Shoot resisting criminals. Kill them DEAD!

I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Are there different races? Well "race" is just a politically correct way of saying species. Race doesn't exist anyplace else in the animal kingdom. Species does. And humanoids are part of the animal kingdom. You may not like this. But like or dislike doesn't apply to science. Also, in zoology, every named creature is given it'a own unique zoological name, Even if it is only slightly different from a similar creature. For Whites, it is Homo aryanus. For orientals it is Homo mongolus. For negroes it is Homo negrosis. For a creature that lived until recently on an Indonesian island, (and maybe still does) it is Homo floresiensis. Etc. etc. etc.
And the queers and lesbo's is Homo flameous....

Not quite. "Species" has to be judged by DNA or outright physical differences.
To me, if shots had to be fired at the guy, they should've been at a less life threatening spot if doing that was possible.

God bless you and the guy's family always!!!

Where are you. In la la land? Shots HAD to be fired. In fact, they needed to be fired before then. And he deserved to die. Also, if you are going to shoot anybody, you shoot to hit them. Moving legs, arms or whatever you're talking about are too difficult of a target.
I don't know if the guy deserved to die, but there is always the option of making a person wish that they had been killed.

God bless you and his family always!!!

I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
It is about 850 Dollar and it was a cheap plastic chair worth about 10 €. Probably one of the drunken bums tried to place his ass there.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
It is about 850 Dollar and it was a cheap plastic chair worth about 10 €. Probably one of the drunken bums tried to place his ass there.

If you were wrongly accused, try suing.
President Trump signed an executive order today which will create needed changes to police and how they handle people. Well done me trumpm
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
It is about 850 Dollar and it was a cheap plastic chair worth about 10 €. Probably one of the drunken bums tried to place his ass there.

If you were wrongly accused, try suing.
I will.
President Trump signed an executive order today which will create needed changes to police and how they handle people. Well done me trumpm

Yeah, weakening the police for the criminal negro mobs. To get more votes. I wouldn't call that well done.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
It is about 850 Dollar and it was a cheap plastic chair worth about 10 €. Probably one of the drunken bums tried to place his ass there.

If you were wrongly accused, try suing.
I will.

A good idea. There is no way the kind of chair you describe should have been worth that much. Unless they had a picture of somebody famous sitting in it.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
There is no law that requires cops to risk their lives in street fights.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
Quit making shit up.
I'm not making shit up.
Yes you are. You said that only a few democrats want to defund the police. That is a lie.
While I agree with the sentimentality regarding criminals, at least habitual criminals, We have a Constitution and laws on the books and we are bound to abide by the current laws.
There is no law that requires cops to risk their lives in street fights.

Yeah. The assholes on anti-White news these days are talking about hos the negro in Atlanta wasn't a risk. Well when he was actually fighting with the cops he was a risk. And had he gotten away, he would have continued to be a risk. He deserved to have the entire clop of the gun emptied into his head. They also are harping now on how the cop kicked him. But after going through all that, I would be angry too. If they are expecting cops to act like unemotional robots, they are expecting TOO MUCH! If I was the cop, I would have called him a fucking "N" word, spit on him then kick him. And with the coronavirus going around, the cop was risking his life in even trying to save the negroes life. But I guess none of that mattered. He is arrested for murder now.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
It is about 850 Dollar and it was a cheap plastic chair worth about 10 €. Probably one of the drunken bums tried to place his ass there.

If you were wrongly accused, try suing.
I will.

A good idea. There is no way the kind of chair you describe should have been worth that much. Unless they had a picture of somebody famous sitting in it.
And it is even more considered I am a poor guy. Fines are set according to income. And I have low income. Imagine you have an income of 3000 € monthly, it would not be 750 but at least 3000 €. This makes me all the more angry.

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