that has to do with his supporters, Ted Kennedy, and civil rights? :eusa_angel:

Holy shit, you are a fucking idiot.

Reagan was opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Ted Kennedy voted for it.

My god, do you not even know your hero's own history?

imagine that.

[SIZE="42]You are one silly, paranoid, old man!!!! :lol::lol:

It would appear unbalanced, angry old white men are not the sole property of the Tea Party!!!! [/SIZE] :lol:

[SIZE="1"]...and you have yet to explain how you thought American voters chose between Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan for president.

(Hopefully you were not thinking of governor of California - but at your present rate, who knows???)[/SIZE]

you really aren't too quick on the uptake are you?

Explaining things to you is a waste of time.

play with the other kids. just remember---no pissing in the pool. okay?:eusa_whistle:
[SIZE="42]You are one silly, paranoid, old man!!!! :lol::lol:

It would appear unbalanced, angry old white men are not the sole property of the Tea Party!!!! [/SIZE] :lol:

[SIZE="1"]...and you have yet to explain how you thought American voters chose between Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan for president.

(Hopefully you were not thinking of governor of California - but at your present rate, who knows???)[/SIZE]

you really aren't too quick on the uptake are you?

Explaining things to you is a waste of time.

play with the other kids. just remember---no pissing in the pool. okay?:eusa_whistle:

So all can now see you run from your own mistake without admitting you made it.

Such weakness.

And so typical of your kind...
Last week, the ongoing debate over what we know about the tea partiers took a new turn, with scores of conservative commentators like The LA Times' Andrew Malcolm and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds assuring us that a new Gallup poll proves the TPers are not a "fringe" or "racist" group.

But the Gallup results only confirm that tea partiers are "mainstream" in their demographics, when what really matters are their attitudes. Results released Friday of a new multi-state poll of white voters conducted by the University of Washington's Christopher Parker paint a more complicated picture. The survey asked white respondents about their attitudes toward the tea party movement--and their attitudes toward non-whites, immigrants and homosexuals.





FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

RETARD ALERT. Since these "whites" were not identified as Tea Party members in anyway. IT is meaningless as a comparison. Notice carefully no one has conducted similar questions or polls amongst other ethnic or racial groups. JUST white people.

Further one must assume that the Tea Party is a single race group when that is patently false.

Statistics can be easily used to lie about just about anything, this is not even a clever attempt.

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