Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

You don't yet know whether the shooter should have legally been prevented from having a firearm.

I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

Orlando is a good reason. Even with armed security so many dead. Nobody should have a mass killing gun legally.
What's a "mass killing gun"? shit face

Hi capacity semi autos. See Orlando shooting for mass killing.
Orlando was just a sporting rifle, you can buy them right over the counter.
Please educate yourself you sound like a fucking moron, "high-capacity semi autos":lmao: … You do realize that is not used by the military.

Not only are progressives the second most intolerant of groups behind muslims, they are the most uneducated when it comes to firearms.

Yes a legally bought rifle killed 50 and injured 50 with armed security there. I'd call that a mass killing gun dipshit.
I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...

Shit for brains, terrorists much prefer bombs/cars and such over firearms for their killing... lol

Guns have been used plenty when they are available.
The Fact remains they much prefer bombs/cars and such... they don't need firearms to kill people. Shit for brains

And yet it sure killed a lot at Orlando.
Firearms are not their first choice… Fact
The shooter was driven by the constant hate streaming from democrats. Of course the play depicting the assassination of the president was part of that. The shooter wanted to kill as many republicans as possible. That's pretty clear. The leftists on twitter has already started to praise the man. By the end of the day he will be a martyr to the leftist cause.
You know him?
That's just what's being reported so far.
The gunman, a white man with dark hair and wearing a blue shirt, could be seen standing with a rifle as he began shooting, Flake said. "Fifty would be an understatement," Flake said, referring to the number of shots.
House majority whip, several others, shot at congressional baseball practice
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.

Bullshit. McVeigh is 6 feet under and rightly so. He was an anti-government right winger, and a terrorist.

The big difference is most people on the right condemned him and are quite happy he is dead.

Now compare that to lefty apologists and killers like Mumia, a media darling.

Okay thanks, that's who Steve Scalise is, I agree with Steve McGarrett it's probably going to be Antifa human filth.

The Leftist Maniacs have been getting more violent, whipped up by the Professional Leftist Agitators.

One word - pizzagate. I hope everyone survives.

Weren't you calling for white genocide just yesterday?

Ah, no.

Your words, from yesterday.


No, we can end whitey.

...There was a human world before whitey. There's no reason at all that such a thing won't be true again. Time will tell."

Why not? When Giffords was shot The Democrats blamed it on a Sarah Palin ad that had a target on Giffords' state as well as several other Democrats they were trying to defeat in the election that year.

Are you now finally understanding the absurdity of reacting like that?
The shooter was driven by the constant hate streaming from democrats. Of course the play depicting the assassination of the president was part of that. The shooter wanted to kill as many republicans as possible. That's pretty clear. The leftists on twitter has already started to praise the man. By the end of the day he will be a martyr to the leftist cause.
Much like your deceptive plans om wrinkle reductions, your analysis is eschewed..One person doesn't represent the whole body of leftist.
So the Brits would be better off had their last terrorist attackers had assault rifles instead of knives...

Shit for brains, terrorists much prefer bombs/cars and such over firearms for their killing... lol

Guns have been used plenty when they are available.
The Fact remains they much prefer bombs/cars and such... they don't need firearms to kill people. Shit for brains

And yet it sure killed a lot at Orlando.
Firearms are not their first choice… Fact

Certainly not in Israel or U.K. Where guns are hard to get.
I don't want to try to find wrycatchers I will go from your link to it...

There are 8 million of these rifles in American was used today to do this shooting.....

8,000,000 to 1

And these rifles in have been used to murder 167 34 years.....

knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year....

The anti-gunners want these guns banned...even though they have no facts or statistics to back up their fear....

Orlando is a good reason. Even with armed security so many dead. Nobody should have a mass killing gun legally.
What's a "mass killing gun"? shit face

Hi capacity semi autos. See Orlando shooting for mass killing.
Orlando was just a sporting rifle, you can buy them right over the counter.
Please educate yourself you sound like a fucking moron, "high-capacity semi autos":lmao: … You do realize that is not used by the military.

Not only are progressives the second most intolerant of groups behind muslims, they are the most uneducated when it comes to firearms.

