Should A President Run His Administration Only To Please His Base?

Should A President Run His Administration According To The Whims of His Base

  • Yes, winning his consequences

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • No, he's the President of ALL Americans

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters
Or should he consider all Americans as he conducts the running of his Administration and policies?

Why/why not?
No politician should do things to please his base. He should do what is right for the country.

This is what politicians have ass-backwards today. They aren't leaders. They are followers of the political winds of the mob mentality.

A leader tells the people what should be done, and convinces the people why that is so. It is his job to offer a plan, and defend it.

If the people are convinced, then they elect you.

As a world class and long-practiced huckster, Trump is very good at determining what the mob wants to hear. The mob does not know what is right or wrong any more. They have been completely unmoored from their principles.

Trump is not even in the same Universe as leadership. He is a taker. A user. An exploiter. A con artist.
Except he is "the money guy"...with the others you get sanity and good actors ...trump ridiculed the US, overseas they have 0 respect for us. Just got back....thry look at us like a circus.

Didn't vote for any. But Trump is the worst of them all.

Looooool Trump followers are clueless. If I can't see Trump as a com artist you are doomed.

He was elected to run the country as he sees fit. That means return to law and order, so too bad for criminals.

Of course he is, but they ALL are. Which makes you clueless if you can't see that.

They all work for the same people, nobody is "worse" than anyone else. They all work for the money people.
Or should he consider all Americans as he conducts the running of his Administration and policies?

Why/why not?
Do you believe in politicians and presidents keeping campaign promises or not?
Should a POUS sell-out to liberal ideology when said liberal ideology weakens the country, lies in the face of universal law & reduces the human mind to a head of lettuce?
Ideally a candidate indicates his intentions during his campaign and is elected because the people support them. Silly to think a disaffected minority should dictate how he governs. A president should try to benefit all the people whether they agree that's what he's doing or not.
Should a POUS sell-out to liberal ideology when said liberal ideology weakens the country, lies in the face of universal law & reduces the human mind to a head of lettuce?

Speaking of head-of-lettuce minds --- it flies over yours that this nation is founded on Liberal ideology, does it?
Except he is "the money guy"...with the others you get sanity and good actors ...trump ridiculed the US, overseas they have 0 respect for us. Just got back....thry look at us like a circus.

Didn't vote for any. But Trump is the worst of them all.

Looooool Trump followers are clueless. If I can't see Trump as a com artist you are doomed.

He was elected to run the country as he sees fit. That means return to law and order, so too bad for criminals.

Of course he is, but they ALL are. Which makes you clueless if you can't see that.

They all work for the same people, nobody is "worse" than anyone else. They all work for the money people.

He's a piker and he works for the real money people. Do some research. Start in 1913, follow a theme of the FED and Central Banks and work your way to the present. You won't like what you find.
Should a POUS sell-out to liberal ideology when said liberal ideology weakens the country, lies in the face of universal law & reduces the human mind to a head of lettuce?

Speaking of head-of-lettuce minds --- it flies over yours that this nation is founded on Liberal ideology, does it?

Silly word games are for silly people.
Should a POUS sell-out to liberal ideology when said liberal ideology weakens the country, lies in the face of universal law & reduces the human mind to a head of lettuce?

Speaking of head-of-lettuce minds --- it flies over yours that this nation is founded on Liberal ideology, does it?

ILMAO............You mean like how the Republicans freed the slaves?

Are you trying to compare our worth in the past for what we're trying to do today? Anyone can throw a label on something and declare liberal ideology, and it's good.

On a side, conservatives are the new liberals. Progressives are far more controlling, never mind their "IDEOLOGY" of today is less than manure. Manure has value.
Or should he consider all Americans as he conducts the running of his Administration and policies?

Why/why not?

You can't please everyone. It's impossible. It's reasonable to do the things that you promised because that is why people voted for you. Obey the constitution and keep your promises.
For the most part an elected official should govern based on stance that he/she campaigned on and it's the voter's responsibility to judge each candidate's sincerity and aptitude on the position. If in regards to a matter the candidate promises the Sun and the Moon but his or hers explanation is simply a generalization that amounts to nothing other than "trust me", then I recommend taking their stance with a grain of salt.
He should do what his SUPPORTERS SENT HIM there to do. He should be President of all the people, BUT those who are against his agenda, It worked for oshitass, so what is the problem with Trump doing it. The oshitass people don't like it when they are not in charge and cause as much trouble as they can no matter if they cause the country to be destroyed. If they cant have their way they would rather see NO country left than lose power.
Generally potuses aim to have a base > 35%. LOL
I agree. But to have a person like Trump lead it's a very low point.

Except he is "the money guy"...with the others you get sanity and good actors ...trump ridiculed the US, overseas they have 0 respect for us. Just got back....thry look at us like a circus.

Didn't vote for any. But Trump is the worst of them all.

Looooool Trump followers are clueless. If I can't see Trump as a com artist you are doomed.

Of course he is, but they ALL are. Which makes you clueless if you can't see that.

They all work for the same people, nobody is "worse" than anyone else. They all work for the money people.

He's a piker and he works for the real money people. Do some research. Start in 1913, follow a theme of the FED and Central Banks and work your way to the present. You won't like what you find.
Fuck you.
Obama ran his White House to attack conservatives and white go fuck yourself.
The utter butthurt exhibited in your post really warms my heart.

Please sir, may I have some more?

. Well after Obama you had your answers. Now I will say that a President should operate on principle, and honor. The problem these days is that the nation has gone to hell when it comes to decency, morals, and it's principles. Every strong principled leader will have big trouble trying to lead this messed up nation now, and that is being proven every day now.
What answers after Obama?

Also, is the current President a principled and/or honorable leader?
should a president keep his promises?
Should congress stand in the way of the people's agenda?
Should a POUS sell-out to liberal ideology when said liberal ideology weakens the country, lies in the face of universal law & reduces the human mind to a head of lettuce?

Speaking of head-of-lettuce minds --- it flies over yours that this nation is founded on Liberal ideology, does it?
Yes it was. That ideology is the exact opposite of yours.
Should A President Run His Administration Only To Please His Base?

Of course not. He should run it to please all Americans.

Of course, if some segment of the population - such as all Democrats - decide in advance that they will disagree and "RESIST" no matter what he does, then there isn't much point in trying to please them when they've already decided to make that impossible.

In which case he should simply run things the best way for the country, and let the disgruntled whiners come along for the ride even if they keep whining and sulking like spoiled brats who didn't get their way.
Should A President Run His Administration Only To Please His Base?

Of course not. He should run it to please all Americans.

Of course, if some segment of the population - such as all Democrats - decide in advance that they will disagree and "RESIST" no matter what he does, then there isn't much point in trying to please them when they've already decided to make that impossible.

In which case he should simply run things the best way for the country, and let the disgruntled whiners come along for the ride even if they keep whining and sulking like spoiled brats who didn't get their way.

Abe Lincoln chose to stick to his guns as opposed public thought and behavior, because he was wise enough to realize the general public doesn't know dick. We're worse off today, thanks to overpopulation, gadgets and the greatest level of propaganda in world history.

Did you write what's in bold with a straight face? You just as well squeeze blood from a turnip. Then I read your second point, contradicting your first.

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