Shooter bought gun legally, not mentally ill….gun control laws actually worked….


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So….this guy went through the process to get his gun legally, and he wasn't mentally ill….so all of your gun control laws stopped the murder of two people…….right?

Tell me…how would making this guy get a license have stopped him from getting the gun or murdering those people?

How would making him register the gun he bought legally, and then used to murder those two people have prevented him from murdering those people?

If he had to be licensed…how would that have helped solve this crime? How would registering his gun have solved this crime?

Was he or was he not already a criminal for committing the murder of 2 innocent people with the gun, so any extra crime from using a gun would have been addressed on his capture…right?

So no need to license anyone or make them register their guns…right?

And he didn't need a 30 round magazine to murder those 2 people…right? He could have used a 10 round magazine to kill both people…right?

So no need to ban 30 round magazines.

Are there any other pointless gun control laws that you guys want to pass to either feel good about yourselves or to hassle law abiding gun owners?
Many years of mental health issues, known for his anger, escorted from the TV station by armed guards in 2013 and carried a grudge since, talked of admiration for Columbine shooters and other mass killers since ...

Every single one of these shootings proves our laws are worthless.

Nutters say laws won't stop all shootings. Is there any other issue where we have passed a law with the expectation that it would stop all of anything? Is there any other issue where we have just given up

Its indefensible that we have allowed a very few extremist domestic terrorists to control the lives of our nation.
Many years of mental health issues, known for his anger, escorted from the TV station by armed guards in 2013 and carried a grudge since, talked of admiration for Columbine shooters and other mass killers since ...

Every single one of these shootings proves our laws are worthless.

Nutters say laws won't stop all shootings. Is there any other issue where we have passed a law with the expectation that it would stop all of anything? Is there any other issue where we have just given up

Its indefensible that we have allowed a very few extremist domestic terrorists to control the lives of our nation.

The issue is gun controllers want to pass laws that only impact people who follow the laws regardless, and are not a threat. Making it harder for me to get a firearm is pointless, but its the overall goal of gun controllers.
Someone would have to actually step up and have Vester declared mentally ill. If someone had tried using his history of claiming racism, there would certainly have been a hue and cry on his behalf.
Anti-gun loons have no desire - or capability - to have an honest discussion about this.
They have an irrational hatred of guns and they work backwards from there.
Many years of mental health issues, known for his anger, escorted from the TV station by armed guards in 2013 and carried a grudge since, talked of admiration for Columbine shooters and other mass killers since ...

Every single one of these shootings proves our laws are worthless.

Nutters say laws won't stop all shootings. Is there any other issue where we have passed a law with the expectation that it would stop all of anything? Is there any other issue where we have just given up

Its indefensible that we have allowed a very few extremist domestic terrorists to control the lives of our nation.

Actually, our laws work. If he hadn't killed himself we would have locked him up for a long time. Our murder laws are essentially our gun laws, murder someone with a gun you go to jail…..problem solved.

what you anti gun extremists want….a Bureau of Pre Crime…where you can stop a violent gun crime before it happens…..and that idea only exists in the movies, but you will push more stupid gun laws in the hope that they will work like pre-crime….
what you anti gun extremists want….a Bureau of Pre Crime…where you can stop a violent gun crime before it happens…..and that idea only exists in the movies, but you will push more stupid gun laws in the hope that they will work like pre-crime….
They want to restrict people's rights because they MIGHT commit a crime.
They see no issue in this, until someone applies it to them.
"….so all of your gun control laws stopped the murder of two people…….right?" Lead
What is the ratio of U.S. citizens killed by legally obtained weapons,
those citizens killed by illegal weapons?

I'm former U.S. military.
I'm a former policeman.
I'm an NRA life member.
I own a gun.
That is not the profile of a gun-hater / gun-banner.

But weapons control laws empower police to confiscate illegal guns from thugs.
I'm not sure law enforcement is such a bad thing.
Those that disagree are called "anarchists".
But weapons control laws empower police to confiscate illegal guns from thugs.
The laws against the purchase and possession of a firearm by felons, etc, is all you need for this; to this end, licensing, registration, background checks are unnecessary.
Two whites killed by a black man, whens the rioting and looting gonna start? White Lives Matter!
"….so all of your gun control laws stopped the murder of two people…….right?" Lead
What is the ratio of U.S. citizens killed by legally obtained weapons,
those citizens killed by illegal weapons?

I'm former U.S. military.
I'm a former policeman.
I'm an NRA life member.
I own a gun.
That is not the profile of a gun-hater / gun-banner.

But weapons control laws empower police to confiscate illegal guns from thugs.
I'm not sure law enforcement is such a bad thing.
Those that disagree are called "anarchists".

If a felon is stopped and is carrying a gun, you can send them back to jail…today, no need for any new laws, it is already illegal for them to have a gun. If someone commits a crime with a gun, they can already be arrested and sent to jail, no need for any new laws to do that.

Let's say a law abiding citizen is stopped by police. They run him and he comes back with no priors…they let him go on his way. The whole time he could carry a gun and since he isn't a criminal, there is no need for a law to bother him.

Let's say a convicted criminal is stopped by police. They run him and it comes back he is a convicted criminal. The officer can search him to see if he has a weapon, if he does, then he goes to jail. No need to license anyone, no need to register any guns, no background check needed there…..

Can anyone explain why we need to license gun owners or register their guns in order to arrest someone who breaks the law with a gun?

