Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Was the parking lot?
I live close to a mall and I go walk around it when the weather is bad. This mall has already been shot up and a good guy with a gun shot the perp in seconds. But not until 4 were dead. Funny thing was a few months after the shooting Simons permabanned 2 guys for carrying in the mall. As for the parking lot. In Indiana when you enter a gun free zone you can legally lock your firearm in your vehicle out of view. I have never thought about in the parking lot but I imagine since it is Simon property there are banned there too if not locked out of view.
This has been explained to you dozens of times but you are too ignorant to understand.

There are no such things as Red States and Blue States. That is a term invented by USA Today to disucss the 2000 Presidential election.

It is America and the filthy ass Democrat controlled big city shitholes with large ghetto population of Negroes and Hispanics.

For instance, New Orleans in Louisiana, Houston and Dallas in Texas. Memphis in Tennessee, Jackson in Mississippi, Atlanta in Georgia, etc.

You are simply too stupid to understand that, aren't you?
I'd rather be a Democrat that a rat asses Republican!!!
I think it makes it worse for the gun people if this guy is an illegal too. Fox acts like they are praying for it to be, questioning why we have not heard more about the shooter a few minutes ago. But if he was an illegal, I mean, does Texas sell rifles from vending machines?
Thats a fair question

If he bought the gun illegally why punish honest American citizens?
Awaiting you proving your statement with facts.....should be easy, right?

And what's with you being fetished by pedos?
Lol, I'm not the one that supports one. You are, I think all pedophiles should be executed. How about you? Anyway just Google crime under Biden.
I live close to a mall and I go walk around it when the weather is bad. This mall has already been shot up and a good guy with a gun shot the perp in seconds. But not until 4 were dead. Funny thing was a few months after the shooting Simons permabanned 2 guys for carrying in the mall. As for the parking lot. In Indiana when you enter a gun free zone you can legally lock your firearm in your vehicle out of view. I have never thought about in the parking lot but I imagine since it is Simon property there are banned there too if not locked out of view.
So you don't know.....:heehee:

BTW...for anyone who saw the video from some guy's dash cam...........why didn't any of those tough Texans in jacked up pick up trucks run this guy down rather than drive away as fast as they could?
Lol, I said our country has gotten more dangerous under Biden and the million waiting at the border for title 42 to run out. That Biden will not extend is going to let thousands more violent criminals into our country.
Our country has not gotten more violent under Biden. Thats for sure.
Which communist countries have these mass shootings four times a week?
I was referring to past communist atrocities, nothing more. Communist China under Mao, 100 million Chinese people were killed in order to begin a new communist state that China became. The Bolsheviks through Linen and Stalin took life away from millions in both Russia and its satellite nations including family deaths of the Czar and his relatives, friends, political associates, ministers, and government helpers, the Ukraine from the 1930s through yesterday to sate the communist state that Russia is. Ukraine is only one of several Russian Satellite territories. Fascism killed six million in the genocide of European Jews. You know how much Biden hates to be questioned? That is the typical mindset of communist dictators, and Hillary's particular influence brings the Democrat Party to enact the alinsky method that we are currently experiencing under the Deep State puppeteers of addled President Biden. Their supporters have brought death to Americans by several means--BLM riots, defunding cops that resulted in letting thieves close down businesses large and small due to no shooting back responses being disallowed through the Soros-supported judiciary body who do not interfere with the crimes of people based on their color, and it isn'[t going away if the Democrats are successful in decimating the Constitution and its human rights amendments with harshest measures taken on their real and perceived enemies, including the police they defunded.
You haven't done the math problem yet.....

Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years, between 1939-1945......over 1 million children ....

Gun murder in the U.S. over our entire 246 year history...around 2,460,000....

How many hundreds of years will it take us to catch up to European murder?

Please show your work....

You're talking about nationalism giving rise to war.. use your b
I was referring to past communist atrocities, nothing more. Communist China under Mao, 100 million Chinese people were killed in order to begin a new communist state that China became. The Bolsheviks through Linen and Stalin took life away from millions in both Russia and its satellite nations including family deaths of the Czar and his relatives, friends, political associates, ministers, and government helpers, the Ukraine from the 1930s through yesterday to sate the communist state that Russia is. Ukraine is only one of several Russian Satellite territories. Fascism killed six million in the genocide of European Jews. You know how much Biden hates to be questioned? That is the typical mindset of communist dictators, and Hillary's particular influence brings the Democrat Party to enact the alinsky method that we are currently experiencing under the Deep State puppeteers of addled President Biden. Their supporters have brought death to Americans by several means--BLM riots, defunding cops that resulted in letting thieves close down businesses large and small due to no shooting back responses being disallowed through the Soros-supported judiciary body who do not interfere with the crimes of people based on their color, and it isn'[t going away if the Democrats are successful in decimating the Constitution and its human rights amendments with harshest measures taken on their real and perceived enemies, including the police they defunded.

Wars and revolutions?

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