Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

That's what liberals don't understand. If you carry your gun everywhere, sooner or later you'll be in a situation you can call self-defense.
Maybe, maybe not. I have been carrying quite a while and still haven't been at the wrong place at the wrong time and had to exercise that responsibility. Hope I never have to.
I got the civilian required training, background checks (local, state and federal), testing and qualification after a shooting incident I witnessed, but only had my Iphone for calling 911 and taking pictures of the perp for the police. If I had been armed at the time, I would have put him down like a dog, when he pointed the gun at the victim the second time, and prayed about it the following Sunday. We are citizens of our communities. We are responsible to and for that community within our sphere, and up to our abilities, if need arises. I am a responsible person. That is why I carry concealed.
Sure does have a tan and gang tats..... it may not be one of their trannies but it's goddamn sure something straight out of the party that likes to fuck kids.... probably an illegal. That'll kill the feigned outrage in a millisecond.

tranny happy.jpg
Shootings like this are the price we pay for living in a free society.
Lol. They're the price you pay for believing your own propaganda.

The countries that took the top 10 places, in order, were Switzerland, New Zealand, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Selected jurisdictions rank as follows: Canada (13), Taiwan (14), Japan (16), Germany (18), United Kingdom (20), United States (23),
Texas is a shithole. Conservatives have made it the armpit of America.

If this keeps up Texas will almost be as bad as Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Oakland, New Orleans, Detroit...

No traing....lots of shootings

I dont think this person would be deterred by not having a permit

Libs just want to take away guns without dealing with the real issue, which is our insane liberal culture that drives some people over the edge
How many more mass shooting will we as a nation have to suffer through.

The leading cause of death of school age children is gun violence.

Fuck thoughts and empty fucking prayers.

Fucking thoughts and empty fucking prayers don't mean shit when bury your loved one.
Plenty more until America turns over a new leaf and scraps the 2nd.

Then it'll take decades to sort the gun mess out and to have a much safer gun culture/mentality.
Maybe, maybe not. I have been carrying quite a while and still haven't been at the wrong place at the wrong time and had to exercise that responsibility. Hope I never have to.
I got the civilian required training, background checks (local, state and federal), testing and qualification after a shooting incident I witnessed, but only had my Iphone for calling 911 and taking pictures of the perp for the police. If I had been armed at the time, I would have put him down like a dog, when he pointed the gun at the victim the second time, and prayed about it the following Sunday. We are citizens of our communities. We are responsible to and for that community within our sphere, and up to our abilities, if need arises. I am a responsible person. That is why I carry concealed.
I know you won't get this, but someone with the mentality of walking around armed concealed in public and willing to shoot someone, is called a bad gun culture. When someone's brain with a gun would use that gun on someone, they're an unsuitable gun candidate.

The two errors in America's guns -

1) The culture; people's orientation towards guns, towards others, and where's safe to store and use them

2) Gun accessibility and their features

At the moment, the emphasis has been more guns, more armed citizens, and a greater push to get any restriction, pardon the pun, shot down. And what's the result? Weekly mass shootings where 4 or more are injured and/or killed.

And this mass killing took an armed cop and not this fallacy of an armed citizen. Proven fact.

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