Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

So, the whole liberal reaction of "this is Trump's America" just ain't gonna cut it anymore. This is on y'all, too...
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....
They just released it: James Hodgkinson, 66 years old, of Belleville, IL.

Probably listened to Dimocrats, and was afraid he was going to lose his Medicare.

Do you know the shooter? I'm just wondering how you can credibly speculate on what the man's motivations were.

He was a leftwing Bernie supporter, this is the fault of the violent rhetoric coming from the left, they've been rioting and attacking republicans across the nation because they are fascist pigs who hate democratic elections, this guy just went to the inevitable next step.
And all that has what to do with the plausibility of the man traveling to the D.C. area and shooting people because he was ticked off over potentially losing his Medicare benefit?

Because the left has called for exactly that?

Prof: House GOP ‘should be lined up and shot’ That's a tenured professor bud.

The point of my initial question to you was to understand if you have a credible basis for asserting that Hodgkinson "was afraid he was going to lose his Medicare." All you really had to do was say "no" and that would have been the end of our interaction. Instead, you started "pulling shi*t outta your ass"..."sh*t" that has absolutely nothing to do with the very specific cause you posited publicly.

Just because can come up with some silly notion doesn't mean there's any sound basis for having that notion. People with a modicum of sound reasoning skills at the very least know when their ideas are irrational and they're willing to "own" as much because they don't have to prove anything. They can say things like, "I just think 'such and such' because I do -- it's just a gut feeling I have -- not because it's a well considered idea that is sound." Why might they say something like that? Because they are mature and self-confident enough to know (1) their "rep" isn't dependent on what they do/say about "that" idea and (2) the idea is something that irrationally "came out of left field; thus isn't sage enough to merit their risking embarrassing themselves by trying to defend it. Kenny Rogers referred to it as "knowin' when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em."

He is a professor teaching in the Media Arts and Animation department. I would no sooner give any credence to what that man thinks about health care/insurance, political science and/or strategy, or the business and economics of health care/insurance than anyone should give me with my MBA and economics background credence on matters of animation and media arts. I'm sure I can find a tenured professor of economics or business who has an opinion about something having to do animation and media arts, but the mere fact that they are a tenured professor that doesn't make their opinion in that regard be worth hearing or heeding. If they are opining about business or economics, well, then there's reason to pay attention to what they have to say.

Be that as it may, Dr. Griffin wasn't the shooter.

I live in D.C. and I know a few liberals and Democrats. Not one has ever:
Mentioned the website you referenced. I can't say they are even aware it exists.
I know of nobody who's mentioned Dr. Griffin and his ideas. Do you have a credible basis for thinking Hodgkinson was aware of Dr. Griffin's remarks?
  • Dr. Griffin is an art school professor. What sound reasoning makes you think his recent declaration "that House Republicans 'should be lined up and shot' for their passage of an Obamacare-replacement bill" was seen as an incitement upon which Hodgkinson committed to act?
  • Dr. Griffin is an art school professor. Are you a member of "the left?"
    • Why are you even aware of what that man has had to say about anything, other perhaps than art?
    • Why would you even cite the guy's comments about his dismay over the House vote on the O-care replacement/repeal?
Because the left has called for exactly that?
  • Are you a member of "the left?"
  • Was Dr. Griffin announced to be among the bona fide spokespersons for "the left?" If not, why did you cite his remarks as though he has been?
  • Do you have good reason to believe that because some person "on the left" says something that everyone "on the left" is aware of, or more specifically that Hodgkinson was aware of all that any person "on the left" had to say?
I'm just trying to understand why the fact that "the left has called for exactly that" makes it be plausible in your mind that Hodgkinson traveled to the D.C. area to shoot people because he was ticked off over potentially losing his Medicare benefits.

That's a tenured professor bud.

Of course, I wrote all stuff above before checking on the one assertion that you, in your most recent post (quoted above) made only to find out that you are just spewing sh*t outta your ass by making assertions (1) that you lack the information needed to make and (2) that don't and would not add value to the conversation were they true.

The Art Institute of Washington, which is where Dr. Griffin is a full-time professor, does not offer tenure.

The one damned complete declarative sentence that in that post is also your prose and it's not even accurate. Dude, go talk with someone who has the patience to put up with your indolently perfunctory mendacity.
Will you at least admit now that the constant Republican talk of second amendment solutions was highly irresponsible, and will you condemn the people making such statements?

Or do you want to promote more violence?

He shot republicans because republicans suggested he take up arms......

God help you
It was Donald Trump who suggested to his followers that if Hillary were elected & they did not like her USSC pick that their only option might be a second amendment solution.

This guy just applied that theory to the shit that Trump & the Republicans are doing.

What goes around, comes around.
The guy was a progressive, actually campaigning for Bernie Sanders… most likely There's gonna be some copycat'n.
Progressives have no tolerance for other people's opinions... fact
True, but most partisans, regardless of political affiliation don't give a shit about "other people's opinions". This forum is an excellent example of that fact; both LW and RW assholes doing their best to shut down the opinions of others.

That said, nutjobs like Hodgkins, McVeigh and LWer(?) American Nation of Islam/ex-soldier Beltway Sniper John Allen Muhammad are fucked up to begin with. The fact they choose a side, political or religious position to justify their murderous rampages is irrelevant to the fact they were powderkegs waiting to explode.
Every time a story damaging to Democrats happens, "breaking news" about Trump hits, always unsourced claims.
some people are stubbornly stupid...

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....

Classic blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

I still wonder where people learn that.
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) recounted an "odd" encounter he had as he was leaving the field just minutes before the shooting: "There was a guy that walked up to us that was asking whether it was Republicans or Democrats out there, and it was just a little odd," DeSantis told Fox News.


Gee....I wonder where he learned that....

Classic blanket generalization/Composition fallacy.

I still wonder where people learn that.

Soooo....this is your version of the classic Liberal post:
"Is not, issssssss nooottttttttt!!!!"

I can't repeat your query, as I rarely find the term 'learn' associated with your political persuasion.
This looks like it could well turn out to be the John Henry event of our time, considering how so many leftists are DEFENDING this man on Twitter.

Despite the previous calls for violence by conservative America, you still could have squeaked away with the moral high ground, if you hadn't immediately started dancing for joy over the incident. As it is, the whole right now looks ghoulish and violent.

Why aren't you renouncing violence, like the liberals have always done?

That's why we liberals have the moral high ground here. We've always condemned violence, and your side has always supported it. And you still support, despite what happened.

Much like those from the shallowest end of the gene puddle came waddling in to defend Jeremy Christian, yammering about how the peacemakers on the train and/or the two teenage girls, were responsible for his slashing three people's throats in some bizarro "self defense".

If we could bottle the flaming hypocrisy on this issue we could be energy-independent tomorrow.

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