Shoot resisting criminals. Kill them DEAD!

I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
Quit making shit up.
I'm not making shit up.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.

As I was just telling someone else, fuck the constitution. It's main purpose is as something for criminals to hide behind. And illegal scab scum mexicans for whom it wasn't written for.
The main purpose of the constitution is to limit what government can do. Was anyway.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
Quit making shit up.
I'm not making shit up.
We know, you're lying like you always do.
Coddling dangerous behavior is your solution?


Some democrat on tv last night suggested that an ambulance should have been the proper recourse. Also equally stupid.

You idiots will make society MORE DANGEROUS with this asinine shit.

He wasn't a dangerous criminal, perhaps bars will be required to drive people home since there are so many drinking and driving out there, and that would include all republicans. Take some of that money and give it to the bars. WIN WIN!

and the attorneys would not make a killing off of DUI's which they do.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

I agree.

The police were RIGHT to kill those people at waco and ruby ridge!


and the police should have shot and killed Cliven Bundy and every conservative who aimed guns at them.

I am so glad conservatives agree with this.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?
To me, if shots had to be fired at the guy, they should've been at a less life threatening spot if doing that was possible.

God bless you and the guy's family always!!!

While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
To receive due process you must first SUBMIT. The act of fighting the police suspends your rights until apprehension.

No wonder he fought:

Thank you for unwittingly making my point.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
To receive due process you must first SUBMIT. The act of fighting the police suspends your rights until apprehension.

so you agree that cliven bundy and his conservative supporters who AIMED GUNS AT POLICE to help bundy BREAK THE LAW were NOT SUBMITTING and should have been shot?

I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

Goes without saying the police cannot make exceptions for any criminal on a regular basis or as standard operating procedure. But such arguments are purely academic after action dissection of an incident that in real time happened over the span of few moments and involved two police officers fighting for both their own lives and to protect the lives of nearby innocents from a man attempting to gain the upper hand and kill them in order to escape arrest. Something else the media is not talking about: the two cops in this case likely could have subdued and cuffed this guy had they not been worried about accusations of use of excessive force. In other words, had one of these two cops taken a knee on the perpetrator's neck then the perp wouldn't have gotten one of their tasers and might still be alive and the shooter cop might still have his badge and Wendy's would still be serving burgers and hundreds if not thousands of Georgian lives might not have been interrupted by a blocked major highway. Liberalism, radicalized or not—in any form—is a disease that causes men to eat their own children. Precisely because leftist media coverage of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck set the world aflame, another black man died by cop, more private property burned, and more douche bag "protestors" carried out acts of terror against American civilians. Behold: the circle of democrat/postmodernist logic and reasoning.
I don't think the officers in this case should be disciplined as they were following the procedures they were taught. Personally, I would have handled it differently. The guy was drunk and asleep, behind the wheel of his car. He was cooperative until they tried to cuff him. I would have done the breathalyzer, confirming his intoxication, BUT, I would have asked him to get on his phone and call someone that could pick him up and take him home and taken his car keys so that he couldn't drive the vehicle. If it was established that the person picking him up would only be a short while out, I'd have waited to ensure that he was being picked up. Further, I would have impounded the vehicle and informed him that he could pick the vehicle up from the impound lot, after he was sober and that would have been the end of it.
And in doing so, you would have let a parolee in violation, back out onto the street...
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.

The constitution is just bullshit that criminals use to hide behind. That aside, what does the constitution say about police forces. I know that it speaks of providing for the common defense and ensuring domestic tranquility. Well neither of those things can be achieved if police are required to let criminals run away if they can. They HAVE to be arrested. If you can't arrest them, SHOOT THEM!!!! Take that negro criminal suspect Ahmaud Arbery. He wanted to keep from being detained so bad that he actually decided to attack somebody with a shotgun. Weeding anybody that stupid out of the gene pool is a service to humanity.
Civilization would appear to have left some of our race behind. Religious tenets of extreme nature are not generally applied in modern societies. Perhaps the poster could find an exception somewhere.

