Shooting in British night club…over rap music…for gun amnesty….not making it up...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So….these guys apparently didn't get the message that guns were supposed to have been turned in, and that they should have been following Britain's extreme gun control laws…which makes hand guns illegal….

That means you can't have them in Britain…..

Then how did these guys get the gun that they used to kill the guy and wound the other guy…….in Britain…land of gun confiscation…?

So Solid Crew - man shot dead

One man was shot dead and a second wounded yesterday in another horrifying incident of gun violence involving fans of the notorious rap group So Solid Crew.

Panic broke out as shots were fired at a nightclub party promoting the debut single from their singer Lisa Maffia.
One clubber was shot in the shoulder and another man died when he was shot in a highspeed car chase after the attack.

The shootings came just days before the band are due to perform a concert in aid of the Government-sponsored Disarm! campaign, which is promoting a gun amnesty.

There have been several previous violent incidents involving members of the 30-strong So Solid Crew or their fans, and the band's lyrics have been attacked for glorifying guns.

They claim they are merely reflecting attitudes among young black people.

Police said the drama began at around 2.30am, when a group of six to eight black men forced their way into Turnmills nightclub in Clerkenwell, East London.

Several shots were fired and a 27-year-old man was hit in the shoulder.

There was panic among the 1,000-strong crowd and several people were hurt trying to escape.

A number of men were seen leaving and getting into two cars - a BMW and an Audi TT sports car - and there was a chase during which more shots were fired.

The Audi crashed and a 27-year-old man was found dead inside, shot in the head.

A man in his mid-20s was arrested nearby. Police said no weapon had been recovered although cartridge cases were found in the Audi.

Clubber Pritin Patel, 25, an IT technician from Harrow, North-West London, said: "We were dancing away and having a good time when I suddenly saw a whole bunch of guys come running through the club.

Read more: So Solid Crew - man shot dead
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Hmmmmm…..but….but…….Britain has extreme gun control…they had gun confiscation….and apparently these guys got a gun easily…and they are shooting people associated with rap music….

Sound familiar…….?

They were working to support a Gun Amnesty program….in Britain…..but…they don't have a gun problem there…right?

And this problem isn't being covered over here…why?
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And apparently…..they got guns before…easily….

In March last year, 19-year-old Ashley Walters - known as Asher D - was jailed for 18 months for having a loaded gun in his car. He served seven months.

Two more members, Jason Phillips and Shane Neil, both 24, are currently on remand in custody awaiting trial on a charge of possessing a gun and ammunition. They have denied the offence.

And they will have more gun violence…since they only sent the guy away for 7 months on a gun possession charge...

Wait…just wait……this is London….in the land of gun confiscation….what do they report….in this same article….

Culture Minister Kim Howells branded them "idiots" in January following the driveby shootings of two teenage Birmingham girls.

But Miss Maffia said recently that the band had been made scapegoats for the growing use of firearms and other members have spoken out against guns.

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Why do you always bring up countries in your arguments where gun control works? Britian has one of the highest rates of violence in the 1st world, but less than half the murder rate of the U.S. Could you imagine if they had our gun laws? The murder rate would double or triple in months.
Why do you always bring up countries in your arguments where gun control works? Britian has one of the highest rates of violence in the 1st world, but less than half the murder rate of the U.S. Could you imagine if they had our gun laws? The murder rate would double or triple in months.

Nope…they have just as easy access to guns as our criminals do…their criminals get the guns they want or need, as this story shows…their rap culture is just as violent as our rap culture is…..

They just don't use guns as often……yet. They are getting more and more gun violent over there…..this story talks about a Gun Amnesty program they were supposed to be supporting…a country that has successfully confiscated guns and has extreme gun control laws does not have a need for Gun Amnesty….gun control only works on law abiding British does not work on their criminals….

Drive by shootings are increasing over there….
Here you go….another story about gun violence in Britain…another drive by shooting…

Look at the date of the story…Nov. 6....

Man killed in drive-by shooting

A man was shot dead after two assailants opened fire with automatic weapons from a van near a town centre, police said.

A second man suffered minor injuries after the apparent drive-by shooting in Brewery Road, Hoddesdon, Herts.

Both victims were white and the two suspects, also white, abandoned their van in the Lampits area of the town. Police said it was not believed the public were at further risk.

A Hertfordshire Police statement said: "It is believed the injuries were caused by automatic weapons."

A witness, who lives near the scene, told Sky News: "It's a kind of downhill slope. It looked like they came down the hill on the other side of the road, pulled up close, and opened up through the car.

Read more: Man killed in drive-by shooting
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And here is another rap based shooting in Britain....again, I thought they banned guns in Britain.....

I just started looking up gun crime and rap music in is another shooting we never heard about....

June 19th.....

Rapper Sneakbo's close friend murdered in Brixton | The Voice Online

A MURDER investigation has launched following the fatal shooting of a 24-year-old man in Brixton, south London.

The young man, Ogarrao Dixon - affectionately known as ‘Gora’, is a recognised as a friend of UK recording artist Sneakbo.
If it's such a major problem in the UK...why does this incidence make such big news over there?

"One dead"? wouldn't even make the local paper in the US.
The problem isn't the guns, it is rap music, which promotes hatred and violence against women and cops.
Obviously Britain needs MORE gun control laws!

And must keep piling them on until somebody notices they exist.

If they notice.
Rap is all up in your grill. It promotes violence. You kidding? But ya know, let's not be real here. Minorities relate to that.
Why do you always bring up countries in your arguments where gun control works? Britian has one of the highest rates of violence in the 1st world, but less than half the murder rate of the U.S. Could you imagine if they had our gun laws? The murder rate would double or triple in months.
Killing criminals is not a bad thing, ass hat.
Why do you always bring up countries in your arguments where gun control works? Britian has one of the highest rates of violence in the 1st world, but less than half the murder rate of the U.S. Could you imagine if they had our gun laws? The murder rate would double or triple in months.
Killing criminals is not a bad thing, ass hat.
"Murders" are not "killing criminals" you fucking retard

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