Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

It certainly is, in part, media.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.

CNN funds that play where Trump is assassinated. If that's not advocating, I don't know what is.
To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns. And they also need to rethink their position on healthcare and programs helping the poor. A person who loses their Obama care with cancer has nothing tp lose and then you give them a gun and you might see another incident like this ne. I'm not republican but I don't want to see anyone getting shot or killed either.
It was a CHARITY ballgame they were practicing for.


I know what they were practicing for. You conservatives need to stop being so null and void and understand that your policies are pissing people off. Your congressional leaders are talking about kicking 24 million people off health insurance. end programs that feed the elderly and poor children to give corporations a 20 percent tax cut and then you wonder why a man who was known to walk around with a tax the rich sign shows up and starts shooting republicans. This man did not show up to shoot republican congressmen because they were practicing for a charity baseball game OK?
Do you democrats not care about the people who can't afford their insurance now because the prices keep going up? I think not. I highly doubt there are 24 million still on the insurance through Obamacare. People can't afford it any more.

The prices of health insurance premiums have always gone up every year. So talking about them going up this yea is fake news.

Obama care provided a subsidy to help meet costs. So the people can't afford it line is more fake news.
LOL keep deflecting this is funny stuff.

Odium, I know about insurance. I was a licensed life and health insurance agent from 1992 until just a few years ago. I was also a licensed medicare counsellor and in both cases we had to learn what Obama care offers. .Your argument is weak and it's classic fox news right wing propaganda.
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

It certainly is, in part, media.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.

Of course not. They'd be shut down within 24 hours. But they do keep things stirred up enough with their constant commentary that other people start advocating it.

They would do well to report actual news, then shut up. Only morons need to be told what to think about something, and the primary purpose of any news source these days is not to report news, but to shape public opinion by whatever means.
If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.
and the Clinic bombings and the assassination of Doctors
All excellent examples of the tu quoque (you too) fallacy: Your logical fallacy is tu quoque

Timothy McVeigh did have some right wing ideologies, but he was also a white supremacist and, obviously, violently anti-government. So, if someone wants to claim he's a RW terrorist, then that same person will have to accept the NBPP as being LW terrorists. Personally, I think just because one person or group has some LW or RW beliefs when they become violent or are anti-government, that doesn't necessarily mean they are doing it in the name of LWers or RWers.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia

No we don't have to accept the NBPP as any kind of terrorist until they commit an act of terror. You may call them extremists, but they are anti government which puts them on the right. You can call them a hate group for what they propose as spoken by the leader, but they have no record of terror.
Isn't Scalise that guy who met with a white supremacist group and said he didn't know that's what they were?
Will you at least admit now that the constant Republican talk of second amendment solutions was highly irresponsible, and will you condemn the people making such statements?

Or do you want to promote more violence?

He shot republicans because republicans suggested he take up arms......

God help you
It was Donald Trump who suggested to his followers that if Hillary were elected & they did not like her USSC pick that their only option might be a second amendment solution.

This guy just applied that theory to the shit that Trump & the Republicans are doing.

What goes around, comes around.
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If this does happen to be some deranged, Liberal who was motivated by hate and rage, there are ALOT of people who have blood on their hands, from SNL to the other "artists" who present violence against the president and his administration. You can be sure, the outrage will now be followed with focus and action against how loosely some are exercising their First Amendment Rights to rile up the crazies.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.
and the Clinic bombings and the assassination of Doctors
All excellent examples of the tu quoque (you too) fallacy: Your logical fallacy is tu quoque

Timothy McVeigh did have some right wing ideologies, but he was also a white supremacist and, obviously, violently anti-government. So, if someone wants to claim he's a RW terrorist, then that same person will have to accept the NBPP as being LW terrorists. Personally, I think just because one person or group has some LW or RW beliefs when they become violent or are anti-government, that doesn't necessarily mean they are doing it in the name of LWers or RWers.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia

No we don't have to accept the NBPP as any kind of terrorist until they commit an act of terror. You may call them extremists, but they are anti government which puts them on the right. You can call them a hate group for what they propose as spoken by the leader, but they have no record of terror.
The New Black Panther Party is Right Winged? You should notify the Southern Poverty Law Center and update them.

New Black Panther Party
The New Black Panther Party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.

The New Black Panther Party (NBPP) is a black separatist group that believes black Americans should have their own nation. In the NBPP's "10 Point Platform," which is a takeoff on the 10-point platform of the original Black Panther Party, the NBPP demands that blacks be given a country or state of their own, within which they can make their own laws. They demand that all black prisoners in the United States be released to "the lawful authorities of the Black Nation." They claim to be entitled to reparations for slavery from the United States, all European countries and "the Jews."

The NBPP is notable for its anti-white and anti-Semitic hatred. Its leaders have blamed Jews for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and for the slave trade. The late former party chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad has said, "There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes." A document on the NBPP website entitled "The Nationalist Manifesto" claims that white men have a secret plan to commit genocide against the non-white races. It also refers to black people who condone mixed-race relationships as the "modern day Custodians [sic] of Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Will you at least admit now that the constant Republican talk of second amendment solutions was highly irresponsible, and will you condemn the people making such statements?