Would you remove from people the freedom to decide what they like and don't like? There is no greater freedom that you could remove from people. That would be the ultimate in tyranny. And that is apparently what ZOG wants. Our civilization isn't leaving negroes behind. It is exercising it's universe given right to decide what they like and don't like.

Also, from the looks of things with all the protests against negro criminals dying through their own stupidity, I would say that negroes aren't capable of civilization. So why should it matter if they are left behind from something they for the most part aren't capable of to begin with. Even today there isn't a negro populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Even today, slavery is still practiced in Africa. Many if not most believe that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. And even cannibalism is still practiced.

Next, there is nothing religious or extreme about cops doing what is necessary to apprehend a criminal. You can't let them just run away if they can. For one thing, they are likely to commit more crimes. Also, you have no idea what crime they are running away from. Such as murdering a child or an armed carjacking. If cops are going to let criminals run away if they can, they may as well disband law enforcement as many negroes want. Because they aren't really doing anything anyway.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

His criminal record is floating around somewhere here on USMB and it's extensive.
Well, this isn't the untamed old west any longer. Civilization marches on and interferes with taking the law into our own hands.

Apparently negroes want to take the ability to police out of the police's hands. If it is out of the police's hands, it is time for vigilante justice. Which is a hell of a lot better than letting the criminals run things.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
To receive due process you must first SUBMIT. The act of fighting the police suspends your rights until apprehension.

No wonder he fought:

I guess those penalties weren't enough to keep him from drinking and driving.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

His criminal record is floating around somewhere here on USMB and it's extensive.

I didn't see it and its not floating around somewhere on the net, so he does not have a criminal record, or otherwise the republicans would sure made us aware.
Well, this isn't the untamed old west any longer. Civilization marches on and interferes with taking the law into our own hands.

Apparently negroes want to take the ability to police out of the police's hands. If it is out of the police's hands, it is time for vigilante justice. Which is a hell of a lot better than letting the criminals run things.
Ahmaud Arbery was ambushed by two thugs.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

Goes without saying the police cannot make exceptions for any criminal on a regular basis or as standard operating procedure. But such arguments are purely academic after action dissection of an incident that in real time happened over the span of few moments and involved two police officers fighting for both their own lives and to protect the lives of nearby innocents from a man attempting to gain the upper hand and kill them in order to escape arrest. Something else the media is not talking about: the two cops in this case likely could have subdued and cuffed this guy had they not been worried about accusations of use of excessive force. In other words, had one of these two cops taken a knee on the perpetrator's neck then the perp wouldn't have gotten one of their tasers and might still be alive and the shooter cop might still have his badge and Wendy's would still be serving burgers and hundreds if not thousands of Georgian lives might not have been interrupted by a blocked major highway. Liberalism, radicalized or not—in any form—is a disease that causes men to eat their own children. Precisely because leftist media coverage of Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck set the world aflame, another black man died by cop, more private property burned, and more douche bag "protestors" carried out acts of terror against American civilians. Behold: the circle of democrat/postmodernist logic and reasoning.
I don't think the officers in this case should be disciplined as they were following the procedures they were taught. Personally, I would have handled it differently. The guy was drunk and asleep, behind the wheel of his car. He was cooperative until they tried to cuff him. I would have done the breathalyzer, confirming his intoxication, BUT, I would have asked him to get on his phone and call someone that could pick him up and take him home and taken his car keys so that he couldn't drive the vehicle. If it was established that the person picking him up would only be a short while out, I'd have waited to ensure that he was being picked up. Further, I would have impounded the vehicle and informed him that he could pick the vehicle up from the impound lot, after he was sober and that would have been the end of it.

If you are drunk and driving, you get arrested. I don't think that guy was parked. I seem to recall him being passed out in the line of cars that were waiting for food. But whatever the case was, the guy decided to do anything he could to get away. Even take a tazer from a cop. He got what he deserved. Instead, the cops involved got fired. The one may even face murder charges. Those fuckers doing that shit are insane.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

His criminal record is floating around somewhere here on USMB and it's extensive.

I didn't see it and its not floating around somewhere on the net, so he does not have a criminal record, or otherwise the republicans would sure made us aware.

It's here.
Maybe someone can point it out.

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