"Shoot them!"....and he laughed.....

What else are you supposed to do to an army invading your country by force? If they won't listen to reason and respect the border, the only alternative is using force of our own.

If this force was directed at the employers who invite people here to avoid our employment and wage laws a large portion of the problem would be addressed.

You just want the force directed at the "brown guy".

If the same employers were to fire all Illegals tomorrow morning, no questions asked, the libs would accuse them of "Racism".

What difference would that make? Also claiming something that is never going to happen would result in something is just avoiding the point.

And it wouldn't solve the problem, the Illegals would still be in America enjoying the Sanctuary of our Sanctuary Cities, and even voting in places like San Francisco.

10-20 million people can not live on nothing. But continue to avoid the simple fact that Trump is replacing doing his job for hateful rhetoric.

I don't feel any hate in our President's words at all- he just wants to resolve the problem of illegals.

And all I hear from the libs is open borders and free health care for Illegals.

I guess the key if the D's get in, is if you get sick, leave your ID at hope, go to ER, claim illegal status and holler "racism" if the treatment isn't to your satisfaction.

You have not been listening....Go Home.....Rapist.....Knock the hell out of them....trumps words
Notice who is the HEAD DUNCE?

If you are such a loser in life that a person with no connections, no experience and a limited grasp on the English Language is a threat to your job, that's on you, buddy.

Just own your racism.
like George Lopez said on stage...."if an illegal can take your job from you,it wasnt that great of a job".....
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary
im a typical democrat?...last week i was called a republican....
Ok Uneducated
you have been called stupid way more than me.....
If you are making fun of Americans working middle class jobs that don’t require a college education.. you are beyond stupid
Border Patrol agents should be armed and operate under the same ROE as other law enforcers.

This story is just whiny leftists getting mad about a joke.
Did you hear the words shoot them or was it in the captions?
"Bastard President"? Obama's father was a bigamist and his half brother lives in a freaking tree somewhere in Africa and you think Trump is a bastard? The link is much ado about nothing.
like George Lopez said on stage...."if an illegal can take your job from you,it wasnt that great of a job".....
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary
im a typical democrat?...last week i was called a republican....
Ok Uneducated
you have been called stupid way more than me.....
If you are making fun of Americans working middle class jobs that don’t require a college education.. you are beyond stupid
oh you are talking about the joke Lopez said?.....you will have to take it up with him.....
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary
im a typical democrat?...last week i was called a republican....
Ok Uneducated
you have been called stupid way more than me.....
If you are making fun of Americans working middle class jobs that don’t require a college education.. you are beyond stupid
oh you are talking about the joke Lopez said?.....you will have to take it up with him.....
I’m quoting you
im a typical democrat?...last week i was called a republican....
Ok Uneducated
you have been called stupid way more than me.....
If you are making fun of Americans working middle class jobs that don’t require a college education.. you are beyond stupid
oh you are talking about the joke Lopez said?.....you will have to take it up with him.....
I’m quoting you
no i did not say that,Lopez did....
Ok Uneducated
you have been called stupid way more than me.....
If you are making fun of Americans working middle class jobs that don’t require a college education.. you are beyond stupid
oh you are talking about the joke Lopez said?.....you will have to take it up with him.....
I’m quoting you
no i did not say that,Lopez did....
It was your post
they are all bottom rungs on the ladder joe...the democrats just like the republicans cant find any quality people anymore willing to put up with the bullshit they have to put up with to get elected....

Not really. frankly, most of them are pretty accomplished. Heck, I'll even give Trump credit for being accomplished... he's just nuts now. Trump in the 1990's might have made an okay president.

Border Patrol agents should be armed and operate under the same ROE as other law enforcers.

This story is just whiny leftists getting mad about a joke.

22 people got slaughtered in El Paso because they looked Hispanic.

I'm not laughing.
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary

YOu do realize in the 1800's, we had MASSIVE immigration, and it was a lot easier to get into the country then compared to now, right?

Most people in the 1800's lived in poverty while the rich got filthy rich. That's why you had a labor movement. I'm sure they didn't cover that in whatever talking snake Home School you went to.
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary

YOu do realize in the 1800's, we had MASSIVE immigration, and it was a lot easier to get into the country then compared to now, right?

Most people in the 1800's lived in poverty while the rich got filthy rich. That's why you had a labor movement. I'm sure they didn't cover that in whatever talking snake Home School you went to.
MASSIVE immigration because we were going through a post Civil War economic boom and needed the labor. They came through Ellis Island and Angel Island legally.
MASSIVE immigration because we were going through a post Civil War economic boom and needed the labor. They came through Ellis Island and Angel Island legally.

If we applied the same standards today... most of the "illegals' would be legal.

That's the point.

Oh, for the record, but bigots were just as upset then as they are now.

