Shooting in VA park, Steve scalise shot

To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns. And they also need to rethink their position on healthcare and programs helping the poor. A person who loses their Obama care with cancer has nothing tp lose and then you give them a gun and you might see another incident like this ne. I'm not republican but I don't want to see anyone getting shot or killed either.
As long as they are democrats. It's okay.
One dead Democrat

He thought he was making a statement with his gun. The only thing he made is sympathy for republicans.
Typical stupid leftist.

---- you mean you actually scraped around Illinois voter registration records to find this guy's political affiliation?


And far more to the point, what would be the relevance? Is this the depth of your dichotomy-infected pointy little mind, where all life forms are conveniently stuffed into bags of "Democrats' and "Republicans"? Really? That's the blanket stereotype fallacy you hang your hat on is it?

Guess what Twinkletoes --- James Hodgkinson was acting out exactly what you're doing here ----- polarization into two opposing fantasy camps. As I told another partisan hack who did the same thing, y'all are the message board equivalent of a cancer cell. You and your partisan hack fellow travelers helped this happen.

But in your case it's even worse --- you like to strut around here crowing about how you criticize both sides, trying to pass yourself off as some kind of fair and balanced ---- and here you are jumping up and down doing the exact opposite. So not only are you a cancer cell on political discourse............ you're also a flaming fucking HYPOCRITE.
librrals arent the brightest stars in the sky.

Nor are they the smartest peanuts in the turd.

If anyone would be an expert on peanuts in shit, it would be you. You have every right to enjoy any hobby you want, but damn.......what made you pick that one?

It was a lifelong dream, Mr Peanut.

librrals arent the brightest stars in the sky.

Nor are they the smartest peanuts in the turd.

If anyone would be an expert on peanuts in shit, it would be you. You have every right to enjoy any hobby you want, but damn.......what made you pick that one?

It was a lifelong dream, Mr Peanut.


I can respect an answer like that. It's still dumb as hell, but honest.

Bullshit. You whities are just mad Obama stood up for the rights of the minorities.

You whites? :eek:

Oh, we got us a Klansman..

Then Trump gave you the OK to be violent & OK to spew slurs as OMG OMG OMG political correctness. He said he would back violence at his rallies with his wallet.

This is the problem. The Steve Bannon crowd fueled by Agent Orange.

Of course you are lying, but as part of the Kolored Klan Kunts, lying is just your way.

“It’s a pretty easy thing for Republicans to say, ‘Well, they’re busing people in,’” Mr. Foval said. “Well, you know what? We’ve been busing people in to deal with you f–ing assholes for 50 years, and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it. So, I mean I grew up with that idea. They used to bus people out to Iowa. If they needed people, there we’d bus people out to Iowa.”

The same video shows Mr. Creamer discussing a proposal by a Project Veritas investigator to register people to vote illegally by setting up a shell corporation.

“I’m going to write down these options,” Mr. Creamer said. “Let me see if I can chat with the people who are most involved in Hispanic voter registration.”

Mr. Foval, who has worked for the George Soros-funded People for the American Way, said his paid agitators fueled a Chicago protest in March that forced the Trump campaign to cancel its event.

“They’re starting confrontations in the line, right?” said Mr. Foval. “They’re not starting confrontations in the rally. Because once they’re inside the rally, they’re under Secret Service’s control. When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. The key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic.”}
Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

It certainly is, in part, media.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.
Actually most of us.
I don't have sympathy for republicans. This guy should not have done that and now he's dead. That's where I am at.

I wonder how many of you republicans were outraged when Gabby Giffords got shot?
I bet he calls for healing and unity, and you lefties will dismiss him.
Yeah with one side of his mouth he'll call for healing and unity and with the other he'll call for stabbing you in the back He has a history of it
You should be used to that from 8 years of Obama...

...but if you want change, do what Obama said - 'Win some elections'. :p[/QUOTE]
Before trump won the last repub that won was gwb Guess you were happy he got us into a bs war and lowered taxes with a great recession during his stay Nice work and now!!! you give us a flaming ah who's worse than gwb??
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

I don't assume and slander and vilify someone for the simple act of disagreeing with me.

That is the standard operation procedure of the LEFT.
Oooh, baby! I am not saying you personally do, Correll. But shall I share some of posts I've gotten for being liberal here? I'm sure it's not necessary. You have seen it. BOTH sides are guilty for causing the atmosphere that led to "Terminate the Republican Party." The shooter was off his rocker, but we all need to take responsibility for what happened.
I don't see any progressives taking responsibility... spineless as they are it does not surprise me
Loretta Lynch-
After she left office

Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

It certainly is, in part, media.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.
Not a real good day to be a leftist...well no day is but today must really blow
Yes, today isn't a good day, not just for those on the left, but for all real Americans.

On the other hand, un-American scumbags like you are just thrilled with today's tragedy.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.

I believe you.

