Shooter Was A Saudi

Naval Air Station Pensacola active shooter reported, shelter-in-place issued

The gunman who opened fire Friday morning at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida, fatally shooting three people, has been identified as an aviation student from Saudi Arabia as investigators are looking into whether the attack is terrorism-related.

why are we letting these people on our military bases?
Hello. Remember September 11 2001? Sponsored by Saudia Arabia brought to you by OIL,its what they call "FRANGIBLE".

The September 11, 2001 I recall was sponsored by and brought to us by Al Qaeda. What planet do you live on?
So what was your purpose to this diatribe?

The Saudis are our enemies

Muslims are our enemies. Round them up and deport every last one.

That is your opinion only. You put them in the same category as the Iranians?

Saudi's have killed more Americans than Iranians


Are you sure? Those were Saudis by birth but radicalized jihadis living outside SA..

How many American troops did the Iranians kill in Iraq with their IEDs?
They wanted to kill U.S. Pilots.......military fighters they can't usually get to since they are out of reach on bases and flying high over the battlefield...

So why choose a base where most of the pilots are still in training? These instructors stationed there are not the ones flying the F/A-18s and F-35s off of ships. Any Navy pilot can be a basic flight instructor, but they are usually the guys who fly P-8s, C-130s, E-2s, C-1s, etc.
I do not know how the Navy refers to their intelligence guys. In the Army they often referred to as the 2 shop, operating under the S-2 or G-2 depending on level of Command. But whatever you guys call them, they really dropped the mop on the deck at that base. It is quite common to have foreign military students at training bases. We sell a lot of equip requiring specialized training. Much of this could be done could be and should be done forward, OCONUS, but often isn't. In these days of asymmetric warfare, dealing with terrorists and indeed states that support terrorist, but are considered allies, a higher level of ongoing security intelligence regarding foreign military students should be maintained as SOP. You cannot have 100% vehicle inspection at guard posts coming on to bases. Traffic can be horrible as it is. That said, foreign military students reporting for training duty could be posted to go through a different line at the checkpoints for closer inspection. Foreign Military students should be housed on post, even in what you and I would call sub- standard housing and denied statements of non availability at billeting. This would cut down on the routine in/out traffic of foreign national. Our facilities are not here for their convenience. Training Command level 2 shops or whatever the Navy calls them should be utilized at training bases to effect ongoing alertness to activities and attitudes of Foreign Military Students. At the first hint of unpopular ideas or attitudes on the part of Foreign Military students. the offending student should be shipped home. Training here is a privilege not a right.
They wanted to kill U.S. Pilots.......military fighters they can't usually get to since they are out of reach on bases and flying high over the battlefield...

So why choose a base where most of the pilots are still in training? These instructors stationed there are not the ones flying the F/A-18s and F-35s off of ships. Any Navy pilot can be a basic flight instructor, but they are usually the guys who fly P-8s, C-130s, E-2s, C-1s, etc.
I do not know how the Navy refers to their intelligence guys. In the Army they often referred to as the 2 shop, operating under the S-2 or G-2 depending on level of Command. But whatever you guys call them, they really dropped the mop on the deck at that base. It is quite common to have foreign military students at training bases. We sell a lot of equip requiring specialized training. Much of this could be done could be and should be done forward, OCONUS, but often isn't. In these days of asymmetric warfare, dealing with terrorists and indeed states that support terrorist, but are considered allies, a higher level of ongoing security intelligence regarding foreign military students should be maintained as SOP. You cannot have 100% vehicle inspection at guard posts coming on to bases. Traffic can be horrible as it is. That said, foreign military students reporting for training duty could be posted to go through a different line at the checkpoints for closer inspection. Foreign Military students should be housed on post, even in what you and I would call sub- standard housing and denied statements of non availability at billeting. This would cut down on the routine in/out traffic of foreign national. Our facilities are not here for their convenience. Training Command level 2 shops or whatever the Navy calls them should be utilized at training bases to effect ongoing alertness to activities and attitudes of Foreign Military Students. At the first hint of unpopular ideas or attitudes on the part of Foreign Military students. the offending student should be shipped home. Training here is a privilege not a right.

