Shocking Revelation: RINOs Agree to Kill Deadly Austerity Beast


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Dan Miller
March 9, 2013

Innocent children, poor and minorities have been the worst hit. WARNING: attempted satire.

On Wednesday, President Obama dined with a dozen congressional Republicans at an unpretentious little restaurant in a Washington, D.C. ghetto. His purpose was to show them how badly the poor, minorities -- and particularly little children -- have already been scarred, perhaps for life, by the Ravenous Bugblatter Austerity Beast of Traal. Even the dreams of little children that they might visit Barack's Barracks the White House this Spring have been dashed, viciously.

Showing the determined leadership and frugality all have learned to expect from him, President Obama rode to the restaurant in a modestly assembled twenty vehicle convoy with the bare minimum of Secret Service agents along to protect him. His golf clubs traveled separately in an armored personnel carrier at the rear of the procession. (Hat tip to Tarpon's Swamp for the video.)


Video link

Success of the dinner meeting was so important to President Obama that we he picked up the tab, another in his unbelievable historic firsts. He began by asking all present to bow as he led them in prayer seeking Gaia's divine guidance to help all members of the Congress to vote in favor of his comprehensive yet bipartisan immigration and Continuing Resolution reforms.

Here is a photo of the Jefferson Hotel restaurant where they dined. Having to dine with Republican congresspersons, particularly in a restaurant named after a slave owner, was degrading enough. For him to do it in such unpleasant surroundings would once have been unthinkable. With austerity it has become commonplace.

It must nevertheless be acknowledged that all present exhibited the true courage and intestinal fortitude for which they have long been revered.

The menu was a dumpster diver's fantasy:

Lobster bisque (condemned by the Surgeon General);

Day old caviar;

Filet Soy Mignon marinated in arugula extract;

Diet cupcakes (decorations believed to resemble Army personnel had been removed).

Our own gracious First Lady Michele prepared President Obama for the evening meal by serving tofu and home-grown arugula in a hearty salad for lunch. Sated, he took only a few small nibbles at what was placed before him at the restaurant while doing his presidential best to convince his dining companions that the Ravenous Austerity Beast had already gone too far and must be killed.


Read more:
Shocking Revelation: RINOs Agree to Kill Deadly Austerity Beast | danmillerinpanama


Whenever I get excessively depressed about the state of our nation, I listen to this. It helps.
[ame=]Scotland The Brave (Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

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