Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

a. No, he didn't

b. Thank you for being honest about your support for the shooter. So many of your lefties are too cowardly to stand up for their alleged beliefs. are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Except that he hasn't.

And by making an excuse(s) for the shooter, YOU are promoting violence.

Also, with your attack in his supporters you are demonstrating the thinking that almost certainly was used by this shooter to justify, in his mind, attacking republican congressmen.
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around. 50+ rounds fired from an sophisticated assault weapon and only one serious injury.

The shooter then walked out on the field, in what appeared to be an attempt for "suicide by cop", and they took him down.

But he seems to have targeted Republicans because he asked which team it was.
Assault weapon.... not
Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...

Shit for brains, terrorists much prefer bombs/cars and such over firearms for their killing... lol

Guns have been used plenty when they are available.

And yet the biggest killer....a rental Truck, box cutters and jets.......bombs......I believe bombs are illegal in this country too....

And terrorists are caught illegally trying to build bombs before people are killed.

Like the Manchester bomber? Or mcveigh? And what about rental trucks....


Didn't say all. Bombs often fail.
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.
and the Clinic bombings and the assassination of Doctors

Your source is goofy.

Beyond that, it's all speculation. It may well have influenced the shooter to seek hero status among those people.
are you saying that the source made up what Donald Trump Jr said ? can you clarify ?
Thousands of laws governing firearms on the books.

Enforce those, and no new one will be needed

Obsolete, anyone can get a gun and almost every state has open carry. Even those mentally unable to cash their own SS checks can get one. All we can do is pray and maybe the Fed Gov can supply guns for all since the GOP is in charge, kind of like a cell phone for poor people. Pray and allow everyone to carry a gun is the GOP motto.

Guns stopped this terrorist. Thank God.

What an ignorant statement.

Did people stop him by talking? No, they shot him dead. Another example of guns being used for self-defense, and libs lose their minds over it.

I heard he is in custody and yes Police do carry guns. A white male, probably a vet with PTSD.
More excuses? Probably a progressive?


Shooting at GOP baseball practice. Steve Scalise shot, in surgery. Stable but in good spirits - Hot Air


This is one of the things being reported right now, with details changing every minute as media sources rush to report anything, even unverified, in an attempt to 'scoop' the other media. second

The 3 BIGGEST 'take-away's / important things, IMHO, right now are:

1. Prayers for the victims - may they come through this ok.

2. Catch this SOB

3. The political atmosphere in this country, that is being driven by our partisan politicians and partisan media, has GOT to change, HAS to be dialed back right now.
What's wrong with the political atmosphere in this country? are wrong
b...again you're wrong you fail as a poster and probably an american

a. Link to support your claim.

b. YOu just used a phrase the implies that the person who was wronged after doing wrong had it coming. Combined with your accusation that Trump called for violence FIRST, your words were taking the blame off the shooter and putting it on Trump.
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Except that he hasn't.

And by making an excuse(s) for the shooter, YOU are promoting violence.

Also, with your attack in his supporters you are demonstrating the thinking that almost certainly was used by this shooter to justify, in his mind, attacking republican congressmen.
Correll I won't argue the points with you again but my feeling is you have a mean rotten vindictive man in our WH and sometimes that brings out the worst in people and BTW I think it's too bad the gunman wasn't killed so you can get on me for that too
Liberals are out of control

WRONG & stupid rumor mongering of a partisan jerk.

What do we know? A person who should not have had a gun, had one and used it to harm others. The only political aspect of this incident is this, too many guns are in the possession of too many people who should not have a gun in their possession.

If fingers need to be pointed, point them at the NRA and its policy of no gun control ever!

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

Orlando is a good reason. Even with armed security so many dead. Nobody should have a mass killing gun legally.
What's a "mass killing gun"? shit face
maybe now they'll pass a couple of laws keeping guns away from crazy people

Yo stupid, guns are already outlawed in DC....
Nope....not true at all.
You don't remember District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia

You are spewing idiocy, as always;

In Washington, D.C., all firearms must be registered with the police, by the terms of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975.

The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens' own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller. The Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment acknowledges and guarantees the right of the individual to possess and carry firearms, and therefore D.C.'s ban on handguns was unconstitutional.[9]

Following the Heller decision, the Council of the District of Columbia enacted a set of rules regulating the possession of handguns and long guns in citizens' homes. Reductions were made to the DC laws in 2012 and 2015 under threat of lawsuits from gun owners and prospective gun owners.[10] On September 18, 2015, a federal appeals court struck down some parts of the District's gun registration law as unconstitutional, while upholding other parts of the law.[11][12]

In addition to each firearm being registered with the police, the rules require that D.C. residents undergo an NCIC background check and submit to fingerprinting. The firearms registry photographs the applicant. Residents must take an online gun safety course. Residents must also declare at what address it will be kept. There is a 10-day waiting period from purchase of firearm to possession, and a 30-day period between purchases of successive handguns. Each firearm is registered to an individual only, meaning couples who wish to own firearms must purchase two separate firearms. Handgun registrants must be at least 21 years old. Long gun registration is allowed for persons 18–21 years of age with a NCIC qualified adult co-registering. Handgun models are limited to any handgun appearing on any one of the California, Massachusetts, Maryland or DC Police "approved rosters" by make/model. Long guns are controlled by an allowed/not-allowed attributes list. Non residents, with a place of business in DC may register a firearm to be maintained at that place of business.[13][14][15]}

Gun laws in the District of Columbia - Wikipedia
Are guns banned in D.C. as was claimed? Are you aware that words like "banned" have specific meanings......and they do NOT mean the same thing as "registered"?
It's now being said that the gunman wasn't even trying to hit people, just spraying gunfire around.
Let me guess, it was COMEY who surmised the shooter's INTENT?

A person takes a high-powered rifle with lots of ammo, aims it at a ball field on which people are playing, and begins firing, 'spraying' the field....

No offense truly meant, but I seriously disagree with the claim that he was 'not trying to hit anyone'. He may not have meant to kill anyone...he may have been indifferent to the notion that he might kill someone or not...but almost certainly the last thing that can be said is that he had no intention of hitting anyone. If that was the case he would have pointed the gun straight up in the air, unloaded, then waited for the cops to walk over and arrest him .
This is the Left in America today: Promoters of an Intolerant and Violent ideology which treats those who hold different viewpoints as deserving of execution and damnation.

It's not good when a political movement becomes a Religion - but that is exactly what has happened to the Dem-Prog-Green-Identity Politics coalition.

The biggest threat to our Republic is today's Left.
maybe now they'll pass a couple of laws keeping guns away from crazy people
It's already illegal for "crazy people" to have guns. What new laws would you like to see?

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule


DC has the strictest anti-gun laws in the nation, yet clearly they did nothing. How will attacking the civil rights of the average citizen do more? Even if you disarm the peasants, what will keep a motivated democrat from getting in a van and mowing people down?

Assigning culpability for acts to inanimate objects is utterly insane.

Further, given that the shooter specifically targeted Republicans, it is almost certain that he is a democrat and anti-gun rights.

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