Yes a legally bought rifle killed 50 and injured 50 with armed security there. I'd call that a mass killing gun dipshit.
Rep. Mark Walker says gunman targeted congressional baseball practice 'to kill as many Republican members as possible'

2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Why are the vast majority of Democrats in this forum too fucking stupid to understand the FACT that if guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns?
maybe you took it that way but I for 1 abhor violence While people maybe even I, shoot our mouths off I'm sure bloodshed is not what we want...

Words have meaning, and you lefties are far to comfortable with just saying what ever it takes in that moment to smear your enemies without any thought as to whether it is accurate or what effects it has on people.
Well MAYBE it didn't come out like it should have BUT your president must bear some responsibility as he has promoted violence and maybe HE didn't have a thought as to how his loyal subjects would take it

Except that he hasn't.

And by making an excuse(s) for the shooter, YOU are promoting violence.

Also, with your attack in his supporters you are demonstrating the thinking that almost certainly was used by this shooter to justify, in his mind, attacking republican congressmen.
Correll I won't argue the points with you again but my feeling is you have a mean rotten vindictive man in our WH and sometimes that brings out the worst in people ...

It is very likely that this shooter picked up the same world view from the same sources as you.
And once more you'd be wrong And if you think trump is anything other than how I rated him you're not as smart as you think
I wasn't aware there was a distinction at this point.

If just an everyday nut, you shrug and move on. Shit happens.

If an Islamist terrorist or radical left, you dig to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Notice how he left out rightwing terrorist?

Rightwing terrorists generally don't attack Republicans.

Not big on thinking, are you.

LOL, I finally got a RWnut to actually ADMIT there are such things as RIGHTWING TERRORISTS.

Historic moment on USMB!

Who of any import has denied it?

How funny is the above post, at least to any of the sane who've been around here awhile?
Maybe the gun an was pissed off because Trump described the GOP passed health care Bill as being "too mean" ...yeah that is what it is that is the ticket...
"Kill as many republicans as possible" Ah yes, and now the true colors are coming out.
Well, if that was really said....he was pretty darn inefficient.

Early reports are that he had a shotgun. Not a good long range weapon. If correct, probably accounts for the inability to hit his targets.

AND why the people hit at longer ranges are alive.

If true, this would be another time the left's ignorance with guns saved many lives.
This incident proves that the polarization of America has gone way too far.
We can thank hyper-partisan media and the internet for all this hate in the political divide.
Before all this hate and division ever reared it's ugly head, this hyper-partisanship did not exist.
The proof is in the pudding.

No...we can blame the left wing violence and hate.......they have been building up to this since the election.......they already tried to assassinate Trump......this guy just got closer.....

This is what I mean by hyper-partisanship.
It's always the "the other guys" with people like you, you are without question, a hyper-partisan.
What are your brilliant thoughts on this? Two separate shooting during Obama's tenure as president.
2011 White House shooting - Wikipedia
The night bullets hit the White House — and the Secret Service didn’t know
Why are the vast majority of Democrats in this forum too fucking stupid to understand the FACT that if guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns?

In Israel the bad guys seem to mostly have knives...
Let's Play The Game 'Islamic Extremists or Liberal'....

1. Latest to hold up a severed bloody head - Islamic Extremist or Liberal?
That would be Kathy Griffin, despite the head was only a mock head of the President.

2. Latest to stab and kill someone - Islamic Extremist or Liberal?
I knew you were thinking of the attack in London; however, the disrespectful liberal play in which they assassinate the President on stage was technically the latest.

3. FIRE-BOMBING - Islamic Extremist or Liberal?

ANSWER: Islamic Extremist
Many of you may have been thinking about how snowflakes fire-bombed a GOP Election HQ during the election, but it looks like the fire in a housing building in London just might qualify as the latest.

4. Shooting a Politician - Islamic Extremist of Liberal?

ANSWER: Although we can't be positive yet, but if the reports are right about how the shooter asked if Republicans or Democrats were playing ball on the field before opening up fire, the answer may just well be Liberal. We'll have to wait and see.

That's all we have time for now, folks. Until next time....

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