Shooting at gun shop

Ya know, the nutters keep saying that them thar mean ole gun grabbers are makin' shit up about them.

Truth is, they are their own worst enemies.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It's unclear which part of Clapp's body was shot.

Bet the shoot-ee knows.

And, just like other shooting victims, I'll bet both he and his family "cares" that he's got a bullet hole in him.


nobody cares.

In the US, almost 70 million guns have been sold in the past 6 years and 3 out of 4 Americans dont want any kind of a gun ban.

gun grabber k00k losing.

Its very telling that the only ones to ever mention a "ban" are the nutters.

Also telling that they admit they don't care about innocent victims.

They really are their own worst enemies.
Ya know, the nutters keep saying that them thar mean ole gun grabbers are makin' shit up about them.

Truth is, they are their own worst enemies.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

9 year-old little girl 'Dead Eyes' too. ;)

Sandy Hook.

And thousands more.

And then they have the nerve to say they give a crap about fetuses.

Excellent point. Raises the question of could that be explained via a baby (unless fetuses masturbate in the womb heh) is innocent, but a baby outside the womb is a sinner according to Christianity?
Firearms shouldn't be blamed for murder. We've been mrudering each other since Cain and Abel. Guns have only been around for a few centuries.
Firearms shouldn't be blamed for murder. We've been mrudering each other since Cain and Abel. Guns have only been around for a few centuries.
You lefties are some seriously stupid people. In a gun store hundreds if people come in and out every day. Many if those are handling weapons. Many gun shops have target ranges inside the building as well. Every once in a while someone gets careless and a gun goes off. No surprise there.
You lefties are some seriously stupid people. In a gun store hundreds if people come in and out every day. Many if those are handling weapons. Many gun shops have target ranges inside the building as well. Every once in a while someone gets careless and a gun goes off. No surprise there.

Have seen newbies discharge their weapons on ranges before, shooting the ceiling and being promptly booted off the premises for being morons. Had shot myself int he chest (sorta) when richocheted rounds off steel target hangers popped me in the chest (vest was on, not that I think it had penetrative force by that time.) And have been guilty of forgetting my gun safe key once arriving at a range. :)

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