
I found out as you get old your feet grow some more. Went from 9 1/2 to size 10 wide... In the past few years, weird and I am the same weight.

All muslims take their shoes off before entering the house. ...... :cool:
...Then eat off the floor with their hands with everyone dipping their licked, greasy fingers in the same plate. Reminds me of a pack of dogs eating.
If I have stepped in something or have mud on my boots, yes I take my shoes off. Otherwise, I don't. That is why we vacuum a couple of times a week and mop the hardwoods at least once a week.
I found out as you get old your feet grow some more. Went from 9 1/2 to size 10 wide... In the past few years, weird and I am the same weight.
That's weird because I have heard it said that when you get to a certain age. you might shrink a little bit.

God bless you always!!!

I like going around barefoot if I'm inside, but I'll keep my shoes on if I forget or think I might be going out again within the hour. Heck with the germs, what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.
Do you take yours off when coming inside your home? If not, you are dragging a shit-load of nasty germs around.

Is it Healthier to Remove Your Shoes at Home?

A simple enough thing to do and make your home much healthier.

Yes 100%.
Door entrance from garage has a special section just to remove and put on our shoes next to shoe rack cabinets.
Then separate slipper dedicated for inside or outside the house.

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