BUT you have a very difficult time condemning your fellow leftists who not only advocate, but routinely engage in violence. Can you condemn demagogue Terry McCauliff for his outrageous behavior this morning?
To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns. And they also need to rethink their position on healthcare and programs helping the poor. A person who loses their Obama care with cancer has nothing tp lose and then you give them a gun and you might see another incident like this ne. I'm not republican but I don't want to see anyone getting shot or killed either.
It was a CHARITY ballgame they were practicing for.


I know what they were practicing for. You conservatives need to stop being so null and void and understand that your policies are pissing people off. Your congressional leaders are talking about kicking 24 million people off health insurance. end programs that feed the elderly and poor children to give corporations a 20 percent tax cut and then you wonder why a man who was known to walk around with a tax the rich sign shows up and starts shooting republicans. This man did not show up to shoot republican congressmen because they were practicing for a charity baseball game OK?
Surprise, surprise....Clinton protégée / spawn and potential 2020 Presidential election Libtard Terry McAuliffe immediately calls for MORE gun control at the scene of the political terrorist attack rather than condemn the un-precedented level of out-of-control political rhetoric that 'radicalized' the liberal shooter.

Forget the cause of his radicalization and violence, darn those implements through which he carried out his rage and radicalized violence.

Virginia Governor Calls For Gun Control At Scene Of Scalise Shooting

"“I think we need to do more to protect all of our citizens,” McAuliffe told The Daily Caller News Foundation and other reporters near the scene of the shooting. “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets. We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence. I have long talked about this.”

Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads, radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this...this would not have happened if we would have just stripped Americans of their the UK did to their people.

Yeah, that worked out great.....
Forget the Liberal message of 'HATE' Democrats and the Liberal media have been drumming into people's heads,
I agree they should own that.
radicalizing them until the point where they go out and commit acts of terrorism like this.
That is not the MSM. That is US, taking the talking points beyond and acting like assholes. Do not reneg on your own responsibility in this. Me, you, everyone who goes to political and social message boards and flings political shit. And DO NOT deny it, Easy. You do. I do, too. We ARE the division. We are the only ones who will stop it. Not the "other" guy.

I don't assume and slander and vilify someone for the simple act of disagreeing with me.

That is the standard operation procedure of the LEFT.
Oooh, baby! I am not saying you personally do, Correll. But shall I share some of posts I've gotten for being liberal here? I'm sure it's not necessary. You have seen it. BOTH sides are guilty for causing the atmosphere that led to "Terminate the Republican Party." The shooter was off his rocker, but we all need to take responsibility for what happened.
I don't see any progressives taking responsibility... spineless as they are it does not surprise me

I take responsibility for not shooting anyone today.

I take responsibility for making a monkey out of you today.
I said MSM. I watch it every night. I read the paper every morning. Never, ever, have they advocated in any way for violence. Ever.

I believe you.

BUT you have a very difficult time condemning your fellow leftists who not only advocate, but routinely engage in violence. Can you condemn demagogue Terry McCauliff for his outrageous behavior this morning?

You never condemned Tim McVeigh as a conservative terrorist.

See? I win. That was easy.
  • Thanks
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I bet he calls for healing and unity, and you lefties will dismiss him.
Yeah with one side of his mouth he'll call for healing and unity and with the other he'll call for stabbing you in the back He has a history of it
You should be used to that from 8 years of Obama...

...but if you want change, do what Obama said - 'Win some elections'. :p

Stop lying about Obama.

You republicans have been out of the presidents office for the last 8 years before this fluke. So I think democrats have won before.
To be honest, republicans do need to rethink their position on guns. And they also need to rethink their position on healthcare and programs helping the poor. A person who loses their Obama care with cancer has nothing tp lose and then you give them a gun and you might see another incident like this ne. I'm not republican but I don't want to see anyone getting shot or killed either.
It was a CHARITY ballgame they were practicing for.


I know what they were practicing for. You conservatives need to stop being so null and void and understand that your policies are pissing people off. Your congressional leaders are talking about kicking 24 million people off health insurance. end programs that feed the elderly and poor children to give corporations a 20 percent tax cut and then you wonder why a man who was known to walk around with a tax the rich sign shows up and starts shooting republicans. This man did not show up to shoot republican congressmen because they were practicing for a charity baseball game OK?
Do you democrats not care about the people who can't afford their insurance now because the prices keep going up? I think not. I highly doubt there are 24 million still on the insurance through Obamacare. People can't afford it any more.
I bet he calls for healing and unity, and you lefties will dismiss him.
Yeah with one side of his mouth he'll call for healing and unity and with the other he'll call for stabbing you in the back He has a history of it
You should be used to that from 8 years of Obama...

...but if you want change, do what Obama said - 'Win some elections'. :p

Stop lying about Obama.

You republicans have been out of the presidents office for the last 8 years before this fluke. So I think democrats have won before.
And if they can't win, and they can't, they start shooting the opposition.

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