Can anyone explain why we need to license gun owners or register their guns in order to arrest a felon caught in possession of a gun in their home or on their person?
"The laws against the purchase and possession of a firearm by felons, etc, is all you need for this; to this end, licensing, registration, background checks are unnecessary. " #9
That's false.
There's more than one example. I'll cite one, to disprove your assertion.

If a legally purchased firearm is lost or stolen, and a criminal takes possession of it for illegal, potentially murderous use, the absence of any & all " licensing, registration, background checks " would put that illegal firearm within the secure possession of the criminals, and beyond the reach of law enforcement.

There's room for debate about whether gun registration is good or bad. That's fine. Pick any side of that one you like.

BUT !!

There is no debate about whether gun registration laws help law enforcement confiscate illegal weapons from criminals.
"The laws against the purchase and possession of a firearm by felons, etc, is all you need for this; to this end, licensing, registration, background checks are unnecessary. " #9
That's false.
There's more than one example. I'll cite one, to disprove your assertion.
If a legally purchased firearm is lost or stolen, and a criminal takes possession of it for illegal, potentially murderous use, the absence of any & all " licensing, registration, background checks " would put that illegal firearm within the secure possession of the criminals, and beyond the reach of law enforcement.
The criminal has a gun.
It is illegal for him to have it.
Thus, you confiscate it - and arrest the criminal.
You do not need gun registration for this.
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"If a felon is stopped and is carrying a gun, you can send them back to jail…today, no need for any new laws" #11
a) I'm not advocating any new laws. So you have persuasively refuted a point it wouldn't occur to me to have made.

b) Not every criminal is a convicted felon.

c) Not every convicted felon is on parole.

d) And what if the felony isn't a week in the past, but an hour in the future?
"it is already illegal for them to have a gun. "
That's a persuasive endorsement of gun registration.
"If a felon is stopped and is carrying a gun, you can send them back to jail…today, no need for any new laws" #11
a) I'm not advocating any new laws. So you have persuasively refuted a point it wouldn't occur to me to have made.

b) Not every criminal is a convicted felon.

c) Not every convicted felon is on parole.

d) And what if the felony isn't a week in the past, but an hour in the future?
"it is already illegal for them to have a gun. "
That's a persuasive endorsement of gun registration.

A convicted felon doesn't need to be on parole to be sent back to prison. It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm, period.

He did say if it was illegal for that specific criminal to possess a gun then confiscation could be made and I might add charges would then be filed.
"It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm, period." Ll
Lemme guess.
You from Texas?

It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm comma, or to vote, in SOME jurisdictions, but not all.

And not every gun criminal is a convicted felon. So why are you harping on this Texas straw-man?
"It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm, period." Ll
Lemme guess.
You from Texas?

It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm comma, or to vote, in SOME jurisdictions, but not all.

And not every gun criminal is a convicted felon. So why are you harping on this Texas straw-man?

What do you mean by "gun criminal"?

No one has ever said every criminal was a convicted felon.

In MOST jurisdictions. Happy now?
"If a felon is stopped and is carrying a gun, you can send them back to jail…today, no need for any new laws" #11
a) I'm not advocating any new laws. So you have persuasively refuted a point it wouldn't occur to me to have made.

b) Not every criminal is a convicted felon.

c) Not every convicted felon is on parole.

d) And what if the felony isn't a week in the past, but an hour in the future?
"it is already illegal for them to have a gun. "
That's a persuasive endorsement of gun registration.

You are not make sense here friend.

How does a registration keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Take this guy as an example...he bought the gun legally, passed a background let's say he registers it. What good did that do?

Or the felon...if he is caught with a gun, he is registration required.

If a criminal is not a felon, he buys a gun, passes a background check and registers what? How does that reduce crime?
"It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm, period." Ll
Lemme guess.
You from Texas?

It is illegal for a felon to possess a firearm comma, or to vote, in SOME jurisdictions, but not all.

And not every gun criminal is a convicted felon. So why are you harping on this Texas straw-man?

Wrong...that's FEDERAL law.

Being a felon in possession of a firearm is a felony in most U.S. states and in the federal system, per 18 U.S.C. § 922(g). Jay Dobyns has described it as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "bread and butter" charge.[1] Per 18 U.S.C. § 924(a)(2), it is a class C felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Felon in possession of a firearm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"How does a registration keep guns out of the hands of criminals." #18
Interesting pseudo-question.
Perhaps someone will wish to attempt to answer it.

The precise wording of my posted comment in #8 was:
"But weapons control laws empower police to confiscate illegal guns from thugs."
M added:
"Wrong...that's FEDERAL law." M
I think you're referring to this:
Owning a Gun - Felony Restrictions
In 1934 the government passed a law banning any person who had been convicted of a violent felony from owning a gun. This was in addition to an existing ban ...

BUT !!

Convicted felons can now own guns in state where gun deaths ...

Mar 5, 2015 ... In Missouri, where gun deaths outpace motor vehicle deaths, ... 5 last November, Missouri law banning felons from owning guns is now ...
Can a Felon Own a Gun? 5 Federal Law Loopholes -

Nov 17, 2014 ... Despite the intention of the Gun Control Act to prohibit felons from owning guns, there are some loopholes that allow felons to circumvent ...
Owning a Gun - Felony Restrictions

I'm not denying the federal law.
I'm acknowledging that despite it; there are still SOME former felony prisoners that have served their debt to society, and are allowed to own a gun.

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