Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

"Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!" - Rand Paul in 2016

oh the irony
Poor Prog Loon. You have sown the whirlwind...and are now reaping an ugly violent crop.

Reap this triggered Jejune Bitchette LOL
Somewhat predictably, a bunch of voices from Alpha Loony Right wing are out making the rounds already, screeching that after the endless parade of right wing shooters/murderers all being Lone Wolves Who Couldn't Possibly Have Been Motivated in Any Small Way By the Perpetual Right Wing Outrage Media Machine, today's shooting (well, the first one. There was actually a SECOND mass shooting.) is 100% the fault of the Entire Left and their unfair criticism of the Poor Put Upon Victim in the Oval Office.



Seriously, fuck right off forever.
Poor Prog Loon. You have sown the whirlwind...and are now reaping an ugly violent crop.

Reap this triggered Jejune Bitchette LOL
Somewhat predictably, a bunch of voices from Alpha Loony Right wing are out making the rounds already, screeching that after the endless parade of right wing shooters/murderers all being Lone Wolves Who Couldn't Possibly Have Been Motivated in Any Small Way By the Perpetual Right Wing Outrage Media Machine, today's shooting (well, the first one. There was actually a SECOND mass shooting.) is 100% the fault of the Entire Left and their unfair criticism of the Poor Put Upon Victim in the Oval Office.



Seriously, fuck right off forever.
Ty you're in the running for post of the day
Crazy Bernie should tone down his rhetoric and condemn the violence of some of his supporters

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787."

Has the time again come when the Unites States' tree of liberty is to be refreshed by patriots' blood?

The Jefferson quote was a favorite of conservatives on these message boards when Barack Obama became president elect.

Given the tyrannies being committed against the well being of average Americans by the current Republican government in their exclusive service to the top 0.1%, the shootings in Alexandria, Virginia could be the first spillage of tyrant and patriot blood.

Only time will tell.

U.S. congressman Steve Scalise shot in Virginia

Thank you for being honest and admitting you support murderous political violence, Mr. Anti-Social. You death-threatening liberals are like some hobgoblin shambling out of a Freudian nightnmare, with bleary, misplaced eyes and cheesy, parasite-eaten skin, spurting toxic gasses wherever your ilk wander.
As stated in the OP, the Jefferson quote was a favorite of conservatives when Obama was first elected, and lost no popularity among you right wing nuts during the entire four years he was president.

Had he been shot, or any other Democrat, or if he ever is shot, conservatives will justify the deed.

So get off your hypocritical high horse.

To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns.

Absolutely. Every Republican needs to be armed and carrying.
If she [refers to Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.
-- Donald Trump

Trump is right again. Arm yourselves people and don't believe the squishy CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG bullshit. The Left hates America and wants it destroyed.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787."

Has the time again come when the Unites States' tree of liberty is to be refreshed by patriots' blood?

The Jefferson quote was a favorite of conservatives on these message boards when Barack Obama became president elect.

Given the tyrannies being committed against the well being of average Americans by the current Republican government in their exclusive service to the top 0.1%, the shootings in Alexandria, Virginia could be the first spillage of tyrant and patriot blood.

Only time will tell.

U.S. congressman Steve Scalise shot in Virginia

Thank you for being honest and admitting you support murderous political violence, Mr. Anti-Social. You death-threatening liberals are like some hobgoblin shambling out of a Freudian nightnmare, with bleary, misplaced eyes and cheesy, parasite-eaten skin, spurting toxic gasses wherever your ilk wander.

And you are outraged! That is exclusively owned by the whackjob alt-right! How dare anyone other than a conservative use a gun in place of a vote. Taking over Oregon Bird Sanctuaries at gunpoint and walking into Wendy's with an AR-15 slung over your back to intimidate people is the sole territory of conservatives right? You are fine with Ted Nugent saying in 2012 "If Barack Obama is reelected this year I will either be dead or in jail a year from now". Trump even invited this piece of shit to the White House to pose for pictures.

Stop with the fake outrage cons, it is only bouncing off the inside of the bubble you live in.

Reality of your actions has shown up in all it's ugliness. It is nothing more than a mirror to everything you've said and done the last 8 years. You thought you lived those 8 years spewing out your hatred in a vacuum?
It was time to refresh it then and we failed to do so, if we had there would not be any need to restore the country it would already have been repaired. Because of the oshitscum administration we have liberal judges, loss of much of our constitutional freedom, the theft of trillions of our taxpayer dollars for socialist and quid pro quo programs that are complete failures as they always are and the NEED for the Trump administration to return the government politicians to the idea that they work FOR US, not the other way around.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787."

Has the time again come when the Unites States' tree of liberty is to be refreshed by patriots' blood?

The Jefferson quote was a favorite of conservatives on these message boards when Barack Obama became president elect.

Given the tyrannies being committed against the well being of average Americans by the current Republican government in their exclusive service to the top 0.1%, the shootings in Alexandria, Virginia could be the first spillage of tyrant and patriot blood.

Only time will tell.

U.S. congressman Steve Scalise shot in Virginia


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