Shots Fired At Democrat Mayoral Candidate In Louisville...Craig Greenberg is uninjured in what's being described as an assassination attempt

I'm not saying this is what happened but I wouldn't put it past democrats to fake an assasination in an attempt to look like they are being attacked and to enforce gun rules or to try and blame it on Republicans or fanatics.
Just strolling through a liberal cesspit? Sounds like a set up or some drug addled idiot if they missed at that range.
Easy to sit on the internet and talk about killing folks, a little bit harder to do when you are actually standing behind the trigger.
Easy to sit on the internet and talk about killing folks, a little bit harder to do when you are actually standing behind the trigger.
I don't think Quintez Brown is a right winger. I get why you would try to deflect off the topic at hand.

Craig Greenburg, a front runner in the Democratic primary to become Louisville’s mayor, was shot at this morning in an attempted assassination.

He is unharmed.

A gunman walked into his office and fired multiple rounds at him.


It's either a false flag done by Antifa and the FBI -- or a Nazi Democrat did it...either way, this all lays at the feet of Biden and his blatant anti-Semitism...
"The newspaper reports that Brown disappeared in the summer of 2021. He was missing for about two weeks before he was found safe on July 1."

What do they mean missing?? Was he somewhere being trained and prepared for this attempted assassination??

Who was funding him? Did BLM pay him to do this?? Could he also be connected to the fake bomb threats that were targeting HBCU's?? Who else was he planning to assassinate and why isn't Biden answering these questions??
Time will tell, but my money is on a right wing, coward.
Nope perp is a BLM activist, Black. As I said since they didn't release a description immediately that means the perp is Black or Brown.

"We have one scientific and correct solution, Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism"

You clowns still out there spouting that marxist garbage.
LOL here is another tweet. So what is the alternative, hunter gatherer? we go, it has to be from the Trump cult.....just wait :smoke:
On the news today, it was a man running for the city council who is an independent. Extremist nuts come from both sides of the aisle, as well as Independents.
On the news today, it was a man running for the city council who is an independent. Extremist nuts come from both sides of the aisle, as well as Independents.
The perp is a Socialist leftist pan African Hotep wannabe total loser. And now a violent criminal.
It would just show how efficent Trump supporters are. They don't fuck around tearing down statues or burning and looting cities. Just saying.
Well, isn't THAT an interesting post. Cheering on an assassination attempt.

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