Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

This is the Left in America today: Promoters of an Intolerant and Violent ideology which treats those who hold different viewpoints as deserving of execution and damnation.

It's not good when a political movement becomes a Religion - but that is exactly what has happened to the Dem-Prog-Green-Identity Politics coalition.
:badgrin:Triggered Jejune Syndrome TJS is a terrible thing
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!

Who of any import has denied it?
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

And as usual the boards government suck up chimes in with his "guns for me, and not for thee" bullshit.

And please show me where the NRA supports "no gun control, ever" you fuckface asshole.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!

Who of any import has denied it?

More importantly, when it comes to rightist terror assholes, most posters on the right here want to see them strung up and hung for what they did.

No apologizing, no attempted explanations, not blaming the tools used instead of the criminal themself.

If this is the work of some right wing nutter, hang him.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.
did trump not support violence on tv in front of millions ? he who casts the first stone?

a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...
maybe now they'll pass a couple of laws keeping guns away from crazy people
Only a fucking moron would think more frivolous laws would stop Shootings... frivolous laws are the reason for the shootings.
and only an ah would think that making it harder for crazies to get guns is a bad thing
More frivolous gun laws will only stop law-abiding citizens from getting protection.
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

And more Americans not only own or carry guns...our violent crime rates went down 72%....our gun crime rate went down 75%......and our gun murder rate...went down 42%...

So nothing you just posted is even remotely accurate or true.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.
did trump not support violence on tv in front of millions ? he who casts the first stone?

a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around. 50+ rounds fired from an sophisticated assault weapon and only one serious injury.

The shooter then walked out on the field, in what appeared to be an attempt for "suicide by cop", and they took him down.

But he seems to have targeted Republicans because he asked which team it was.
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it
Where are Alex Jones and his false flag theorist bugwits. Perhaps it takes a few days for the paranoia to really build in their minds, like boiling a frog.

More deflection offered up in defense of the shooter.

Why do so many homeschoolers not teach reading?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!

Who of any import has denied it?

Are you of import? lol, there's a good argument for tariffs.
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

Please link where the NRA says no gun control ever?

You still won't post the actual gun control you support......or how it would stop something like this...since shooting people in a public space is already against the law and likely a death sentence or a life in prison....
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around. 50+ rounds fired from an sophisticated assault weapon and only one serious injury.

The shooter then walked out on the field, in what appeared to be an attempt for "suicide by cop", and they took him down.

But he seems to have targeted Republicans because he asked which team it was.
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around

If he hadn't wanted to hit people, he'd have fired into the air.
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.

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