Shoot resisting criminals. Kill them DEAD!

I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

I agree.

The police were RIGHT to kill those people at waco and ruby ridge!


and the police should have shot and killed Cliven Bundy and every conservative who aimed guns at them.

I am so glad conservatives agree with this.
I think cluster bombs at protests are in order.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.
I don't think he deserved to die, but he saved the taxpayers alot of money by getting kilt.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Are there different races? Well "race" is just a politically correct way of saying species. Race doesn't exist anyplace else in the animal kingdom. Species does. And humanoids are part of the animal kingdom. You may not like this. But like or dislike doesn't apply to science. Also, in zoology, every named creature is given it'a own unique zoological name, Even if it is only slightly different from a similar creature. For Whites, it is Homo aryanus. For orientals it is Homo mongolus. For negroes it is Homo negrosis. For a creature that lived until recently on an Indonesian island, (and maybe still does) it is Homo floresiensis. Etc. etc. etc.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.
Maybe they could defund the cops and turn then into a cab service.
None of the democrats are for defunding the cops except for a few. Do you understand what defunding the cops is? Tramp defunds every social program.
Yea for the president, welfare has spent 22 trillion dollars in the war on poverty and we still have poor. Maybe we should divert those dollars to make better police instead of giving it to shit for brains who resist arrest?
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Quite. The lynch mobs (in blue, or otherwise) always knew who the criminals were, who was to be presumed guilty, and whom to select for trees to bear strange fruit. That hasn't changed during the last century, and the OP relies upon that continuity.

Either you don't support criminality, or you do. What if there was no other way to go about it and you had to choose. Either let a criminal go free or kill them. Which would you choose.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Are there different races? Well "race" is just a politically correct way of saying species. Race doesn't exist anyplace else in the animal kingdom. Species does. And humanoids are part of the animal kingdom. You may not like this. But like or dislike doesn't apply to science. Also, in zoology, every named creature is given it'a own unique zoological name, Even if it is only slightly different from a similar creature. For Whites, it is Homo aryanus. For orientals it is Homo mongolus. For negroes it is Homo negrosis. For a creature that lived until recently on an Indonesian island, (and maybe still does) it is Homo floresiensis. Etc. etc. etc.
And the queers and lesbo's is Homo flameous....
Civilization would appear to have left some of our race behind. Religious tenets of extreme nature are not generally applied in modern societies. Perhaps the poster could find an exception somewhere.
What race would that be? 77% of people killed by police are non-white. 500 non-whites killed by police last year as opposed to 50 blacks. That's a 2-1 ratio even though blacks commit 80% of violent crimes.
There is only one species of human beings. Somehow I think your attitude would be different if the man was white regardless of what you said.

Quite. The lynch mobs (in blue, or otherwise) always knew who the criminals were, who was to be presumed guilty, and whom to select for trees to bear strange fruit. That hasn't changed during the last century, and the OP relies upon that continuity.

Either you don't support criminality, or you do. What if there was no other way to go about it and you had to choose. Either let a criminal go free or kill them. Which would you choose.
I choose #2. In Saudi Arabia crime there is punishable for if you rob someone, your hand is cut off. No welfare. If you murder someone, you get one appeal, and if still found guilty, your head is removed from your body. No repeat offenders with rap sheets a mile long...A rabid animal cannot be fixed, it has to be removed from society without a chance of it escaping...
One of humanity's worst disorders is this capacity to relegate members of its species to less than meaningful waste.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

I agree.

The police were RIGHT to kill those people at waco and ruby ridge!


and the police should have shot and killed Cliven Bundy and every conservative who aimed guns at them.

I am so glad conservatives agree with this.

I see. Just being a dick. But just for the record, Waco and Ruby ridge were WAY different from Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and whoever the negro in Atlanta was who fought with police, took a tazer, tried to run away and got euthanized.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.

I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.

I suppose they checked his police record and found out he had nothing on it. Did he get off work, and where did he drink. Like I said the bars should get the money from the police to drive people home, there are too many DUI and accidents that kill someone.

