shooting in the center of Strasbourg on the Christmas market France

Wasn't this done last year, too?
------------------------------------------ think so but in a different city i think . And done with a truck but i have forgotten details Marion .

Same here.

Many thanks to the GOP for Wrecking the Middle East and the world economy where all these refugees come from. who are mainly about as dangerous as kittens and just want to go home. But actually the shooters are 99% born in Europe and citizens like this guy supposedly.

Kittens? You're an A-grade idiot, you know that? I suggest you adopt a litter of those "kittens" and take them into your home, SuperDuper.

That's why all the entrances to Christmas Markets have concrete road blocks, to deter ramming trucks. Armed police too. I shall be walking through mine shortly. Wonder if they've stepped up security even more.

So much for EU open borders. The Germans are now controlling the French German crossing near Strasbourg, on account of this latest atrocity.
------------------------------------------ too little too late . I see the same thing in the USA as the USA and other countries may take positive steps like shutting borders but only after the USA or other countries have been Seeded with 'fifth column' of enemies and the 'aiders and abettors' of the enemies Mindful .

The Bataclan terrorists were able to drive with ease up and down the motorway between Paris and Brussels.
It seems he was born in Strasbourg. He has a string of incarcerations for various offenses and was recognized in prison for violence and proselytizing. Reports are he shouted "allahu akbar" while committing the crimes.
Interesting the choices about how to translate that expression.
Allah is the name for the Islamic deity and has come to mean god in Arabic. So, newspapers mostly translate this as "god is great". However, god in English is merely a generic term. In Western cultures the most significant religions refer to the central deity as Yahweh or similar, not Allah. So, saying "God is great" and saying "Allah is great (or, sometimes translated as "greater") is not the same thing. It is a political decision as to which way it is reported.
It seems he was born in Strasbourg. He has a string of incarcerations for various offenses and was recognized in prison for violence and proselytizing. Reports are he shouted "allahu akbar" while committing the crimes.
Interesting the choices about how to translate that expression.
Allah is the name for the Islamic deity and has come to mean god in Arabic. So, newspapers mostly translate this as "god is great". However, god in English is merely a generic term. In Western cultures the most significant religions refer to the central deity as Yahweh or similar, not Allah. So, saying "God is great" and saying "Allah is great (or, sometimes translated as "greater") is not the same thing. It is a political decision as to which way it is reported.
----------------------------------- also , i hear that the 'arabic phrase' is ' god is greatest' . Which makes me think is that the phrase would be --- ' our god is greatest ' --- and i suppose that that means that it is a political phrase . I don't know , just a comment '4eye' .
It seems he was born in Strasbourg. He has a string of incarcerations for various offenses and was recognized in prison for violence and proselytizing. Reports are he shouted "allahu akbar" while committing the crimes.
Interesting the choices about how to translate that expression.
Allah is the name for the Islamic deity and has come to mean god in Arabic. So, newspapers mostly translate this as "god is great". However, god in English is merely a generic term. In Western cultures the most significant religions refer to the central deity as Yahweh or similar, not Allah. So, saying "God is great" and saying "Allah is great (or, sometimes translated as "greater") is not the same thing. It is a political decision as to which way it is reported.
----------------------------------- also , i hear that the 'arabic phrase' is ' god is greatest' . Which makes me think is that the phrase would be --- ' our god is greatest ' --- and i suppose that that means that it is a political phrase . I don't know , just a comment '4eye' .
It can certainly be taken that way, even by a neutral observer. Personally, I think it should always be reported in English by the most literal translation; i.e., "Allah is great (or greater or greatest)". That is the most honest phrasing.
One of the pleasures of life was driving over to France; eating, drinking, and shopping.

Never thought it would happen in a city like Strasbourg.
and then , from what i remember the muslims held a RAPE PARTY on New Years night at parties party in , think it was various 'german' cities . Lots of women were attacked i think . --- Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve ---

Took three days for the German press to report that.
Press bravery again.

The Germans seem reluctant to report this stuff.
Oh look the MSM will omit who adn what really did it.

MSM and Gov. want their idiots to think some white cracker carrying a bible did it . Leftist are to dumb to realize to this day you can't hide that bs it always comes out.

ALLAH AKBAR is what was said.
If it wasn’t for the internet and YouTube, the MSM wouldn’t report it at all.
and then , from what i remember the muslims held a RAPE PARTY on New Years night at parties party in , think it was various 'german' cities . Lots of women were attacked i think . --- Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve ---

Took three days for the German press to report that.
Press bravery again.

The Germans seem reluctant to report this stuff.
If only they were alone in that! The cowardice of journalism is incredible. From Rushdie to the Danish cartoons, spinelessness has taken over in reporting.
i believe that 'german' , french and other Western Governments are putting the thumb on and squashing MEDIA reporting in many , many cases and its a Western World Phenomena happening throughout the WESTERN World so that Governments can achieve their goals .

Europe’s recent Christmas innovation, where muslims murder infidels, has really taken root. Last night in Strasburg three innocents were shot dead and twelve injured at a Christmas market.

Apparently he was deported from Germany and has 27 convictions across Germany, France and Switzerland. So jolly well done to everyone who allowed it to happen.

Apparently the authorities think the killer has fled France. So thumbs up for Schengen too.

Posted in ATW
Historian, not propagandist. and lifelong Democrat 4 damn good reason. The GOP is a disgrace along with its propaganda machine. Democrats don't have propagandists, they have historians and journalists..Idiot.

I admit the failings of the GOP, and establishment Republicans. Trump is certainly not one of them as it is obvious his own party never supported him, and still hates him.

You, on the other hand just parrot Democrat talking points, and spout the mindless liberal/progressive narrative, and their failed agenda. Maybe look in the mirror and self evaluate. You are the reason we have so much division in this country, and are going down a socialist/communist path. It is disgusting, and pathetic.
Trump shows that the GOP has been taken over by its propaganda machine, all he had to do to get the nomination was parrot the total BS that is the platform that you dupes believe. Only you have a propaganda machine that lies Non-Stop, dumbass. What do you think of is leftist propaganda is journalism that is agreed with all around the world. Only TV and newspapers run by Rupert Murdoch agree with your crap. None of your phony scandals against Democrats have ever gotten anywhere with law enforcement mutual defense or journalism. Brainwashed functional moron. Enjoy watching your house of cards fall apart as the orange idiot con man thief demagogue is tossed, along with your garbage propaganda machine hopefully. 35 years of giveaway to the rich idiot GOPers and screwing the rest is finally ending.

Europe’s recent Christmas innovation, where muslims murder infidels, has really taken root. Last night in Strasburg three innocents were shot dead and twelve injured at a Christmas market.

Apparently he was deported from Germany and has 27 convictions across Germany, France and Switzerland. So jolly well done to everyone who allowed it to happen.

Apparently the authorities think the killer has fled France. So thumbs up for Schengen too.

Posted in ATW
------------------------------- some interesting comments in your 'link' Mindful .

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