Shooting at outlet mall in Texas

I have no idea, but you don't think some won't be committing crimes? Maybe a quarter of them should be sent to your city. You good with that?

Why stop there? Send them to his neighborhood. His house even. If you're FOR illegal entry into this country, you should have to house 10 illegals in your home. Without any gov't assistance. You want them here, you deal with them.
Of course you do, along with others on the dishonest right.

Lying about guns being ‘taken away’ is to deflect and obfuscate; everyone knows that guns aren’t going to be ‘taken away,’ including conservatives – hence their dishonesty.

'Lying.' Too bad for you I posted video of Democrats threatening just that, the confiscation of firearms. How does it feel to be SHOWN as the liar YOU are? IF you had even a sense of embarrassment, you'd leave this thread and hopefully this board altogether, but you're not nearly that smart. My guess is a paid DNC shill, given your devout spreading of lies so easily proven false.
Why are MAGAts so afraid, angry and paranoid?

Ha! Please, it was a liberal IN THIS THREAD, who, upon hearing that children had been killed, said 'I LOVE IT!!!!!'

Why do liberals literally enjoy hearing about children being murdered? Or groomed by sexual deviants? How excited were you upon hearing of another mass shooting incident?

Carrying any kind of weapon, guns or knives, was not allowed other than outside town borders and inside the home. When visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town.

Why are the pro forma "prayers" of permissive firearm policy proponents so impotent?
Those who facilitate the killers constantly exhibit horrific aim with their ineffectual divine entreaties.

‘Spare us your prayers’: Ted Cruz faces backlash after Texas mall shooting kills eight
Texas US senator Ted Cruz’s comment Saturday that he was “praying” for families of the eight victims killed in a shooting at a shopping mall in his state has sparked outrage as many critics say the Republican should advocate for meaningful gun control rather than repeatedly invoke prayer after mass, deadly violence.
Cruz and other fellow Texas Republicans have faced similar backlash for citing general emotional support, thoughts, prayers, or a combination thereof after the slayings in Allen, Texas, on Saturday.
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“Heidi and I are praying for the families of the victims
of the horrific mall shooting in Allen, Texas.

We pray also for the broader Collin county community
that’s in shock from this tragedy.”

Shannon Watts, founder of gun safety group Moms Demand Action, said on Twitter: “YOU helped arm him with guns, ammo and tactical gear. He did exactly what you knew he’d do. Spare us your prayers and talk of justice for a gunman who is … dead”...
Star Trek actor George Takei added: “You’re worse than useless.”
Another Twitter user said thoughts and prayers “are nothing but blasphemy and evil”. Yet another quipped: “Have you tried turning the prayer machine off and back on again.”

Oh good deal, now we all know what George Takei things of Saturday's events. Just when I was about to forget that George Takei even existed...
A gun did it. Looked like one of them famous Assault Rifle 15's. Damn shame. Could have been prevented, but YOU KNOW WHO :fu:
likes to hide behind talking points while children get slaughtered at the shopping malls and schools, etc...

Yes, and your first reaction to hearing children had been murdered was 'I LOVE IT!!!!!'
Deny your own, Peter.
Clearly Mr. Garcia is part of the Mexican neo-Nazi group, the Qué Qué Qué:

I will point out something I've pointed out before. Here again we have more dead individuals and far too many only care about making political points off it.

And we wonder why the country is in such a mess.
A U-Haul van was used to murder 168 people in Oklahoma City. 168 is a lot more than 9 - seeing that you're a liberal you may need that spelled out for you. You can take away all the guns you want, it's the PERSON behind the crime that needs to be addressed. NOT the tool that person uses...
It could be that they like the criminal's, and therefore making the population more vulnerable to them is the ultimate goal ??? Sounds demonic-rat enough to me... What other explanation can there be, otherwise when we see daily the Democrat's standing up for criminal's and being against the harsh treatment's administered over their crime's to be some sort of sticking point for them. Yes criminal's were somebody's children or babies once upon a time yeah yeah we get that, but hey leftist/liberals - your babies grew up to become criminal's, and that's on you. Stop suffering society for it.
sounds like "thoughts and prayers" are not cutting it this time?

"thoughts and prayers" have been offered over 200 times this year alone

Exactly, so it's time to take action against criminal's and the insane in order to protect the CIVILIZED SOCIETY once again. Get out of the way leftist, and let justice prevail in the ways that it should prevail. Then we could have gun's in our pick ups on gun racks again, and a gazillion gun's in the hands of a CIVILIZED SOCIETY without incident. Time to bring back the hanging noose in the public squares, and begin to work our way back out from under leftist tyranny.

Your ilk created the society in which we are dealing with today, and hopefully that is going to change once America finally gets enough of it.
Why stop there? Send them to his neighborhood. His house even. If you're FOR illegal entry into this country, you should have to house 10 illegals in your home. Without any gov't assistance. You want them here, you deal with them.
Don't give the rich business man any ideas, because the next thing you know they will be lobbying government to do just that, otherwise force people to house their cheap labor for them.
Oh good deal, now we all know what George Takei things of Saturday's events. Just when I was about to forget that George Takei even existed...
If you can't confront the reality that, despite the fake self-serving claims of firearm permissiveness in the Old West, visitors left their weapons with a law officer upon entering town, they'd receive a token, like a coat check, which they'd exchange for their guns when leaving town, then you can't.

Gunsters who slaughter innocent people - regardless of their ideological pretexts - are mentally-ill.

All nations have their mentally ill, and there is no reason to believe that the United States - nor even the red states where far more firearm fatalities occur - have more mentally-ill than anywhere else.

What distinguishes the United State, and especially red states, are permissive firearm laws that aid and abet access to firearms by the mentally ill.

Here are the states with the highest rates of gun death per 100,000:
  1. Alaska (23.0)
  2. Alabama (21.4)
  3. Louisiana (21.2)
  4. Mississippi (19.
  5. Oklahoma (19.6
  6. Montana (9.0
  7. Missouri (18.8
  8. New Mexico (18.2
  9. Arkansas (17.7
  10. South Carolina (17.7)
The five states with the lowest gun death rates, in deaths per 100,000, are:
  1. Massachusetts (3.4)
  2. New York (3.9)
  3. New Jersey (4.1)
  4. Hawaii (4.4)
  5. Rhode Island (4.6).
Countries with the Highest Total Gun Deaths (all causes) in 2019
  1. Brazil — 49,436
  2. United States — 37,038
  3. Venezuela — 28,515
  4. Mexico — 22,116
  5. India — 14,710
  6. Colombia — 13,169
  7. Philippines — 9,267
  8. Guatemala — 5,980
In contrast to the U.S. and Latin America, gun deaths are extremely rare in countries like Japan, the United Kingdom, Norway, and Australia. These countries have implemented incentives or passed legislation to decrease the number of firearms in circulation. For example, in July 2021, Australia implemented a permanent gun amnesty program, in which unregistered firearms could be anonymously surrendered at police stations.

Japan boasts a population of more than 127 million people, yet finished 2019 with a gun death rate of only .02 per 100,000 people. One major factor in this success is that Japan has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world.
I just gave another 200 dollars to the nra. I wonder how many shootings that will buy me?
The NRA is where a big part of this problem came from. People want to ban firearms because they are afraid of them. They are afraid of them because they know nothing about them. They know nothing about them because the NRA quit pushing firearm training in high school back in the day (60's) and focused on making manufacturers more and more money and political division.

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