Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

Other nations have mental illness. Other nations have terrorists, and immigrants, and racial tensions, and everything else.

And yet, we are the only ones who have several *times* as many gun deaths as other developed nations. And we are the only ones with so, so many guns.

It doesn't take much to have to at least consider that maybe it's because we have so many guns, that we have so many gun deaths.

We've watched the frequency going from once a decade, to once a year, to once a month, to once a week. Now, it's once every few days. Soon, it will be every day, then multiple times per day, and more.

How much longer do we let the government let this go before we make them do something?

Until every family has lost a member or two?

Your brother or sister? Nephew or niece? One of your kids, maybe your husband or wife?


This fails as a red herring fallacy – further proof that conservatives are cowards and fear addressing the problem of gun crime and violence.

And democrats are morons for not recognizing the problem in the first place, instead repeatedly blaming the instrument used in the crime for the crime occurring in the first place. Exactly like a moron would.
I see we have a spelling nazi
Not at all. I like how you picked up on IQ and insults, then threw an insult back in the same breath. I liked the irony.

Then you doubled up on basic spelling that stood out after your IQ claim. I liked that irony too, so I don't usually pull up on spelling, but that one was too good to miss.
Not at all. I like how you picked up on IQ and insults, then threw an insult back in the same breath. I liked the irony.

Then you doubled up on basic spelling that stood out after your IQ claim. I liked that irony too, so I don't usually pull up on spelling, but that one was too good to miss.
It wasn't spelling, it was punctuation.
If cars and bombs and knives and whatever else were as effective as guns, logic dictates that people bent on killing would use them about as often as they do guns. And yet they do not.

Guns are easy to get, easy to use, and are very effective at killing lots of people from a long way away. It is what they were designed to do.

A U-Haul van was used to murder 168 people in Oklahoma City. 168 is a lot more than 9 - seeing that you're a liberal you may need that spelled out for you. You can take away all the guns you want, it's the PERSON behind the crime that needs to be addressed. NOT the tool that person uses...

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