"Shoot them!"....and he laughed.....

What else are you supposed to do to an army invading your country by force? If they won't listen to reason and respect the border, the only alternative is using force of our own.

So you say we need more mass shootings? Instead of passing reasonable immigration laws....you want more people killed?

Mods....please note a mass shooting advocate...

Actually, the Democrats in Congress have no desire to pass reasonable immigration laws or to secure the border.

So that idea is a non-starter.
How many bills have been stalled by McChinless in the Senate? Even issues both sides are very concerned about never get a hearing or vote.
I should not want to make sure these people are healthy?
Most of those immigrants come over here with diseases....do you think they even bother to wash their hands? I doubt it.

Most have diseases. How would you know that?
Sure they do wash their hands.

They have jobs not only in food or agricultural industries.
They hold jobs as a registered nurse, teachers, professors, trainers, police officers.
Most have diseases. How would you know that?
Sure they do wash their hands.

They have jobs not only in food or agricultural industries.
They hold jobs as a registered nurse, teachers, professors, trainers, police officers.

You are talking just the minority of the folks that come across the border illegally.
You don't know what the others are bringing into this country.

Infectious Diseases Making the Border Crisis Worse
STFU asshole.
Oh, that's right! You aren't for defending your country. You rather watch it run it to the ground. Have at it....:auiqs.jpg:

We are defending our country of America from people like you.

Watch it run it to the ground? Trumpy boi and Hannity scared you well that you will become instinct.

America is and was always been great. And it’s not because of your racist piece of shit corrupt, hypocrite, pathological liar....... Trump.

Look at the booming economy. Do you honestly believe that with out these illegals ...... the economy is this good?
Trump shares laugh with Florida crowd over rally attendee’s call to shoot migrants

Your Bastard President is laughing at the statement "shoot them"....all you need to know about these mass shootings....the trump cult answered...

Im for having the military shoot them before they hit the border

and mine fields
and killer drones

and hounds ....

WHITE killer drones cause white robots are WACIST

IM an America first cis white male patriot capitalist pig
which makes me a white nationalist

Doesnt mean im going down to walmart to shoot em up

One of the kids biggest themes was population reduction for the good of the planet
GEE i wonder where we've all heard that before

batshit crazy environMENTAList are always putting population reduction out there
YOU cant blame trump and just ignore that
And school is getting ready to begin....all those gun nuts are waiting....

The solution to school shootings is simple. Metal detectors and body cavity searches for the students and staff in the Government Schools. We already have such a security system in our nation's penitentiaries.

Shouldn't we value the lives our children as much as we value our childen's molesters who are locked up in the Big House?

Simple? Really?
If the shooter knew there’s a metal detector. Why in the world he/she will bring it to that place?
What happened then if she/he wait when they get off from school?
Trump shares laugh with Florida crowd over rally attendee’s call to shoot migrants

Your Bastard President is laughing at the statement "shoot them"....all you need to know about these mass shootings....the trump cult answered...
You don’t think invaders should get shot? If I invade your house and take would you shot me?

If someone invade house that is called home invasion most or all have guns or knives and you have the right to protect yourself.

Illegals crossing at the border seeking a better lives with their family. Seeking asylums. There’s a big difference. If you shoot these people that is called murder. You can if you want.

There are militias that live close to the border. Don’t you think they could have shot these illegals by now? They tried to detained illegals but they were charged with kidnapping and told to vacate the area.
Trump shares laugh with Florida crowd over rally attendee’s call to shoot migrants

Your Bastard President is laughing at the statement "shoot them"....all you need to know about these mass shootings....the trump cult answered...
You don’t think invaders should get shot? If I invade your house and take would you shot me?

If someone invade house that is called home invasion most or all have guns or knives and you have the right to protect yourself.

Illegals crossing at the border seeking a better lives with their family. Seeking asylums. There’s a big difference. If you shoot these people that is called murder. You can if you want.

There are militias that live close to the border. Don’t you think they could have shot these illegals by now? They tried to detained illegals but they were charged with kidnapping and told to vacate the area.
Lowering my American wages, destroying my public schools, watering down my 1st culture is worse then any gun
And Trump defended Warmbiers killer

He writes LOVE LETTERS to Wambiers killer....and kisses a Saudi murderer....and thinks a murdering Putin is a great leader....

Moe Salman is actually a progressive new voice in Saudi Arabia. Hardly a "murderer" at all. The fact that he allegedly ordered justice to be carried out against one of his subjects indicates he runs a tight ship. Judicial death penalties aren't "murder" at all.

I am getting tired of trumpettes defending killers and violence....but I guess you can't help it....IN YOUR BLOOD!

Mr. Salman is a high government official assigned with the duty of punishing Saudi subjects who are in violation of Saudi law.

And yes, sometimes that duty includes "violence", but we do the same in this country, tossing senior citizens like Paul Manafort into the hole for failing to make up lies about his President.
What an idiotic sentiment

The guy had a reporter tortured, killed and dismembered with his body never found

Then, he covered up the evidence and lied about what happened

This is the tyrant you defend

Mr. Khashoggi stood accused of treason against the Saudi leadership. Khashoggi was on Saudi territory, so they tried and convicted in accordance with their law.

He was a subject of the Kingdom, and subject to her laws.

In any event, it isn't America's business how our nation's friends do their criminal law.
What else are you supposed to do to an army invading your country by force? If they won't listen to reason and respect the border, the only alternative is using force of our own.

