Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

How about we have a plan to keep the democrats from destroying local police, keep them from releasing violent gun criminals over and over, and seal up the border the democrats have opened wide for every criminal from Mexico......

We could start there and that would end over 95% of our gun violence...

Maybe democrats can pray on it.
Aw snap, and it's that damn AR-15 again....


The weapon promoted by anti-gunners as the gateway gun to ban all guns..........if not for you idiots, that rifle wouldn't be out there in mass public shootings........your advertising for that rifle drives these shooters....

And now you are on your knees begging, pleading with your god, government, that the shooter isn't hispanic....cause if he can't use this shooting anymore.......

And you will be pissed, after smearing all that blood on your body, dancing on the have it wasted by a hispanic shooter will just piss you off...
It's MAGAts beating on police. We all saw it on Jan 6th....and you very clearly want to excuse it.

A whole year of democrat party brown shirts, blm and antfa attacking police, burning police stations and court houses, killing 40 Americans, injuring over 400 primarily black neighborhoods in democrat party cities where the democrat party mayors ordered the police to do nothing to stop the violence....

Sell you bullshit to biden voters.....the only people stupid enough to believe your crap.
No....that isn't my gun gun culture is the one that rushed to stop the killer......that uses their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders......

Your gun culture, created by the democrat party, releases known, violent gun offenders over and over again, in order to create the gun violence you need to push gun control...

Your gun culture, not mine, caused this...
Hilarious fuckup
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No traing....lots of shootings


How many more mass shooting will we as a nation have to suffer through.

The leading cause of death of school age children is gun violence.

Fuck thoughts and empty fucking prayers.

Fucking thoughts and empty fucking prayers don't mean shit when bury your loved one.

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