Thank you for acknowledging that you don't know anything about the Navy or their procedures for dealing with foreign military students. Your honesty is refreshing.

So what was your purpose to this diatribe? Reinventing the wheel that you don't even know exists?
No. I am just not satisfied with the results of how the wheels turn sometimes. I posted to your input because I thought you were a Navy man. Cool Avatar!

Back 40+ years ago, I enlisted in the Navy and went to school at Great Lakes. Iran was one of our closest allies at the time and the barracks complexes had one designated for the Iranians to all live in while they attended the same schools as we did. Why? They bought their ships from us!

After the revolution in Iran, they all disappeared.
You guys who are bitching about a Saudi being trained on an American base need to get ahold of Trump and tell him to stop selling US weapons to Saudi Arabia. The reason he was here was to get trained on the maintenance and upkeep of the planes we just sold them.
They don't have to be HERE to be trained. I train dozens of people to play musical instruments, all totally online.
You guys who are bitching about a Saudi being trained on an American base need to get ahold of Trump and tell him to stop selling US weapons to Saudi Arabia. The reason he was here was to get trained on the maintenance and upkeep of the planes we just sold them.
They don't have to be HERE to be trained. I train dozens of people to play musical instruments, all totally online.

Try learning to fly a jet aircraft that way!
Exactly. If Trump hadn't pushed through his arms deal with Saudi Arabia, they wouldn't have had to send people over here to get trained on the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment. This one can be laid at Trump's feet.
FALSE! Nobody has to physically come to the US.
Trumpp purposely excluded the Saudis from his Muslim ban. This is on him.
I seem to recall that originally, Trump called for a ban on ALL Muslims - after the San Bernardino jihadist attack, (a call he reiterated after the Orlando nightclub shooting six months later). It was Democrat judges who impeded that reform.

Yup. More Muslims coming into the US. More jihadist killings. Can't blame Trump. He tried to stop it.
Exactly. If Trump hadn't pushed through his arms deal with Saudi Arabia, they wouldn't have had to send people over here to get trained on the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment. This one can be laid at Trump's feet.
FALSE! Nobody has to physically come to the US.

Bull squeezings! The training, instructors. aircraft and simulators cannot be exported on a whim!
Bull squeezings! The training, instructors. aircraft and simulators cannot be exported on a whim!
They don't need to be. The planes are going to SA, right ? So the instructors can go THERE too.

Our Navy pilots cannot be sent to Saudi Arabia because they train OUR pilots also. The planes they are going to fly are NOT the primary trainers they fly in Pensacola. You are not getting good info.
Our Navy pilots cannot be sent to Saudi Arabia because they train OUR pilots also. The planes they are going to fly are NOT the primary trainers they fly in Pensacola. You are not getting good info.
None of that makes a grain of sense. I sense you are talking without knowing. As I said >> the instructors can go THERE too. (or we can just not GIVE THEM the planes)

No Muslim has to come to the US. Ever.
Again, that is your uniformed and baseless opinion.
I guess your bungling speech meant to say >> UNinformed, but nevertheless, it is my INFORMED and well-based opinion, which you have not refuted in the slightest.

And I don't wear a uniform. :lol:

Sorry about the typo!

You are uninformed because you keep getting the facts in the case wrong.
Our Navy pilots cannot be sent to Saudi Arabia because they train OUR pilots also. The planes they are going to fly are NOT the primary trainers they fly in Pensacola. You are not getting good info.
None of that makes a grain of sense. I sense you are talking without knowing. As I said >> the instructors can go THERE too. (or we can just not GIVE THEM the planes)

No Muslim has to come to the US. Ever.

The same pilots, the same course of instruction, the same trainer aircraft, and the same simulators are used by our Navy and the Saudis. Why duplicate the effort?

A neighbor of mine was an M1A1 tank maintenance instructor in Saudi Arabia. They had the tanks there, so he provided the instruction. If you don't have the materials needed, you cannot do that.

Pardon me but your bigotry regarding Islam is showing like redneck's bra straps while wearing a tube top!

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