Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Your source is goofy.

Beyond that, it's all speculation. It may well have influenced the shooter to seek hero status among those people.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...

The NRA is due out any minute thanking god we live in a country where anyone can get a gun.

Cons get ready, all the con representatives will want gun free zones wherever they go, so get your signs a ready and stomp that shit out immediately. Or they'll take yer guns away!

Alex Jones will be out today declaring it a false flag operation by BLM or 'the jews' and Trump will praise him for it.

When you have unstable people given control of any enterprise they are going to inspire instability. This is what Trump is.
Blame everybody/anything but the shooter... huh?
This incident proves that the polarization of America has gone way too far.
We can thank hyper-partisan media and the internet for all this hate in the political divide.
Before all this hate and division ever reared it's ugly head, this hyper-partisanship did not exist.
The proof is in the pudding.

No...we can blame the left wing violence and hate.......they have been building up to this since the election.......they already tried to assassinate Trump......this guy just got closer.....

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.
You two are tied for the Gold Medal in Olympic Conclusion Jumping.
which two?
Hamilton & McGarrett
Have the Democrats condemned the actions of the shooter yet, or is this another round of guns running around by themselves shooting people so we must ban guns?

And trucks! All those muzzies running people over with trucks have nothing to do with their screwed up religion or repression, it's about the truck. We must ban trucks!

Oh, and due to recent stabbings, pointy things too!
Where are Alex Jones and his false flag theorist bugwits. Perhaps it takes a few days for the paranoia to really build in their minds, like boiling a frog.

More deflection offered up in defense of the shooter.

Why do so many homeschoolers not teach reading?
If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!

Who of any import has denied it?

Are you of import?

Irrelevant, since I have not denied it.
Where are Alex Jones and his false flag theorist bugwits. Perhaps it takes a few days for the paranoia to really build in their minds, like boiling a frog.

More deflection offered up in defense of the shooter.

Why do so many homeschoolers not teach reading?

Are you claiming to not understand the meaning of the word deflection?

"1: a turning aside or off course"

By injecting off topic subjects into a thread about a mass murder attempt, you are deflection discussion from the shooter and his vile actions.

This is a form of defense.

If you did not realize that you were defending a want a be mass murderer, this is where you want to reverse your course and join in in attacking the want a be mass murderer.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...

Shit for brains, terrorists much prefer bombs/cars and such over firearms for their killing... lol
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...


Let's see....

Here with a rifle....5 injured...

Nice, Paris...89 murdered, over 400 injured with a rental truck.....

Hmmmmmm......ban rental trucks, not rifles...

Again...these rifles with magazines, have been used to murder 167 34 years...

knives...over 1,500 people every single year....

Which actually killed more people?
Well its the RWNJ's that love their guns. The GOP wants everyone to have a gun, or is it only republicans they want to have guns. Maybe some GOP will rethink their views.
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.

Guns stopped this terrorist. Thank God.

What an ignorant statement.

Did people stop him by talking? No, they shot him dead. Another example of guns being used for self-defense, and libs lose their minds over it.

I heard he is in custody and yes Police do carry guns. A white male, probably a vet with PTSD.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...


You DO understand that here, you won't be getting the guns back under any political circumstances, right?

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