Or do you want to promote more violence?

no because it has nothong to do with hom decidong to kill people....maybe work on that issue. woukd you rather he drive a van over people? or make a bomb or two
You idiot. That second amendment solution was to solve it through violence.
Will you at least admit now that the constant Republican talk of second amendment solutions was highly irresponsible, and will you condemn the people making such statements?

Or do you want to promote more violence?

He shot republicans because republicans suggested he take up arms......

God help you
It was Donald Trump who suggested to his followers that if Hillary were elected & they did not like her USSC pick that their only option might be a second amendment solution.

This guy just applied that theory to the shit that Trump & the Republicans are doing.

What goes around, comes around.
The guy was a progressive, actually campaigning for Bernie Sanders… most likely There's gonna be some copycat'n.
Progressives have no tolerance for other people's opinions... fact
Will you at least admit now that the constant Republican talk of second amendment solutions was highly irresponsible, and will you condemn the people making such statements?

Or do you want to promote more violence?
Will you condemn the media for causing hysteria and division? Will you condemn Kathy Griffin? Stephen Colbert? SNL?
Don't blame comedians for using the material being provided.
Why not? When Giffords was shot The Democrats blamed it on a Sarah Palin ad that had a target on Giffords' state as well as several other Democrats they were trying to defeat in the election that year.

Are you now finally understanding the absurdity of reacting like that?
Not a target on Gifford's state....a target on Gifford.

And the difference is?
Let's see...I put a target on an inanimate object.....I put a target on an animate person. Hmmmmmmmmm, let's see.

Leftists are performing a play in which the president is assassinated and a known liberal comedian held up his severed head.

I wonder which is worse.

Julius Caesar was written a long time ago. It was just done to reflect modern times. Grow up.
you all Wing Nuts blew up the Fucking Oklahoma federal Building with a Toddler Nursery daycare in it all did it

Yes and to this day you won't find one in a thousand rightwingers who will admit that was rightwing terrorism

Not to mention the 99% of RWnuts around here who call Hitler a liberal, lol.
and the Clinic bombings and the assassination of Doctors
All excellent examples of the tu quoque (you too) fallacy: Your logical fallacy is tu quoque

Timothy McVeigh did have some right wing ideologies, but he was also a white supremacist and, obviously, violently anti-government. So, if someone wants to claim he's a RW terrorist, then that same person will have to accept the NBPP as being LW terrorists. Personally, I think just because one person or group has some LW or RW beliefs when they become violent or are anti-government, that doesn't necessarily mean they are doing it in the name of LWers or RWers.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia

No we don't have to accept the NBPP as any kind of terrorist until they commit an act of terror. You may call them extremists, but they are anti government which puts them on the right. You can call them a hate group for what they propose as spoken by the leader, but they have no record of terror.
The New Black Panther Party is Right Winged? You should notify the Southern Poverty Law Center and update them.

New Black Panther Party
The New Black Panther Party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers.

The New Black Panther Party (NBPP) is a black separatist group that believes black Americans should have their own nation. In the NBPP's "10 Point Platform," which is a takeoff on the 10-point platform of the original Black Panther Party, the NBPP demands that blacks be given a country or state of their own, within which they can make their own laws. They demand that all black prisoners in the United States be released to "the lawful authorities of the Black Nation." They claim to be entitled to reparations for slavery from the United States, all European countries and "the Jews."

The NBPP is notable for its anti-white and anti-Semitic hatred. Its leaders have blamed Jews for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and for the slave trade. The late former party chairman Khalid Abdul Muhammad has said, "There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes." A document on the NBPP website entitled "The Nationalist Manifesto" claims that white men have a secret plan to commit genocide against the non-white races. It also refers to black people who condone mixed-race relationships as the "modern day Custodians [sic] of Uncle Tom's Cabin."

Yes that is what I said and I don't see he SCLC saying anything different. These guys are as anti government as it comes. Read all the words quted son, then figure it out.
To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns. And they also need to rethink their position on healthcare and programs helping the poor. A person who loses their Obama care with cancer has nothing tp lose and then you give them a gun and you might see another incident like this ne. I'm not republican but I don't want to see anyone getting shot or killed either.
It was a CHARITY ballgame they were practicing for.


I know what they were practicing for. You conservatives need to stop being so null and void and understand that your policies are pissing people off. Your congressional leaders are talking about kicking 24 million people off health insurance. end programs that feed the elderly and poor children to give corporations a 20 percent tax cut and then you wonder why a man who was known to walk around with a tax the rich sign shows up and starts shooting republicans. This man did not show up to shoot republican congressmen because they were practicing for a charity baseball game OK?
Do you democrats not care about the people who can't afford their insurance now because the prices keep going up? I think not. I highly doubt there are 24 million still on the insurance through Obamacare. People can't afford it any more.
Yet another ass who does not understand how the ACA exchanges work or the Medicaid expansion.
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