Shopping Online


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
I went into the JCP store online yesterday. And, this MOrning Sears is busting out ads all in my face. How did those fools know I had been to JCP? :lol::lol::lol:
Stores track you by cookies, and all the stores target advertising by what you looked at not what stores you went to.

This is the first year I did all my shopping on-line. Drive to the mall, spend 30 minutes looking for a parking space. Fight through the crowds. Avoiding the fights breaking out, and anyone who wants to fight with me. Getting in and getting out without being robbed or pickpocketed. It doesn't seem to be worth the trouble.
Did I mention that the on-line prices are better. Stores ship free, and you don't have to get there before you find out that what you wanted is out of stock.
I'm doing most of mine online. My husband did one foray to Best Buy to get me a keypad for my Ipad. he said it was wall to wall people.
Amazon and eBay are the way to go. Shopping once was part of the pleasure of the Christmas season. No more. Now the crowds are overwhelming.
Amazon and eBay are the way to go. Shopping once was part of the pleasure of the Christmas season. No more. Now the crowds are overwhelming.

I agree. Two of my favorites. Love LL Bean too. I also use an add on on my browser that shows the best price for any particular item.
I don't even remember when I bought anything in a store other than the local Ace Hardware or groceries. Outside of that we buy everything on line, or now and then the bride uses some company's 800# to phone a buy in. In fact I just treated myself to a Bill's Khakis buy via the cyber world earlier today.
I don't mind the ads for places I visited online, it's just that usually it's an ad for something I've already bought! :lol:

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