Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.
maybe they think the establishment republicans are just RINOs and agents of the deep state.
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point..
Nutjobs use politics and/or religion as a pretense to do what they do, but the real reason is because they are nutjobs.

Here's what I'm not quite sure of: Do people become ideologues because they're nuts, or does being an ideologue make someone nuts?
IMO the nuttiness comes first. Besides, most ideologues are nutty to begin with.
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.
maybe they think the establishment republicans are just RINOs and agents of the deep state.

Scalise, for one, is no RINO.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!
According to to a Rep that was asked.
It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
Really? Where did you hear that?
Really, which one and what did he say?
This is the Left in America today: Promoters of an Intolerant and Violent ideology which treats those who hold different viewpoints as deserving of execution and damnation.

It's not good when a political movement becomes a Religion - but that is exactly what has happened to the Dem-Prog-Green-Identity Politics coalition.

As usual, you hit the nail on the head.

Regardless of this nutjobs politics, there is no doubt that the rage and threats that have been far too commonplace, are contributing to people going off the rails and acting out the threats and words of others. This goes for both sides, though without question, the most violent threats have come from so-called celebrities, if anyone wants to argue this they can go ahead.

From the top of my head, without any research, I can think of The Colbert Show, Madonna, De Niro, Skinny Snoop Dog video, Griffin, Saturday Night Live, random guys on airplanes verbally abusing the presidents daughter in front of her kids. The list goes on and on.

For the most part, the left attacks have been applauded, reacted by with laughter and it has been mainstream. Some have accepted and celebrated violent words against the president and the GOP. When someone from the Right suggests violent acts, it is generally members of the fringe. All of this on top of a concerted effort to not just insult and make threats, but efforts to usurp the power of the president who was democratically elected. Conspiracies about Russia involvement and ongoing delay and deflect tactics, all of it, contributing to a more angry public.

Rand Paul suggested on CNN that he heard it was political. What that means, who knows. Another said that there was a question asked, he's not sure if it was from the gunmen or not, "are you guys Democrats or Republicans?" Again, very early, I'm just reporting what I'm hearing on the news. Almost certainly, the motive for this is political, unless it's one very extreme random coincidence of terror, as we know for sure, the man planned to go on a rampage.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

How do you know that this individual was in any way impaired or had a record that would render him unfit to own a gun?
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

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