Just take out the word "Mexican' and put in "German",and you got the same kind of crazy shit.

Prohibition was largely an anti-German measure... decades of anti-German hostility to the immigrant community capping off with WWI.
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary

YOu do realize in the 1800's, we had MASSIVE immigration, and it was a lot easier to get into the country then compared to now, right?

Most people in the 1800's lived in poverty while the rich got filthy rich. That's why you had a labor movement. I'm sure they didn't cover that in whatever talking snake Home School you went to.

There was a massive need for people with strong backs to take advantage of the plethora of Ground Floor Opportunities in the burgeoning steel industry We don't have such a need to day. Nowadays, large crews of men to dig huge holes with picks and shovels just isn't done.
MASSIVE immigration because we were going through a post Civil War economic boom and needed the labor. They came through Ellis Island and Angel Island legally.

If we applied the same standards today... most of the "illegals' would be legal.

That's the point.

Oh, for the record, but bigots were just as upset then as they are now.

Just take out the word "Mexican' and put in "German",and you got the same kind of crazy shit.

Prohibition was largely an anti-German measure... decades of anti-German hostility to the immigrant community capping off with WWI.

Again, not true. At places like Ellis Island, prospective immigrants were vetted. If they couldn't work, if they were incurable or had social diseases, if they were criminals or had severe moral deficiencies, they were sent back. MS13 type animals were not invited and honored. Once they got in, they were on their own- no Free medical care or food stamps.
Prohibition was largely an anti-German measure... decades of anti-German hostility to the immigrant community capping off with WWI.

Aw, bullshit.

Painting all Germans as "drunks" is just a load of shit. Germans love beer, but the Scots love whiskey, Italians love wine, Chinamen dig sake, and African Americans prefer malt liquor.
There was a massive need for people with strong backs to take advantage of the plethora of Ground Floor Opportunities in the burgeoning steel industry We don't have such a need to day. Nowadays, large crews of men to dig huge holes with picks and shovels just isn't done.

Uh, guy, there are still shitty jobs that only the immigrants want... that's the whole point.

Again, not true. At places like Ellis Island, prospective immigrants were vetted. If they couldn't work, if they were incurable or had social diseases, if they were criminals or had severe moral deficiencies, they were sent back. MS13 type animals were not invited and honored. Once they got in, they were on their own- no Free medical care or food stamps.

Uh, guy,... Criminals got in back then, too. Did you ever hear of the Mafia? it was kind of a big deal.

So we have 11,000,000 undocumented immigrants, of whom, at most 10,000 belong to MS-13. That's like one tenth of one percent.

Oh, you realize the reason why we have social security and welfare and food stamps today is because when we had recessions, they had to keep all those immigrants from rioting, right?
Who cares if it was great people need to feed their families, American options are for us not for foreigners

Look at a pic of men in the 1800’s you had so many options for jobs, most jobs didn't pay well but you could provide for your self and family .. these jobs are Just as important as a job you get if you graduated from Harvard..you shouldn’t make fun of struggling Americans... but you are a typical democrat who hates the ordinary

YOu do realize in the 1800's, we had MASSIVE immigration, and it was a lot easier to get into the country then compared to now, right?

Most people in the 1800's lived in poverty while the rich got filthy rich. That's why you had a labor movement. I'm sure they didn't cover that in whatever talking snake Home School you went to.
Yes we had high European immigration! And easier? We had signs that said no wasp, no Irish, no blacks need apply lol
You might have been poor but you had freedom to create a business, move from job to job, and rent was extremely low.. that’s what happens when you encourage a good high school education and push more middle class jobs! The people invent things, peoppe get married and have kids, way more opportunity and less oppression.
There was a massive need for people with strong backs to take advantage of the plethora of Ground Floor Opportunities in the burgeoning steel industry We don't have such a need to day. Nowadays, large crews of men to dig huge holes with picks and shovels just isn't done.

Uh, guy, there are still shitty jobs that only the immigrants want... that's the whole point.

Again, not true. At places like Ellis Island, prospective immigrants were vetted. If they couldn't work, if they were incurable or had social diseases, if they were criminals or had severe moral deficiencies, they were sent back. MS13 type animals were not invited and honored. Once they got in, they were on their own- no Free medical care or food stamps.

Uh, guy,... Criminals got in back then, too. Did you ever hear of the Mafia? it was kind of a big deal.

So we have 11,000,000 undocumented immigrants, of whom, at most 10,000 belong to MS-13. That's like one tenth of one percent.

Oh, you realize the reason why we have social security and welfare and food stamps today is because when we had recessions, they had to keep all those immigrants from rioting, right?

What "riots" from immigrants are you talking about ?

There were a few riots against conscription during the Civil War, but I am unfamiliar with riots over hard times or lack of freebies.

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