Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
someone that someone else believed to be the shooter asked that question ..the man however was carrying no weapon
Next thing you will be doing is calling for assassinations of cops too.

Oh wait, you already did that.

How many cops has The Democrat Party killed this year?

61 so far by my count.
Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
someone that someone else believed to be the shooter asked that question ..the man however was carrying no weapon
Next thing you will be doing is calling for assassinations of cops too.

Oh wait, you already did that.

How many cops has The Democrat Party killed this year?

61 so far by my count.
Gees the Democratic party killed 61 police officer ..where is Beauregard Sessions ?
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It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.
did trump not support violence on tv in front of millions ? he who casts the first stone?

a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american
It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.
I see we have another nutter who doesn't drink the right wing Kool-Aid, but spoons it out of the canister and shovels it directly into your mouth, bypassing the water part. LOL.

Tyrone, in this very thread, called this Trump's Reichstag Fire.

That is calling Trump Hitler.

And he is FAR from alone in that.

If half the country lives in a reality where a "Hitler" is LITERALLY in the White House, then of course some of them will fight.

Indeed, that low numbers of violence shows that either many Lefties are lying pieces of filth, or cowards who would quietly follow the rules in a "Nazi Germany".
What the fuck are you babbling about?


My point was very clear, playing dumb is not an answer.

Tyrone, in this very thread, called this Trump's Reichstag Fire.

That is calling Trump Hitler.

And he is FAR from alone in that.

If half the country lives in a reality where a "Hitler" is LITERALLY in the White House, then of course some of them will fight.

Indeed, that low numbers of violence shows that either many Lefties are lying pieces of filth, or cowards who would quietly follow the rules in a "Nazi Germany".
Yup. Just what you wanted. You are sad the shooter was a lousy shot, but this is the crescendo you libs are building to. The democrat party has been instigating this since trump got in office. You reap what you fulminate, so reap it you gutless cowards.

Who on this forum has been instigating violence against Trump?
Everyone that treats him like he's Satan. Which is just about every lib here.

Yeah you guys were so good to Obama and couldn’t have been nicer to Ms. Clinton.

Follow your own advice Cornhole. I was alive during Obama's term and there was nowhere remotely near the vitriol. No protests, no attempt to overthrow his administration, no hourly crisis alerts, no barrage of media criticisms. In fact Obama was treated like a sweetheart by the press. The only criticisms I saw was on forums or talk radio, everything else was fawning all over him. You live in a twisted distorted world.

You may have been alive; you were not awake. Meanwhile people like you think people like me are “partying” because of this shooting. If anyone is twisted and distorted, it is you asswipe.
I was very aware, Obama was handled with kidd gloves. Go ahead and post all those negative news stories. I dare you.

I said nothing about your dancing, you lie and propagandize like a good little lefty.
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

Sure there is if you ask your pals on the Right.

If a rightwing terror attack occurs, it's always just some nutcase.
And to be fair, if it's an Islamic attack, the argument from the left is pretty much the same.

Silence ye hypocrite.

And what, exactly, is the same argument I always make?

Per Drudge Tweet,

Sounds like an Antifa fag. Will they finally be labeled a terrorist group?
Stop Legitimizing this SCUM by calling them ANTIFA. That movement is all about FASCISM. Brownshirt, Blackshirt, no difference.

You know what the Nazi Brownshirts called themselves? Something Heroic just like these pieces of subhuman shit do.
Sturmabteilung or in English "Storm Detachment"

Their movement has nothing to do with fighting Fascism, and like The Nazis, it is about Promoting Nazism, or in their case Liberal Fascism.
It was someone on the Left.
Really, do tell?

Btw, I bet Kathy Griffin's life just got worse.
Btw, I don't give a flying fuck about Kathy Griffin.

She lives in a world where Trump is a monster thus, it seemed acceptable to her to post a picture of her hold his decapitated head.

You live in that world too.

WIth each and every fucking vile lie the left spreads they support and nurture the idea that Trump is an Evil bad enough to justify violence.

And we see more and more liberals doing just that.
did trump not support violence on tv in front of millions ? he who casts the first stone?

a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.
You two are tied for the Gold Medal in Olympic Conclusion Jumping.
which two?
i think it is obvious, which two in this case, as this poster agreed with a further poster.
This is the Left in America today: Promoters of an Intolerant and Violent ideology which treats those who hold different viewpoints as deserving of execution and damnation.

It's not good when a political movement becomes a Religion - but that is exactly what has happened to the Dem-Prog-Green-Identity Politics coalition.
Just a nutcase, or political?
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.
This incident proves that the polarization of America has gone way too far.
We can thank hyper-partisan media and the internet for all this hate in the political divide.
Before all this hate and division ever reared it's ugly head, this hyper-partisanship did not exist.
The proof is in the pudding.
Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
someone that someone else believed to be the shooter asked that question ..the man however was carrying no weapon

Which clearly means he didn't have one!!:up:

HOLY connect the dots abilities whatsoever. Its fascinating to me!!:spinner:
Here is the account boo boo
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) left practice shortly before the shooting, and he believes he spoke with the gunman briefly before getting into a car with his staffers about 7:10 a.m., reported Fox News.

“There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there,” DeSantis said. “It was just a little odd, and then he kind of walked toward the area where all this happened.”

The Florida Republican said the man was not carrying anything when he spoke to him, but DeSantis believes he fired the shots a short time later.

He must have pulled the Rifle from his rectum eh
Shooter asked if the people were Republicans before launching his attack.
someone that someone else believed to be the shooter asked that question ..the man however was carrying no weapon

Which clearly means he didn't have one!!:up:

HOLY connect the dots abilities whatsoever. Its fascinating to me!!:spinner:
Here is the account boo boo
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) left practice shortly before the shooting, and he believes he spoke with the gunman briefly before getting into a car with his staffers about 7:10 a.m., reported Fox News.

“There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there,” DeSantis said. “It was just a little odd, and then he kind of walked toward the area where all this happened.”

The Florida Republican said the man was not carrying anything when he spoke to him, but DeSantis believes he fired the shots a short time later.

He must have pulled the Rifle from his rectum eh
I doubt that; but Pulling a Rifle From Your RECTUM is Highly Likely.
Especially with Your Rectum's Open Borders Policy.
Where are Alex Jones and his false flag theorist bugwits. Perhaps it takes a few days for the paranoia to really build in their minds, like boiling a frog.

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