Things You’ll Never See on CNN: BLM Journalist Arrested in Assassination Attempt

New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Miami Harald, LA Slimes, CNN, NBC - all SILENT.

None of them are news.
I expected NPR to ignore it too

but the local station did mention it

here is part of what the libs had to say:

Karem raised Brown’s initial bond, which was $75,000. She also barred Brown from having a gun during the remainder of the case and issued a no-contact order. That means Brown will not be allowed to contact Greenberg or be near his campaign office if he makes bail.

using impeccable lib logic I’m sure the attempted murder “suspect” is going to be impressed with the judges stern order to behave himself till his trial comes up

Do any of you black-hating white racists out there think the guy should be held without bail?

I do
Is anyone really surprised by this? BLM has been assassinating Cops for several years now as well as attacking citizens in their cars,in restaurants and taking shots at firemen and EMT’s .Is it really a stretch to have them start going after their political rivals now?
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The Hillary scandal won't go away either but you won't see any "investigative reporters" jumping in. That sleazy bastard Karl (Marx) Bernstein went around for four years claiming that the lie about Trump collusion with Russia was "worse than Watergate". Now we have something that's worse than Watergate with the Hillary people spying on the President and CNN is silent and Bernstein is on vacation.
Just as I suspected from the jump, the actor who tried to whack Mr. Greenberg was a Democrat Party rival and political activist.

Awfully embarrassing for the Far Left I would think, who were hoping the Louisville PD who try and frame a conservative over this.
It is interesting though. The Progs seem to have splinter groups forming.
Is anyone really surprised by this? BLM has been assassinating Cops for several years now as well as attacking citizens in their cars,in restaurants and taking shots at firemen and EMT’s .Is it really a stretch to have them start going after their political rivals now?
Its a warning to every lily white democrat politicians to step aside for a minority or update their will
Dude, read the fucking title of the is right here in BIG LETTERS.

Are you drunk already?

Then you should have said that in the first place.
I was responding to your post in regards to his post.
And you can bet CNN wont be making a big deal about it.
Then you should have said that in the first place.
I was responding to your post in regards to his post.
And you can bet CNN wont be making a big deal about it.

I responded to the first post since it is impossible to respond to the title.

You are just trying wayyyy to hard here.
Wrong again. At least you are consistent.

Yes, he is consistent. I've never seen a topic started by this fool where he didn't expose his stupidity.

I mean, it would have taken 10 seconds to see if the story was on CNN. :auiqs.jpg:

Washington Post:

New York Times: Louisville Mayoral Candidate Says Gunman Shot at Him in Campaign Office
All mainstream deafening silence also on durhams clinton spying ring and russian collusion. Not a peep!!
Not a peep means they will lose their millions in receipt from political bullies who do things, then falsely blame Republicans for it with false narratives. The tenth commandment is pretty clear that no one never should bear false witness. It's a two-fold problem: first the lie, then the ruination of the lie's victim, it goes into the press and is believed by people who tell their children to stalk and get in the faces of the children of whoever is the victim of the lie. People see the words "false witness," They do not see the layers of wrongdoing it causes the victim of the lie who frequently goes to jail for life, and the children who are deprived of a parent and could have lifelong depression as a consequence of the evil done by breaking the tenth commandment. Faather Moses put that commandment there after discussing what wrongs God's people must not commit. Our founders would be horrified by the antics used to destroy defenders of the Constitution that they wrote for the Christian people who fought the best Army in the known world for the freedom to speak and attend the church of their choice, plus get along with each other regardless of their sect's view of God and what he expects of God's people. Jesus condensed the 10 commandments by just two: (1) Love God's word, and (2) Love and help your neighbors. He also explained who a good neighbor is with a parable of the good Samaritan in which a man considered an enemy saved a man's life who was wounded and laying by the side of the road where a priest and an attorney saw him but quickly walked away, not wanting to be late to wherever they were headed, leaving the wounded man to die in pain and hopelessness.

I wish to my soul the Democrats would stop creating victims and then blame them in order to snatch power away from the person they ruined in idle false witness.

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