Shocking New Data on the Tea Party

I'm still wondering how being mainstream is bad. Shocking, I get because the left has tried to paint the Tea Party as something other than mainstream.
I would hope all commenting on the poll took the time to actually review its criteria - as well as the very limited sample group and oddly phrased questions.

As another put it so well:

The graphs compare tea partiers to anti-tea partiers, and there's no indication what portions of the whites were in each camp. So how can you draw comparisons to "mainstream whites" What does that even mean?

Speaking of 'what?' - what poll now is asking people if they think of an ethnic group as intelligent? Does that mean AS intelligent as whites? AS hardworking? It's a nonsensical question for anyone who sees them as human and so inherently diverse in these traits. Moreso, it will measure aversive racism.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers
Last week, the ongoing debate over what we know about the tea partiers took a new turn, with scores of conservative commentators like The LA Times' Andrew Malcolm and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds assuring us that a new Gallup poll proves the TPers are not a "fringe" or "racist" group.

But the Gallup results only confirm that tea partiers are "mainstream" in their demographics, when what really matters are their attitudes. Results released Friday of a new multi-state poll of white voters conducted by the University of Washington's Christopher Parker paint a more complicated picture. The survey asked white respondents about their attitudes toward the tea party movement--and their attitudes toward non-whites, immigrants and homosexuals.





FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

sad. these are the people and their progeny who left the Democratic party for Reagan and the race baiters of the GOP (Southern Strategy).

they say they want 'their' country back. Their country?

I remember many I know saying they went with Reagan because Kennedy helped the fuckin' '*******' I used to cringe at that kind of talk, then I got like Obama---I understood they are just angry and frustrated that the world is changing all around them
I would hope all commenting on the poll took the time to actually review its criteria - as well as the very limited sample group and oddly phrased questions.

As another put it so well:

The graphs compare tea partiers to anti-tea partiers, and there's no indication what portions of the whites were in each camp. So how can you draw comparisons to "mainstream whites" What does that even mean?

Speaking of 'what?' - what poll now is asking people if they think of an ethnic group as intelligent? Does that mean AS intelligent as whites? AS hardworking? It's a nonsensical question for anyone who sees them as human and so inherently diverse in these traits. Moreso, it will measure aversive racism.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

Keep deflecting, but the truth is apparent. :thup:
Last week, the ongoing debate over what we know about the tea partiers took a new turn, with scores of conservative commentators like The LA Times' Andrew Malcolm and Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds assuring us that a new Gallup poll proves the TPers are not a "fringe" or "racist" group.

But the Gallup results only confirm that tea partiers are "mainstream" in their demographics, when what really matters are their attitudes. Results released Friday of a new multi-state poll of white voters conducted by the University of Washington's Christopher Parker paint a more complicated picture. The survey asked white respondents about their attitudes toward the tea party movement--and their attitudes toward non-whites, immigrants and homosexuals.





FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

sad. these are the people and their progeny who left the Democratic party for Reagan and the race baiters of the GOP (Southern Strategy).

they say they want 'their' country back. Their country?

I remember many I know saying they went with Reagan because Kennedy helped the fuckin' '*******' I used to cringe at that kind of talk, then I got like Obama---I understood they are just angry and frustrated that the world is changing all around them
It was Johnson who signed the civil rights act, not Kennedy.
I'm still wondering how being mainstream is bad. Shocking, I get because the left has tried to paint the Tea Party as something other than mainstream.

It's not bad - it's frightened misdirection and get used to it - it will be ramped up 24/7 heading into the summer months. The neo-progressives are HOPING for an incident to happen that will allow them to fully complete the task of painting the Tea Party advocates as racist thugs who are both stupid and dangerous.

What they don't realize is that more and more are waking up to their attempts, and so the movement grows. Rational, hard working Americans who are rightfully sharing concerns over the direction of their government do not care to be called racist for simply sharing those concerns.

Add to that the fact that about 25% of non-whites in this "poll" indicated support for the Tea Party movement. Does that make them self-hating racists?? The entire premise of this thread would say yes, and so, its inherent absurdity is so easily made clear...
I would hope all commenting on the poll took the time to actually review its criteria - as well as the very limited sample group and oddly phrased questions.

As another put it so well:

The graphs compare tea partiers to anti-tea partiers, and there's no indication what portions of the whites were in each camp. So how can you draw comparisons to "mainstream whites" What does that even mean?

Speaking of 'what?' - what poll now is asking people if they think of an ethnic group as intelligent? Does that mean AS intelligent as whites? AS hardworking? It's a nonsensical question for anyone who sees them as human and so inherently diverse in these traits. Moreso, it will measure aversive racism.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

Keep deflecting, but the truth is apparent. :thup:

Yup. The truth is that the Teapartiers are mainstream. And, that is bad how?
The neo-progressives are so out of step with the mainstream, they have no idea where it is anymore...