So you say we need more mass shootings? Instead of passing reasonable immigration laws....you want more people killed?

Mods....please note a mass shooting advocate...

Actually, the Democrats in Congress have no desire to pass reasonable immigration laws or to secure the border.

So that idea is a non-starter.
How many bills have been stalled by McChinless in the Senate? Even issues both sides are very concerned about never get a hearing or vote.
Even the devil denied knowing Harry Reid.
And Trump defended Warmbiers killer

He writes LOVE LETTERS to Wambiers killer....and kisses a Saudi murderer....and thinks a murdering Putin is a great leader....

Moe Salman is actually a progressive new voice in Saudi Arabia. Hardly a "murderer" at all. The fact that he allegedly ordered justice to be carried out against one of his subjects indicates he runs a tight ship. Judicial death penalties aren't "murder" at all.

I am getting tired of trumpettes defending killers and violence....but I guess you can't help it....IN YOUR BLOOD!
Similarly, law abiding citizens are tired of riots and destruction every time an "unarmed poor victimized black youth" disobeys an officer's lawful order, or better yet, attacks an officer.

Similarly, if libtards want to keep crying racism at everyone and everything, they will get zero sympathy when a nut job actually does something horrible and racist.

The "injustices" of america have far more to do with wealth (or lack thereof) than anything to do with skin color. White folks are born dirt poor just like black folks. The difference is white folks get told they are evil in the MSM every day, while "minorities" throw group tantrums over social media, decrying the injustice of a rich white woman with braided hair.

In the end, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you are hyperaware of racism, you will find racism in the most mundane of interactions. The latest ive been part of, i was racist because i asked a jamaican woman if she liked spicy food. This type of shit is becoming the new normal. This type of shit will not sit well with those who have to put up with this shit on a daily basis.

We live in a country with some of the highest incarceration rates in the world, yet let illegals roam free. In Massachusetts, one judge literally ordered the bailiff to escort an illegal out the side entrance to avoid ICE detention. The illegal was in MA court on trafficing charges, with a felony DUI warrant in PA.

How are citizens supposed to sit back and watch that? At what point is enough, enough?

DEA/FBI/ATF all willing to arrest and incarcerate over marijuana plants. CPS/DCF willing to seperate families because daddy grew a few plants and didnt pay taxes on them. Yet we have to read articles about the Sackler family "unjustly" (in their words) being evicerated by society for their blood money. The Sackler's and Purdue Pharma's holdings should have been seized years ago.

But, as has come out lately, the DEA and FDA are as complicit in this as the producers and docs. Judges ordered relevant marketing info sealed to protect the producers.

This is why they refuse to hold junkies accountable. The courts will never admit fault, so the law abiding citizens are left holding the financial and emotional bags of damage. Junk boxes are given carte blanche to destroy the childhoods of their children. Most methodone clinics offer child care. Thats right. Come get your fix, then hop in the car drooling to drive jr back home. Junk boxes are also allowed to use the cost of their addiction qualify them for financial hardship, dodging the most basic of obligations of child support. At the same time, when a junk box say, doesnt change his daughters diaper, and she is hospitalized with a flesh eating infection as a result, the mother is told by dcf "you just have different standards of care, that isnt neglect."

All because rich folks donate the funds that allow politicians to run for office. Its all aboit money.

The great divide in this country is not color, but wealth.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Wait! There was rioting at Wal-Mart when the guy started shooting....WHAT AN IDIOTIC STATEMENT!

Aww, its to slow to pick up the parallels to the two polar ends of the spectrum.
as long as the party people have your attitude it may well never happen.....

Actually, it will never happen for a lot of reasons.

The first of which is third parties are almost always fringe movements.

The second reason is that the Electoral College effectively eliminates any chance of a third party getting a president elected. If no one gets a majority, it gets tossed into Congress where the two parties will just vote in one of their own.
Trump shares laugh with Florida crowd over rally attendee’s call to shoot migrants

Your Bastard President is laughing at the statement "shoot them"....all you need to know about these mass shootings....the trump cult answered...

I happen to agree with that statement.

Shoot em as they come across the border. You only need to shoot a few before the others get the idea and stop coming.

More than works for me.

If you build a wall, you don't need to shoot them.

The men patrolling the wall from the top would be able to dump stuff on people using ladders or other means to climb the fortification.
as long as the party people have your attitude it may well never happen.....

Actually, it will never happen for a lot of reasons.

The first of which is third parties are almost always fringe movements.

The second reason is that the Electoral College effectively eliminates any chance of a third party getting a president elected. If no one gets a majority, it gets tossed into Congress where the two parties will just vote in one of their own.
if the party drones would wise up and tell their parties to eat shit,it can be done....
Trump shares laugh with Florida crowd over rally attendee’s call to shoot migrants

Your Bastard President is laughing at the statement "shoot them"....all you need to know about these mass shootings....the trump cult answered...

I happen to agree with that statement.

Shoot em as they come across the border. You only need to shoot a few before the others get the idea and stop coming.

More than works for me.

If you build a wall, you don't need to shoot them.

The men patrolling the wall from the top would be able to dump stuff on people using ladders or other means to climb the fortification.

Yup the wall would work as well. If the Dem idiots get behind the wall it wouldn't take long to build. Once built we can boot the 20 million who are here the hell out and save billions each year.

Shooting works well to. Shoot a few. The rest will get the message.

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