But your right of course, if only he didn't resist, but I don't think he deserved what he got.
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.
I agree but my regime sentenced me to 750 € without hearing just because an old fat cat claimed I destroyed a chair. When I cannot pay, they want to incarcerate me together with criminals for 75 days.
I deem it proper to resist incarceration with any mean available. What do you think? What is more valuable? My constitutional freedom or the bad mood of an old rich bastard?

What you are talking about is nothing like what is going on in the U.S. with all the negroes wanting to be free from law enforcement. And here in the U.S., unless you are caught red handed, you don't get fined without a hearing. Also, I don't know what a Euro is worth. But 750 sounds like a lot. It doesn't sound like any sort of cheap patio furniture. So if you did destroy it, how did you go about doing so.
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To me, if shots had to be fired at the guy, they should've been at a less life threatening spot if doing that was possible.

God bless you and the guy's family always!!!


Where are you. In la la land? Shots HAD to be fired. In fact, they needed to be fired before then. And he deserved to die. Also, if you are going to shoot anybody, you shoot to hit them. Moving legs, arms or whatever you're talking about are too difficult of a target.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

His criminal record is floating around somewhere here on USMB and it's extensive.

The guy in Atlanta just got shot. Why would his criminal record already be floating around here somewhere.
Well, this isn't the untamed old west any longer. Civilization marches on and interferes with taking the law into our own hands.

Apparently negroes want to take the ability to police out of the police's hands. If it is out of the police's hands, it is time for vigilante justice. Which is a hell of a lot better than letting the criminals run things.
Ahmaud Arbery was ambushed by two thugs.

Arbury wasn't ambushed. He was chased down. Gregory and Travis McMichael were within their LEGAL rights to detain Arbery. And they had guns with them LEGALLY. Arbery was stupid enough to attack somebody with a shotgun and got what he deserved.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.

I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.

I suppose they checked his police record and found out he had nothing on it. Did he get off work, and where did he drink. Like I said the bars should get the money from the police to drive people home, there are too many DUI and accidents that kill someone.

But your right of course, if only he didn't resist, but I don't think he deserved what he got.

Letting him run away would have been giving society something they didn't deserve to get. Now if it is a high speed car chase and other people are in serious danger, then you back off. Otherwise, kill the fuckers if necessary!
I don't care what species of human fights with police. If anybody fights with the police like the negro in Atlanta did, they should be shot DEAD! The motto of many police departments is to "Protect and serve." It is to protect and serve the public. Not criminals. That criminal might just as easily grabbed a gun. But instead he grabbed a tazer. Well if you are stupid enough to bring a taser to a gun fight, you deserve to die. And as soon as the tazer was forced from the cop's hand, that right there would have been a good excuse to shoot him on the spot. Not wait for him to run off.

Also, it is the job of cops to capture criminals. Not let them run away. And the guy probably resisted because he was guilty of something. To protect the public, you can't let them get away. Because you don't know what they might do next. And if you do start letting them run away, more will do it. Then they will start looking at cops as more of a joke. When that happens, more crimes are likely to occur.

I agree.

The police were RIGHT to kill those people at waco and ruby ridge!


and the police should have shot and killed Cliven Bundy and every conservative who aimed guns at them.

I am so glad conservatives agree with this.
I think cluster bombs at protests are in order.

Cluster bombs are going a little far. Especially if there is no looting or destruction going on. But where that shot happens, you don't need a brigade of paratroopers to observe and report. All you need is a few officers willing to shoot. That would cool their shit.
I have mixed feelings about it, he was drinking and driving according to the breathalyzer so did he have a previous record of DUI's?

I haven't seen anything so far. So I have to assume he had no previous records of anything, so maybe the cops should of offered to drive him home or taken his keys and have someone pick him up.

Or maybe the guy should have just respected the law and allow himself to be arrested. But instead he decided to do what a hardened criminal would do. Luckily, he ended up dead. Just as he deserved.
I don't think he deserved to die, but he saved the taxpayers alot of money by getting kilt.

When you fight with officers and take one of their weapons, even if it is only a taser, you deserve death.

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