I would hope all commenting on the poll took the time to actually review its criteria - as well as the very limited sample group and oddly phrased questions.

As another put it so well:

The graphs compare tea partiers to anti-tea partiers, and there's no indication what portions of the whites were in each camp. So how can you draw comparisons to "mainstream whites" What does that even mean?

Speaking of 'what?' - what poll now is asking people if they think of an ethnic group as intelligent? Does that mean AS intelligent as whites? AS hardworking? It's a nonsensical question for anyone who sees them as human and so inherently diverse in these traits. Moreso, it will measure aversive racism.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers

Keep deflecting, but the truth is apparent. :thup:

Yup. The truth is that the Teapartiers are mainstream. And, that is bad how?
The neo-progressives are so out of step with the mainstream, they have no idea where it is anymore..

Do you actually believe the bullshit you spew? Or does that paycheck soften the blow? :eusa_eh:

sad. these are the people and their progeny who left the Democratic party for Reagan and the race baiters of the GOP (Southern Strategy).

they say they want 'their' country back. Their country?

I remember many I know saying they went with Reagan because Kennedy helped the fuckin' '*******' I used to cringe at that kind of talk, then I got like Obama---I understood they are just angry and frustrated that the world is changing all around them
It was Johnson who signed the civil rights act, not Kennedy.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough (MA parochialism). People I know left the Democratic Party for Reagan (1968-1972-1976-1980). The Southern Strategy was in full swing and when Wallace was looking bad people took a look at Reagan. MA was full of angry whites who the Southern strategy people focused on because of busing.

Most former MA Democrats cringe when in my company because I have a long and very exacting memory for those days. Most have reinvented themselves (and believe the myths) and the reasons they left the Democrats. Their kids were brought up with code phrases and have no clue how racist they are. Like southerners of old, there are two sides to many a former Ma Dem.
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No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Ted Kennedy ran for the Democratic Nomination in 1980. Which is why I said maybe he was talking about Ted. I wasn't sure and I even said so.

You even trying to call someone dumb is hilarious though. Shouldn't you go consult another poll that reflects your opinion since you can't do much else?
No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Ted Kennedy ran for the Democratic Nomination in 1980. Which is why I said maybe he was talking about Ted. I wasn't sure and I even said so.

You even trying to call someone dumb is hilarious though. Shouldn't you go consult another poll that reflects your opinion since you can't do much else?
A poll that reflects a mainstream opinion?
No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Ted Kennedy ran for the Democratic Nomination in 1980. Which is why I said maybe he was talking about Ted. I wasn't sure and I even said so.

You even trying to call someone dumb is hilarious though. Shouldn't you go consult another poll that reflects your opinion since you can't do much else?

But voters never had to choose between Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan for President.

Good Lord man - keep showing the world your boundless ignorance!!!! :lol:
It was Johnson who signed the civil rights act, not Kennedy.

I think he was talking about Ted, not John.

No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Are you the child of a former MA Dem or a former MA Dem yourself? Your protestations are raising alarm bells.

Of course I was referring to Ted. Why do you think Howie Carr's anti-Ted rants were/are such a big hit with white collar former Dems?
Now getting back to this very silly poll that attempts to liberally play the race card...

You need to compare Tea Party supporters with that of most Americans, not relative to their opponents. It's perfectly possible that mainstream Americans have views similar to the Tea Party, while the opponents are very liberal in their outlook.

And just because they have different views does not necessarily make those views extreme. Is it really fair to judge opposition to immigration as "extreme"?

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: New Data on Tea Party Sympathizers
No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Ted Kennedy ran for the Democratic Nomination in 1980. Which is why I said maybe he was talking about Ted. I wasn't sure and I even said so.

You even trying to call someone dumb is hilarious though. Shouldn't you go consult another poll that reflects your opinion since you can't do much else?

But voters never had to choose between Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan for President.

Good Lord man - keep showing the world your boundless ignorance!!!! :lol:

in a way, they had to choose between Bush Sr, Reagan, Carter, and Teddy Kennedy during primary season, 1980.
No he wasn't.

Why would Democrats support Reagan because of Ted Kennedy?

C'mon pard - that was dumb even by your own lacking standards...

Ted Kennedy ran for the Democratic Nomination in 1980. Which is why I said maybe he was talking about Ted. I wasn't sure and I even said so.

You even trying to call someone dumb is hilarious though. Shouldn't you go consult another poll that reflects your opinion since you can't do much else?


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